Planning Board Minutes 05.22.12

MAY 22, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7::02pm with Don Jackson, Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, Jim Bibbo, Bill Glennie, John Greenwood, Mark Keith, Alternate, Caryl Walker, Alternate, and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler and Harry Wright, Selectmen arrived at 8:17pm

Review and Consideration of the April 24, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller, Chair to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux. Motion carried 3-0.

Building Inspector, Palmer Porter:

Marcia Keller, Chair introduced Palmer Porter, the new Building Inspector for the town of Bradford. This is a meeting of the Selectmen, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment to interact regarding applications and interpretations with the new Building Inspector. Much discussion took place between everyone. It was stated that one of the prime concerns is to get correct information out first and foremost.

Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair of the Planning Board will make up a list of red flags for concerns.

A Flow Chart is being worked on by the Planning Board with the help of Sue McKevitt and as soon as it is complete and edited, a copy will be given to Palmer Porter for his use.

Some topics brought up were Street Plat, Building on Class VI Roads, Occupancy permits, and how they have been or should be handled. One comment was that it is important for any waiver of liability to be put in a deed, when discussing building on Class VI Roads.

Brooks McCandlish encouraged the Building Inspector to come before the Planning Board and/or Zoning Board of Adjustment for any questions and information.

It was also discussed and suggested that perhaps the Police Department, when riding around, to make a log of any construction going on to alert the Building Inspector.

Also, question was if there is a dollar amount which triggers a permit? Scope of work can trigger a required permit. The Sign Permit process which is administered through the Selectmen, with one of the requirements to install the Sign Permit, is for it to be on the Site Plan.

Much discussion ensued.

Marcia Keller, Chair suggested it could be helpful if the Planning Board had a copy of the Application from the Building Inspector so they knew what kind of questions he is asking of applicants. Phil LaMoreaux advised there is a link to a Building Permit on the town web site. Mr. Porter advised he has a form he prefers to use already. It was stated that Andrew Pinard could update it on the web site with Mr. Porter’s form.

Marcia Keller questioned if this could be a first discussion and see how things go and hold further meetings to continue to work together. Phil Lamoreaux asked if Mr. Porter would like the planning board to list a few things to be aware of, to which he replied, yes.

Marcia Keller, Chair thanked the Palmer Porter, Building Inspector as well as all the other departments for coming to this joint effort meeting.

To Do Folder:

A bill from Intertown Record for Industrial Communications Ad was approved and signed by Marcia Keller, Chair.

Planning and Grant Opportunity:

Information was received from CNHRPC with a Planning and Grant opportunity and round one due on June 15th. Community Planning Grant (CPG) provides competitive matching grants to municipalities for the development of regulations that will promote and enhance local “environmental, economic, and social sustainability”. A non-cash match could mean that volunteer hours are valued at $21.79 per hour unless a person is volunteering services in their professional capacity. This will be pursued further by Bill Glennie who will report back to the Planning Board.

Discussion took place regarding Driveway Permits with grades and cross cuts in new subdivisions as well as better enforcement.

David Nunnally, Lake Massasecum, questioned if the Planning Board ever considered doing a process map which is like a flow chart except you identify everybody’s process, the Planning Board, Zoning, Building Department which is all listed and how they interact. Reply was that this is being worked on by Sue McKevitt at this time.

Sue McKevitt has work in progress regarding setting up a process flow chart from beginning to end with clients being able to stop wherever they want to in the steps, depending upon what they are planning on doing. Sue will check with Mr. Porter for his input. Hopefully this will be done for the June 26 Planning Board meeting.

The 2012 updated Zoning Ordinances were handed out to the Planning Board members.

Andrew Pinard questioned the Web Site and the Ordinances and it was suggested he work with the Selectmen for updating prior to being put on.

Discussion ensued regarding if a list should be generated of all the discontinued roads in town for the voters to make a decision at town meeting if they should continue to be discontinued.

Andrew Pinard advised Tax Maps are on the WEB but tax cards are not as yet.

Meeting adjourned 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley