Planning Board Minutes 06.22.10

JUNE 22, 2010

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Phil LaMoreaux, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, John Greenwood, Alternate, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Bill Glennie arrived at 7:20pm. Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris and Barbara Vannata were absent.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Barbara Vannata.

Review and Consideration of May 25, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Phil LaMoreaux abstained from voting. Motion carried 3-0.

To Do Folder:

Mention was made of the appointment of John Greenwood, Alternate and he has been sworn in.

Marcia Keller, Chair read a letter of resignation from Jane Johnsen dated June 17, 2010, and advised an e-mail was forwarded to the Town Clerk to update their records.

A joint memorandum, signed by Marcia Keller the Planning Board Chair and Peter Fenton the Chair of the Board of Selectmen was sent to all Department Heads regarding the CIP information requested, dated June 15, 2010.

An update of the Conservation Commission suggestions of the Natural Resourses which will be discussed later in the meeting.

A series of e-mails between the Town Atty. and Carol Demers Mosaic Artiques was mentioned. The latest being the 16th of June note received from Trudy Willett, Building Inspector stating: “Today, I went to Ms. Demers, 2524 State Rte 103, map 3, lot 34, at the request of the Planning Board. Her sign measures eight feet long and eighteen inches high.” This memo was forwarded to Laura Specter, the Town Attorney with a brief note, and at this time, no reply has been received.

Phil LaMoreaux questioned if when the sign ordinance was presented to the Selectmen, did they vote to authorize anyone to deal with them? Perhaps it would be something the Selectmen would want to do is to designate whoever will be addressing this.

Master Plan Sections discussed:

Marcia Keller, Chair advised she had spoken with Matt Monahan, CNHRPC who advised he is doing a major re-write of another town’s Zoning Ordinance and has forwarded that for Bradford to look at, having gone through section by section. His suggestion being for Bradford to take a broad approach and be as general as possible and start re-doing the Master Plan.

Discussion ensued about the Master Plan and some of the following prioritized goals are included, but not limited to as compiled and reported by Marcia Keller, Chair.

Planning Board suggestions re: Master Plan implementation and Zoning Ordinance changes.

Master Plan Goals

1.      Use scientific approach – Conservation Commission overlays
2.      Plan for municipal buildings – Highway garage done – others CIP
3.      Pursue use of town property in downtown
4.      Protect valuable resources – CC overlays
5.      Improve open space regs – done in Subdivision Regs. Amendment

Topics discussed were transportation network – involve CNHRPC & Selectmen. Trudy Willett advised there will be a traffic count coming soon because of the new sidewalks being done in town.

Protection of scenic vistas

Zoning Changes

1.      Buildable acre definition

2.      Build-out analysis

3.      Existing districts

a.       Redefine conservation district
b.      Specific overlays

i.      aquifer/wetlands overlay
ii.      Extend shoreline protection to all water bodies

c.       Expand business district – infill

d.      More compact business district

e.       Rename to commercial/residential

f.        Provide for multi-family

4.      New districts

a.       Create village district
b.      Consider lake district

5.      Re-visit Workforce Housing

Bill Glennie will work on the Zoning build-out (help from Sonny Harris, Perry Teele?)

Phil LaMoreaux will set up comparison of definitions in different ordinances/regulations.

Look for ordinances in other towns that have dealt with issues.

Consider public forum in August to solicit input.

Additional ideas and input will be presented at the July 27, 2010 meeting.

Trisha Dunne will be meeting with Matt Monahan, CNHRPC on June 30, 2010 at 10:00am.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley