Planning Board Minutes 07.14.09

JULY 14, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the July 14th meeting at 7:00pm with Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative, Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Bill Glennie, Sonny Harris, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of June 9, 2009 Minutes:

Motion was made by Barbara Vannata to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

To Do Folder:

Mention was made of the upcoming meeting on July 28, 2009 when Ben Frost, CTAP will hold an Affordable Housing Workshop at 7:00pm. at the Town Hall.

Also mentioned is a Regional Environmental Program information from CNHRPC. Another Affordable Housing Workshop is planned to be held in Dunbarton on July 22, 2009 at the Dunbarton Elementary School.

A Minimum Impact Expedited Application copy was received regarding 40 East Shore Drive, for a seasonal dock, 4.5 feet wide 30 feet long on Lake Massasecum.

SEA Town Consulting Engineer, Standard dredge and fill application for West Road over Hoyt Brook was received.

NOD from ZBA for Jim Bibbo property, with variance granted.

NOD from ZBA for George Freyler property, with variance granted.

Conceptual Consultation:

Corsair Realty, Gravel Pit, Pleasant Valley Road, Map 7, Lot 29

Steven D. Riker, CWS, NHSC Environmental Consultants represented Harriet Hobbs in the excavation – reclamation project of the gravel pit on Pleasant Valley Road. A packet was presented to the board members which included a Topo map, Tax Map, Flood Map, Soil Survey Report, Soil Map showing existing gravel pit, and Alteration of Terrain Permit. Mr. Riker advised this is in the early planning stages, and the client wants to double the size of the pit, and an application will be coming at a later time. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the Circuit Rider will be available if needed. Mr. Riker questioned if the board would grant initial approval in receipt of other permits that have been applied for, such as Wetlands Permit and Alteration of Terrain Permit? Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the board cannot commit to that, but if requested upon application, it could be considered.

Jeffrey and Marie Dow, 16-18 Bacon Road, Map 18, Lot 16, Minor Subdivision.

Marie Dow appeared before the Selectmen regarding about ¾ of an acre which they would like to divide in half, on lot 16. Also looking for an easement for the driveway so they could get down to the house on the lake. Each half of the property has their own septic system. This is a non-conforming lot. It was suggested that Shoreland Protection should be contacted. This would have to go to the ZBA for a variance.

Lumber Barn, Doug Webb, Site Plan Revision, Route 114, Map 7, Lot 2

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair recused himself as he is an abutter, and Marcia Keller, was Acting Chair. Marcia Keller expressed concern on the “new” off premise sign advertising the Power Barn, which has replaced the Rosewood Inn sign. Jack Meaney questioned the owner’s not knowing about the off premise sign tonight as being in question, and there are really two different concerns on the floor. The original Site Plan does show the Rose Wood Sign. It was suggested that a letter be written to ZBA advising the sign is non- conforming and a variance could be obtained for the off premise sign.

Doug Webb advised the proposal for the sign in question for the Site Plan Revision, will be done in three phases. The fluorescent lighting will be totally encased and will be on switches. Doug Webb advised that within that sign, there is 90 Square Feet which will be lit and has been in existence since day one. This will be lit on both sides.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve Phase I for the Lumber Barn Site Plan Revision for the large sign. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 6-0.

Doug Webb, Lumber Barn crossed out Phase 2 and 3 on the Site Plan Revision and will come back with Phase II and Phase III when they are ready.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair returned.

A Notice of Decision will be done for the smaller Rosewood Inn sign that has been replaced with Power Barn sign.

Gateway Rental Storage – Site Plan Revision – Rick Deschesne, Map 3, Lot 82:

No one was present from Gateway Rental Storage.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read the Site Plan Revision regarding a portable Sandwich Board, placed on the end of Breezy Hill Road.

Jack Meaney recused himself as being an abutter.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to deny the Site Plan Application Revision from Rick Deschesne for Gateway Rental Storage as incomplete. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 6-0.

A letter will be written to Mr. Deschesne.

Peter Isham – Gravel Pit, Pleasant Valley Road, Map 6, Lot 106. Represented by Robert Stewart, Jr.

The review letter written by Matt Monahan, CNHRPC on May 27, 2009 was reviewed and discussed by the Planning Board and Mr. Robert Stewart, Jr. Mr. Stewart, Jr. advised Mr. Isham desires to close the pit and deal with the stone left from the Route 114 work. Mr. Stewart, Jr. advised the closure plan is basically the same plan as presented before, and was initially approved by this board. The plan is to crush the stone in two phases, which would be a number of days in each of two years, because of the expense to crush it. In the conversation with Matt Monahan, CNHRPC the plan was to have: a current closure plan, a bond, and a time period for the closure as well as processing the material there. It was thought that the time frame to crush the existing rock could take up to two years, and the hours to crush could be from 7:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday and 8:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, with a total of crushing time of 6 to 8 weeks. A rough estimate of total yards was 23,000. Question was asked if the rocks could be removed and crushed elsewhere and the answer was it could not be done. The reclamation plan is on file. It was advised that if mixing the rock that is being crushed with some gravel in the pit, and it is 300 Cubic Yards or more, then a permit would be required. Much discussion ensued between the board and the applicants. Mr. Stewart, Jr. advised he spent several hours with the Circuit Rider from CNHRPC and came to the Planning Board with the recommendations he was given. Now he came in presenting the recommendations, and the board has a different opinion, consequently, he is frustrated. Marcia Keller suggested the difference is the statement made by Mr. Robert Stewart, Jr. that they need to use material from the pit to mix with the crushed rock to make it viable, which does not appear in their recommendation, but then would require a permit. Also mentioned was that abutters would need to be addressed and a Public Hearing posted. Consensus is that an Application is required and also a note needs to be on the application stating blasting is required if in fact it is.

Sidewalk/TIF Project:

For informational purposes, Marcia Keller handed out a map that Cheryl Behr, Administrator, had outlined showing proposed total area of sidewalks considered as well as current value of properties within that area. Discussion ensued.

Adjourned 10:05pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley