Planning Board Minutes 08.12.08

AUGUST 12, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the August 12, 2008 meeting to order at 7:00pm with Charles Meany, Selectmen’s Representative, Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Jeff Aarons, Alternate, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Jane Johnsen, Alternate present. Barbara Vannata and Bill Glennie were absent.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jane Johnsen for Bill Glennie and Jim Bibbo for Barbara Vannata.

Review and Acceptance of July 8, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made to accept the July 8, 2008 minutes with the edit on the last page of dropping the P on OE Trucking. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0. Charles Meany abstained.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read a letter dated August 12, 2008 from the Selectmen presented by Charles Meany, Selectmen Representative. This letter is in regard to the new Highway Garage construction which will be within the 30’ set back of an abutter per RSA 674:54 which requires the Selectmen to give written notification to the planning board. A location map was attached. (Letter is on file) There were no comments from the planning board members.

To Do Folder:

The contents of the To Do Folder was gone over and discussed.

Conceptual Consultation:

Tim Bernier, Surveyor for Nate Kimball, Breezy Hill Road, Map 3, Lot 82-1A.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that a Conceptual Consultation is a non-binding discussion.

Tim Bernier advised in 2003 Nate Kimball showed excavation of 60,000 square yards in the back of the property. He now is showing 80,000 square yards of material left. He also advised a bond has been in place from the beginning. Mr. Bernier handed out copies to board members to show the area. The Planning Board advised a new application is required, as renewals are no longer done. A modification of original plan shows an 8 foot berm to prevent erosion as well as to keep material confined. Test pits have been done. Will be on September 9, 2008 agenda.


Daniel Draft Minor Subdivision, Hogg Hill Road and Sunset Hill Road, Map 6, Lot 51-1. Continuation. Represented by Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering. A brief synopsis of the plan was explained and Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comment. There being no discussion, public comment session was closed.

Motion was made to approve the subdivision on Hogg Hill Road and Sunset Hill Road by Barry Wheeler. Seconded by Jim Bibbo.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller for an amendment to add a restriction condition that the driveway not be paved and to be recorded in the deed. Sonny seconded the amendment. Jim Bibbo voted Nay, Motion carried 6-1.

Motion for the subdivision approval was made by Barry Wheeler, seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 7-0.

Mention was made that there is an additional fee at MCRD for ELCHIP in the amount of $25.00.


DPX2 Revised Site Plan, Route 3, Map 3, Lot 52B, Bob Stewart, Jr., RCS Design represented the Pettiglio’s.

A revised Site Plan was handed out to the board members showing elimination of trees on front and east of the building and off set trees in the back. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read a letter from Bill Glennie dated 8/12/08 regarding trees, lighting and handicapped ramp which needs to be addressed.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to reject the revised application and adhere to the original Site Plan. Jim withdrew his motion.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to accept the revised application, seconded by Sonny Harris. Charles Meany abstained. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to not approve the Revised Application for the Site Plan. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried with the following listed conditions needing to be met. 7-0.

1.      Underlying Zones not changed.

2. Was approved prior to Vet. Clinic.

3. Original plan – Trees and Landscaping.

4. Sign with Planning Board approved – lighting.

5. Trees depicted on plans as proposed.

Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering representing OE Trucking, Martyn Chivers, Map 3, Lot 74, 74A, 74B Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment.

Sonny Harris recused himself.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair, seated Jeff Aarons for Sonny Harris.

Dave Eckman handed out new plans to the board as there were some typo’s on the originals.

Notice was taken that abutter with Map 3, Lot 52 1-A should be DPX2, not James A. Green which will be corrected and an abutters notice will be forwarded.

The Planning Board members went over the request for modification received as well as comments from the Town Dept. Heads and review from CNHRPC.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to accept the application for a subdivision as complete. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo that this is not a Development of Regional Impact. Seconded and carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comments, there being none, the floor was closed to public comments.

A street plat application is required for the right of way.

This will be continued on September 9, 2008. There will be a Site Walk scheduled at a later date.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller that the Site Plan should be considered as a Conceptual Consultation. Seconded by Jane Johnsen. Motion defeated 6-1.

Motion was made to waive Conceptual Consultation and consider it as an application. There was no actual vote but consensus of members was agreed. A review from CNHRPC is needed.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comment. Questions from Breezy Hill residents included:

There are no lights or controls for accessing, which driveway will be used for the school busses? Tonnage is limited on the bridge. Not enough turn room. Driveway and environmental concerns near the Warner River.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair proposed making three separate proposals, one for each lot, 74, 74A, 74B. Public comment was closed by Phil Lamoreaux, Chair.

Mention was made that there has been no responses received from letters that have been mailed to: Carolyn Demers, Dave Pickman, John Fortune, and Harriett Hobbs. A verbal response was received from C. Payson via the Selectmen’s office, that there is no further activity at his gravel pit.

Marcia Keller handed out a new DRAFT for Site Plan Reviews and requested members compare with the previous ones and get back to her. Jane Johnsen will do a Review Application form.

Marcia Keller strongly suggested a letter should be written to the Selectmen regarding a Home Owners Association at Chestnut Hollow as a protection to the town, as they are responsible for their roads etc.

Meeting Adjourned 10:00PM

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
