Planning Board Minutes 09.10.13



SEPTEMBER 10, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the meeting at 7:04pm with Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, John Greenwood, Mark Keith, Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative, Carol Walker, Alternate, Steve Chase, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Don Jackson, Jim Bibbo and Erich Caron were absent.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Carol Walker for Don Jackson and Steve Chase for Erich Caron.

Review and Consideration of the August 13th, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. John Greenwood and Mark Keith abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

Kelly Gale, Representative for John Gioldassis, Main Street East re: Site Plan, Map 17, Lot 62:

Kelly Gale, KLG Architecture representing John Gioldassis for a Site Plan for Map 17, Lot 26 gave a brief overview of what the current plans are. The septic system will be under the current parking lot. A small deck will be added on the west side for the upstairs apartment, also proposed is self storage units, office spaces and one two bedroom apartment on the second floor. A Public Hearing will be held on October 8, 2013.

Doug Webb, Lumber Barn re: signs Map 7, Lot 2:

Doug Webb came before the Planning board to discuss Phase II of his original sign plans, and handed out the plans to the board for their perusal. Mr. Webb advised his ultimate goal is to show California Paints on the existing sign to be internally illuminated. Not all of the signs are internally lit per Mr. Webb. A Variance will need to be requested because of the aggregate total square footage of all the signs on the property. After much discussion it was determined that an e-mail will be forwarded to the Town Attorney, Bernie Waugh for a legal interpretation to see if the 124 square foot internally lit sign which was the original footage can be kept like it was in 1989 even though the Zoning Ordinance has been updated since then.

Mr. Webb advised he will follow up on the results from Att. Waugh.

CIP Update:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair reported that Department Heads have reported back to the CIP members with their paperwork.


Erich Caron is finishing up the Tri-Folds

Bradford Management-Boundary Line Adejustment-Map 17, Lot 66:

Mylar has been received for the Boundary Line Adjustment for Bradford Management between DOT and Jessie Singh. Paper copies did not have signatures or dates, but copies were made to attach to them, and copies will be sent out to required recipients. The mylar will be taken to MCRD.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 9:35pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
