Planning Board Minutes 09.08.09


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller, Bill Glennie, Sonny Harris, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the August 11th minutes. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. On page one under Rick Deschenes, Jr. it should read: Phil LaMoreaux suggested he could mount the sign permanently rather than the existing sandwich board sign according to the Zoning Ordinance, and if he included it on the site plan revision, we would consider approving it. Also, the last sentence on page one should read: Mr. Deschesne indicated he would be able to produce a plan within two months.

Motion carried as amended 5-0. Barbara Vannata abstained.

To Do Folder:

Lucas property bounds have been set, and the $600.00 surety refund needs to be forwarded upon receipt of the Riverside letter, from Christopher Payton, which has been received.

Boundary Line Adjustment for Battles/Erickson has been received.

Sign Ordinance Draft was discussed, and hand outs from McCandlish/ZBA with their comments were received.

Copy of letters forwarded to Soaring Goose, LLC/ Doug Webb-Power Barn sign and Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Hirsch, Route 103, regarding non-conforming signs requiring a variance.

Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch attended the meeting, and wished for their letter in response to be read into the minutes. (See Attached. [In book at Town Hall.]) Discussion ensued with no decision made at this time. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the Planning Board may contact the town attorney for a decision in response to the letter.

Ledgewood Pines, Old Warner Road, Scott Bussiere representing Mark Brunnel, Map 3, Lot 94 & 96:

Scott Bussiere came before the board and requested a further extension until June 8, 2010, which the planning board members agreed to. However, Mr. Bussiere was advised this request does need to be in writing. It was suggested that the Boundary Adjustment and Voluntary Merger could be completed now. Mr. Bussiere advised they could do this, and will forward a signed copy and include two checks for MCRD for recording.

Peter Isham, Pleasant Valley Road, Gravel Pit Application, Map 6, Lot 106, represented by Robert Stewart, Jr. RCS Design:

Robert Stewart, Jr, RCS Design handed out new large plans for the Planning Board. Mr. Stewart, Jr. advised the intent is to get the stone out, and close the pit. Comment sheets that were returned from the department heads were read. Hours of operation were stated as Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm and Saturday, 8:00am to 1:00pm., with no excavating on Sunday. It was decided that another notice does need to go out to the abutter’s advising of the amended application to include earth removal and possibility of blasting and crushing as well as the scheduled Site Walk on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 6:00pm at the site. Robert Stewart, Jr., RCS Design will find a reputable contractor to make an estimate of amount of material to establish a bond dollar amount required. The Planning Board advised they will pay for the re-sending of the Certified Mailings to the abuttors as well as the newspaper Legal/Public Notice.

There will be a continuation of the Public Hearing scheduled for October 13, 2009, at 7:00pm.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to not accept the application as being complete with the information received which will give the board time to consider this at next months meeting on October 13th, 2009. There was no second, Bill Glennie withdrew his motion.

The abutters will be re-noticed for a continuation of the public hearing as well as the site walk.

Conceptual Consultation – Boundary Line Adjustment for Lucas was not heard.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley