Planning Board Minutes 10.28.14




OCTOBER 28, 2014


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Marcia Keller, Chair.

Members Present

Marcia Keller, Chair, Jim Bibbo, Erich Caron, Don Jackson, Claire James, Steve Chase, Alternate

Members Absent

Mark Keith, Sonny Harris, Select Board


Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing

Bradford residents in attendance include Dick Keller, Budget Committee Chair; Everett Kittredge; Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief; Marion D’Angona, potential alternate to the board. The CIP document was discussed with no suggested changes. Motion was made to accept the CIP without edits. Motion carried 6-0. The Certificate of Adoption was signed by all members in attendance.


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion was made to approve the minutes for October 14, 2014 with no edits. Motion carried 6-0.


Review Gravel Pit Preview Session

The Gravel Pit Preview Session 10/27/14 was reviewed. There was extensive discussion of regulation verbiage and several questions raised at the preview session were discussed.

  • Regarding the proposed wording of the Surety Fee, the following verbiage was suggested: “Surety fee, based on soil, topography and other ecological features, not to exceed “X dollar amount”.  Steve suggested adding the words “per acre” following the word “amount”.  Regarding the actual dollar amount, Marcia proposed we consult with Mark on this.  ($1500 per acre was proposed and is to be confirmed.)
  • Making inspection conditional upon the granting of a permit: The current proposal to address this is to add the following text to the current regulations: “If the inspection team is denied access to the excavation site after reasonable efforts have been made to schedule a mutually agreeable date and time, the Board may withdraw the permit upon written notice to the excavation site owner”. The verbiage will be reviewed by Mary Pinkham-Langer prior to adding it to the proposed changes to the current regulations.
  • Per Mary, it should be noted in the regulations that there are no stationary manufacturing plants in the Town of Bradford. Additionally, there are no gravel pits in town where the grandfather clause is applicable. Claire will follow up with Mary to clarify whether this point needs to be noted in the regulations.
  • As recommended at the Preview Session, it should be noted in the regulations that an Intent to Excavate needs to be filed every year for a commercial site. It was suggested to add the following in an appropriate location: “For a commercial excavation site to be considered active, an Intent to Excavate shall be filed each March, and a current DRA Tax Certificate should be on display.


Plans for Gravel Pit Education Session

Gravel Pit Education Session is scheduled for Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:00pm.


Finalize 2015 Budget

The Planning Board decided to include $1500 for the CIP in the budget rather than as a warrant article. Discussed funding for the Master Plan and decided it should be included as a warrant article, amount to be determined at a later date. Motion was made to approve the 2015 Budget. Motion carried 6-0.


The board agreed that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:00pm. As there was no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.


Minutes submitted by Camila Devlin.