Planning Board Minutes 11.22.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022.

Members: Pam Bruss-Chair, Carol Troy-Vice Chair & Mel Pfeifle-Selectman’s Rep

Alternates: Katie Olohan

Absent: Doug Troy, Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Sonny Harris, Steve Chase & Kristen Mihaly

Guests: Matt Monahan-Central NH Regional Planning Commission, Beth Downs-Selectman, Karen Hambleton-Administrator

Ms. Katie Olohan was seated for Ms. Carol Meise.

Review & Consideration of Minutes: The Board agreed to approve the 10.25.22 minutes at the next meeting when more members are present to vote.

Vice Chair Carol Troy motioned to change the agenda to have the Public Hearing for the CIP final approval before the Public Hearing for Tables of Uses. Seconded by Ms. Mel Pfeifle. All ayes.

Public Hearing: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Final Approval

The public hearing was opened at 7:28pm. Public Notice was noticed online and posted in two public places.

Chair Bruss gave an overview on the CIP process this year. They took project requests from departments and input them into a CIP spreadsheet. There were new requests from every department including the Energy Committee. They discussed the overall impact with departments. It changed the tax impact to $5 in 2023. The departments were able to even out the impact over the next 10 years and reduce the tax impact to $3.74. Chair Bruss stated some unexpected requests were weatherization, blasting and paving.

No public comment.

Chair Bruss closed the public hearing at 7:30pm.

Ms. Olohan motioned to approve the 2023 CIP Program and move it to the Select Board and Budget Committee. Second by Ms. Pfeifle. All ayes.

Public Hearing: Tables of Uses

The public hearing was opened at 7:33pm. Public Notice was noticed online and posted in two public places. Chair Bruss gave an overview. They are moving towards a Table of Uses in the Zoning Ordinance to simplify and reduce wording.

No public comment.

Chair Bruss closed the public hearing at 7:35pm.

Vice Chair Troy motioned to approve the Table of Uses in the Zoning Ordinance and move it to Town Meeting. Seconded by Ms. Pfeifle. All ayes.

Fees: Chair Bruss stated the Board needed to update their fee schedule due to fees not covering all expenses that come with applications. Mr. Matt Monahan from Central NH Regional Planning Commission created a new fee structure after researching the averages on applications and comparing to other towns. Chair Bruss noted the Board needs to vote on the fee schedule in order for the Select Board to adopt the fees. After the fees are adopted, the Planning Board can adopt the new applications. Mr. Monahan noted the fees won’t be official until the Select Board approves them. Chair Bruss presented applications for review. No further action taken.

Lot Line Adjustment Application: Chair Bruss stated there was a rendition given to the Planning Board. They will discuss it at the next meeting. She will send the draft out to members for review.

Shoreline Protection Review: Mr. Matt Monahan gave an overview of what he has been working on with Ms. Carol Meise. They created lake maps showing the average parcel size around the lake and impervious coverage. Mr. Monahan said it will give them a sense of a built environment and potential for building. The basics of the ordinances establish a conditional use process for criteria not met. The Planning Board would be in charge of conditional use permit approvals. Mr. Monahan said they discussed having large lots that can be distant to the lake or a small lot with another small lot between it. They would like to establish a setback for lots in front of the lake. There’s been discussion on incentives such as decreasing the front set back on a road if there is land between property and the lake. Ms. Pfeifle suggested giving a tax advantage to those who merge lots, making them unbuildable. Mr. Monahan stated from a conservation and water quality standpoint, it is better to have more land between the impervious surfaces and water or to have more recharge such as rain gardens. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monahan and Ms. Carol Meise will present further details at the next meeting.

Other Communication: Ms. Pfeifle opened discussion to Chair Bruss’ interest in helping with the lakes project. Chair Bruss plans to remove herself from Planning Board to focus on other projects. She would still like to help with special projects as a public person. Discussion ensued. No further action taken.

Chair Bruss noted over the past 10 years and presently, Southern NH has had one of the highest Wildlife Corridors. The Board reviewed the map that shows corridors that connect core areas of wildlife habitat. Chair Bruss recommended looking into wildlife for the vision of the Master Plan. It is important to envision the future of Bradford and how to make it special. The Board will discuss further at a later meeting.

Pending Tasks:

Update Rules and Procedures

Ms. Olohan motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Vice Chair Troy. All ayes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:19.

Respectfully submitted by Hannah Gardner