Planning Board Site Walk Minutes 09.28.10

SEPTEMBER 28, 2010

Marcia Keller, Chair called the Site Walk at the Corsair Realty Gravel Pit on Pleasant Valley Road, Map 7, Lot 29, to order at 6:00pm on September 28, 2010 with Ed Hauck, Representing Harriet Hobbs, Manager, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Phil LaMoreaux, John Greenwood, Barry Wheeler, Nicki Dubaere, abutter, Mel Pfeifle, Mark Keith, abutter, George Cilley, Sonny Harris, Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Ed Hauck advised the group that their desire is to make improvements before the snow flies. The plan is to change the drive grade to an unconsolidated driveway. Also the plan would be to take down elevations and eliminate ponds. When this is done, the area will look like a football field per Mr. Hauck.

Mel Pfeifle expressed concern about run off which should be handled properly.

Mark Keith advised the water used to sit on the site until the road was changed and now impacts the land across the street. Rick Messer did not leave the area as it now is and it should be changed stated Mel Pfeifle.

Nicki Dubaere questioned if the Snowmobile Club can put in a culvert just anywhere?

Ed Hauck advised there is between 25,000 and 30,000 yards of gravel there when asked and also advised there would be no screening on site.

There will be an excavator and trucks on site and closed during the winter months.

Mr. Hauck also advised it is pretty much a family generated operation. The hope is to clean up the area this fall and the gate will be locked when not in use.

Nicki Dubaere commented on the direction the trucks will be entering and exiting and Ed Hauck advised the visibility is not that bad on the south exit of Pleasant Valley Road onto Route 114, and they will turn right when exiting the gravel pit area. Nicki asked if that would be in writing to which the answer was in the affirmative.

Sonny Harris questioned if a culvert could be turned therefore changing the route of the water run off.

The group separated and toured the facility with the Site Walk adjourning at 6:45pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary