Road and Bridge Committee Minutes 06.11.20

Steve Hall called the meeting to order at 7:03pm              

Roll call:

Steve Hall, Jim Pickman, Nate Kimball, and Matt Ordway were in attendance.

Joe Messer was absent.

Jason Allen, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton were also in attendance.

Discussion of Recent Road Maintenance:

  • Steve Hall, Road Agent, gave an overview of the road maintenance and ditching work done on Breezy Hill Road and Bacon Road in mid-May. Before the maintenance could be completed, a heavy rainfall event occurred which prompted concerns to be raised by a property owner regarding wash-outs. The resident also contacted DES; DES visited the site and produced a report.
  • The meeting then moved to locations on Bacon Road and Breezy Hill Road for first hand examination of the site.
  • After walking the stretch of the two roads that were impacted by the rain event, the Committee concluded that the work done was appropriate and followed the existing ditch lines. The two roads had not been ditched in many years and the redirection of water into the newly formed ditches performed as expected. The Committee noted damage to the pavement in sections of Bacon Road resulting from the lack of adequate ditching causing water to pool in the road. The rainstorm was unfortunately timed such that it took place before the stone and coffer dams were added to complete the maintenance.
  • The Committee discussed the run off down Breezy Hill Road that eventually turns into the driveway of 244 Breezy Hill Road. The property is in the process of being re-engineered and the drawings for the property show the driveway being moved further down the hill. The Committee discussed removing the berm along the hill and redirecting the water at multiple locations before it reaches the existing driveway. Steve will reach out to Sonny Harris to research the Right of Way for that section of road.
  • In conclusion, the Committee agreed that the work done was necessary and long over-due.
  • The next meeting date is to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.

Draft minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton