Road & Bridge Committee Minutes 08.22.19

Steve Hall called the meeting to order at 7:05pm              

Roll call:

Steve Hall, Jim Pickman, Jason Allen and Matt Ordway were in attendance.

Nate Kimball and Joe Messer were absent.


There were no appearances.

Regular Business:

  1. The Committee discussed the replacement of a failed culvert on Pleasant View Road. Quotes were received and the Town is moving forward with a solution to sleeve and seal the culvert (which includes 2 pipes) pending review by an engineer and receipt of approval from the State.
  2. There was a discussion regarding repair of collapsed culverts on Gillingham Drive. These sit between Gillingham and Todd Pond and are underwater. The Road will need to be raised and the water managed during repair which will add complexity to the project. Steve has an engineer working to provide an initial proposal.
  3. The Committee then reviewed the condition and proposed repairs for the remaining culvert and bridge projects that need work. This includes the West Meadow Upper Bridge, Johnson Hill Road Bridge, East Washington Road Bridge, Center Road Bridge and the East Shore Bridge/Culvert infrastructure. Steve reviewed the priority order and cost detail provided for the Capital Improvement Program. The priority order outlined may be adjusted. Traffic studies are underway.
  4. Steve reviewed the paving and maintenance (crack seal/oil/chip seal) projects submitted to the CIP Committee as well. There was a lengthy review of standard, as well as new, paving materials and techniques and specific examples of where the various techniques had been done for site visits. Jason expressed concern about the cost of the proposed program whereas Steve’s focus was to provide a plan that improves the Town’s road infrastructure and maintains the investments previously made.
  5. Matt asked about the repair done on Water Street this summer. Steve outlined having found a lot of debris as well as 3 pipes that intersected parallel to the side door of the apartment house on the corner of the street. This section was dug up and a French Drain system was installed.
  6. Steve discussed work underway with the Select Board to implement a Road Bond. Details need to be ironed out such as whether a bond would be required on an annual or per job basis as well as how enforcement will be managed.
  7. Steve also let the Committee know the Conservation Commission and Select Board are discussing a proposal to have Class VI roads designated as Fire Lanes which would allow the Town to do work at their discretion without assuming liability for the roads. The discussion expanded to include private and new subdivision roads. There may be benefit to enacting Road Ordinances that outline specific standards beyond what is requires by State RSA’s.
  8. Steve let the Committee know that No Parking on Sidewalk signs are being installed along Main Street.
  9. Steve provided the Committee with pricing from 4 gravel pits for 1 ½” crushed gravel and winter sand. The material and transportation costs are forecasted to cost approximately $25,000.  The Committee felt the pricing was appropriate and suggested options to explore that may help reduce transportation costs.
  10. Jim asked about the status of removing the rocks from the Town Hall property. Work at the Town Hall has been delayed due to the availability of the granite to complete the exterior which has delayed any additional site work as well. The granite install is scheduled to be done by the end of August and a scheduled for any additional work will follow that.

Future Business:

  1. The next meeting date is to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary