Roads and Bridges Committee Minutes 01.19.22

The Road and Bridges Committee Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll call –Steve Hall, Matt Ordway, Gary Perkins, Marlene Freyler (Select Board ex-officio), and Karen Hambleton (Town Administrator) in attendance.

Steve said he had met with the Central NH Regional Planning Commission in the spring, and they took an extensive look at our town roads. Steve distributed the pavement condition maps and reports analyzing the results of their study.

He said the proposed repair plan extends to 2027.

Matt asked why Fairgrounds Road is labeled as poor. Karen said the metrics that were used to prioritize the roads were based on traffic volume, pavement condition and road importance (school bus route etc).

Discussion took place regarding Fairgrounds Road.

The Committee looked at the proposed schedule which includes paving, patching, crack sealing and rehabilitation etc. It was asked if they have the man power to do all of these jobs. Steve said they would help where they could by replacing culverts etc ahead of the work, but that the work itself would be bid out to contractors.

There was a discussion regarding the funding in each year.

Karen said bridges are in pretty good shape with three remote bridges on the red list. There was discussion about one of the bridges on Center Road needing attention.

Marlene said the whole story needs to be told to the townspeople. Matt thinks they should explain where the money will be going. The townspeople need to know the numbers for a six-year program.

Karen suggested this Committee to take a vote as to whether they want to follow the plan recommended by the Central NH Regional Planning Commission.

Matt asked if they could take the six-year plan and stretch it to a ten-year plan reducing the numbers and doing shorter distances. He also expressed concern at the total cost and asked about flexibility in following the plan verbatim.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to support the Road Maintenance Plan recommended by the Central NH Regional Planning Commission.

Second: Matt Ordway

Vote: 4-0

Motion: Steve Hall motioned to adjourn at 8:24 p.m.

Second: Matt Ordway

Vote: 4-0

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.