Select Board Minutes 01.14.13

JANUARY 14, 2013

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer was absent.

Review and Consideration of January 7, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the minutes of January 7, 2013. Seconded by Harry Wright.

Edits were pointed out, that on page one next to last paragraph, last sentence should read it is off Butman road which is not a road should read: is not a town road. Also on the last page, under Intent to Cut should be Sumner Green.

Motion carried with edits 3-0.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Marcia Keller – CIP:

Marcia Keller came before the Selectmen regarding the 2012 CIP which has been in the works for a while, was not properly completed, so is not in final form. It should have been completed in October. It is hoped that it will be followed through next year and completed by the end of October.

Approval of Hazardous Material Testing on Town Hall.:

The Town Hall Restoration Project, the request of the Construction Manager is to minimize the contingency fees he would have to put in his Guaranteed Maximum price is to have a hazardous material inspection done. North Branch had contacted some outfits that do this, and fee estimates have come in from two different sources, one being $1850.00 and the other $3750.00. The Town Hall Restoration Committee’s request is for the town to pay for this inspection and the Rural Heritage Connection would reimburse the town that money, for a good track record. This was how the Architect’s fee was also handled per Harry Wright, Chair. This would come out of the maintenance budget.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve to pay the Hazardous Mitigation Contractor, selected by the THRC, from the town funds, and said funds to be reimbursed by the Rural Heritage Connection. Motion seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Review of new building permit and reply from Bernie Waugh regarding enforcement:

Harry Wright, Chair advised the current Building Permit has been several pages and he has recently rearranged it. Discussion, suggestions and re-forming it were discussed, and upon completion, Harry Wright, Chair advised it will be forwarded to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment for their comments.

Budget Issues and Votes on Warrant Articles:

Harry Wright, Chair advised there are two bond hearings necessary and there appears to be no reason why they cannot be done at one time, those being the Highway Bond and the Town Hall Restoration Bond.

In reply to a question from Cheryl Behr, as to whose responsibility to post the bond, it was stated that the Selectmen will post the Bond Hearing.

Discussion took place on Article regarding Asphalt road repairs and shimming.

Also discussion transpired regarding grouping all Capital Reserve Funds together with the ability to discuss separately.

Capital Reserve Funding:

Fire Department           $40,000.00

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the 2013 Fire Department Heavy Equipment at $40,000. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Ambulance       $10,000.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Ambulance Fund at $10,000.00. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Revaluation       $10,000.00

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the 2013 Revaluation at $10,000.00. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Gravestone Repair        $ 2,000.00

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the 2013 Gravestone Repair Fund at the sum of $2,000.00. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Highway Heavy Equipment       $30,000.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Highway Heavy Equipment at $30,000.00. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Town Buildings Emergency Repair        $ 5,000.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Town Buildings Emergency Repair at $5,000.00. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Carried 3-0.

Town Facilities $5,000.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Town Facilities at $5,000.00. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Main Street Improvements/sidewalks $10,000.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Main Street Improvements/Sidewalks at $10,000. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

CIP Discussion concerning Capital Reserve for Police Cruiser with the outcome being it was not discussed with the Police Chief.

The next Article brought up was: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for the purchase and installation of a new Generator for the Bradford Fire Station.

Chris Frey advised they object and would like to drop that figure to read $37,000.00. It was also discussed that there is a possibility of getting a Homeland Security Grant for about 50% of the cost, but they may not know until after Town Meeting.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the 2013 purchase and installation of a Generator for the Fire Department at $37,000.00. Motion seconded by Sonny Harris. It was stated that this could be amended on the floor. Motion carried 3-0.

To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00) to replace the roof on the Bradford Area Community Center.

It was discussed that a Mr. Peter Steffansen will be coming back tomorrow for an additional building inspection of the Community Center.

Consensus of the board is to hold off on this for report from Peter Steffansen

To see of the town will vote to raise and appropriate Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($53,215.00) for Bridge design and replacement. Cheryl Behr advised this takes into consideration: Breezy Hill Road, BementBridge, and what ever one that is applied for.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the 2013 Bridge Design and Replacement figure of ($53,215.00). Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00_) to be place in the Salt and Fuel Emergency Capital Reserve.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to appropriate Five Thousand Dollars for the 2013 Salt and Fuel Emergency Capital Reserve. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

The Article: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars for asphalt road repairs and shimming:

Put on Hold for Now.

To see of the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00 to fund the Boat Launch.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to appropriate Five Thousand Dollars to fund the Boat Launch. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Two thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($2,750.00) to support the Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to appropriate the sum of Two thousand seven hundred fifty Dollars to support the Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr brought up the Solar Highway Safety Sign. The Grant is 50% up to $6,000 with the actual sign costing $17,000.00. Decision was to put this on hold for now.

Title at $3,000 for the Community Center which could run from $3,000 to $7,000 was put on hold for now.

Cheryl Behr reiterated that Petitions are due by the first Tuesday in February in the Town Clerks office by 5:00pm

Police Stats for December:

Police Stats were read by Cheryl Behr with 204 calls for service. List is broken down and is available in the Selectmen’s office.

Contract for Tax Collector Lien search was signed.

Personnel action forms were reviewed and signed.

Asplundt was in touch with the Town Office to take a tree down at the end of the drive.

A complimentary letter was mentioned as being received from Virginia Brooks, complimenting Brian Eaton for a Dec. 29th call.

Last years budget was discussed by Cheryl Behr.

W2’s will be going out soon.

Correspondence from Attorney Bernie Waugh regarding Building Permits was forwarded to the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair persons according to Cheryl Behr.

Marcia Keller questioned where the Non-Public minutes from last week are located.

Cheryl advised they are in the book and can be reviewed upon request. In reply to a question, they are not on line. Cheryl Behr advised Andrew Pinard advised her how to do them by editing the Secretaries minutes and adding them to the bottom, and by identifying them as her minutes, not the secretaries.

Question was if the Dog Ordinance Amendment has been posted as yet, to which Cheryl advised no it has not. Next question was where does it get posted? In the Ordinance Book and on line was discussed.

Matt Ordway requested using the Naughton property (Town property) to land trees while working on the Hall property. Consensus of the Selectmen was in the affirmative. Matt advised he will clean it up, and when the job is complete will be back to let the Selectmen know.

Mention was made of some holes in SunnyPlainCemetery driveways. This will be taken care of.

There being no other business to come before the Selectmen, meeting adjourned at 6:40pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
