Select Board Minutes 01.17.12

JANUARY 17, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Mr. Mark Fournier, Blaisdell Lake Rd., regarding plowing and sanding:

Mark Fournier came before the Selectmen stating that he had come before them several months ago regarding extending the road maintenance to include about 100 feet beyond where they stop now. Mr. Fournier has had the town highway department come out and look at it, and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised he would actually prefer to turn there. Mr. Fournier stated they live there full time now, paid taxes for 13 years and this is a safety issue. Jack Meaney stated that there does have to be a vote of the town by State Law since it is a seasonal road.

It was stated by the Selectmen that this is a seasonal road and would have to be presented at Town Meeting via a petition. Marcia Keller suggested that perhaps it would be best to include everyone on the road. Mr. Fournier will get a petition.

Dick Keller, Chair, Budget Committee:

Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee stated the Budget Hearing has been posted for February 9th with a follow-up if necessary for February 16th.

February 7th is the last day voters may petition Selectmen to include an Article for the Warrant.

February 20th is the last day to post notices on Bonds/Notes over $100,000.00 and establishing Special Revenue Funds.

February 21st Budget Committee to submit two copies of the Annual Budget to the Selectmen to post.

February 27 Last day for Public Hearing on Bonds, Notes over $100,000.00 and establishing Special Revenue Funds.

Some of the committee’s concerns are attempting to come up with a zero increase in the 2012 budget over 2011. The difference at this time is roughly $274,000.00 in the overall budget between the Operating Budget and Warrant Articles suggested. The Budget Committee has not seen any Warrant Articles, but feels Cheryl Behr, Administrator was trying to project what those Articles would amount to. Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee questioned with such a difference if the Selectmen and Budget Committee should get together to try to resolve some of the differences.

Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen advised there will be Warrant Articles discussed tonight.

The Selectmen will meet with the Budget Committee January 19, 2012 at 6:30pm.

There are no Accounts Payable or payroll manifests for signatures available tonight.

Intent to Cut:

Barry Wheeler questioned where the Intent to Cut was that he had signed. Cheryl Behr, Administrator procured it, and it is for: Michael Gagnon, Mass Ave. Map 11, Lot 28.

Warrant Articles:

Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve                  $30,000.00      Balance left in Capital Reserve fund from last year $12,052.

Fire Dept. Heavy Equipment                                         $25,000.00

Balance left in Capital Reserve fund from last year $85,429.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had talked with the person who manages EPA Grants regarding the Grader/Backhoe lease, and they feel they will consider participating in a lease/purchase. They would Grant to the town, $68,000. against the cost of the grader which is estimated at $272,700.00. In addition to that, the cost of repairs that were not done this year, leaving $30,000.00 remaining. $16,000.00 from last year that was non lapsing which would have to be voted by the town to apply towards this purchase bringing the cost of the grader down to about $174,705.00, which would be a five year lease at about $36,000.00 per year.

Town Facilities Emergency Repairs

Add to the Capital Reserve $5,000.00

$10,555.00 left from last year.

Town Facility Renovations

Add to the Capital Reserve                                                                               $5,000.00

Current Balance $ 14,336.00

Fire/Rescue Ambulance

Add to Capital Reserve $10,000.00

Current Balance $50,013.55

Rescue Payroll

Cheryl Behr, Administrator, explained that the Rescue Payroll has $106,000.00 to be put on this list of Warrant Articles as it has to be put into the Warrant regardless if whether or not it is funded through Fund Balance. It is increased, but not raised by taxation.

Cemetery Commission

Gravestone Repair                                                                                            $ 4,000.00

Road Rehab

Used to be under Road Seal/Road Oil, now used for                             $50,000.00

Asphalt shimming

Boat Launch                                                                                         $ 5,000.00

BNSYS                                                                                                           $2,750.00

Police Department-Cruiser

Options: Ford Intercept Sedan, Ford SUV, Ford Expedition, $24,707.00 from two different companies, outfitted included. Lease purchase

Amounts were also obtained. Cost to outfit Ford Police Intercepter

Utility would be $26,020.00

Ford Intercept Sedan $24,707.00

Three or four year lease go from a low of $6,690.00 to $9,140.00.

Interest on the leases are between 5.0% and 5.6%. Cheryl Behr

Advised Lake Sunapee Bank would loan at 2.75% interest.

Because the loan would be under $100,000.00 a 50% vote would be required.

The Ford Intercepter Sedan is an all wheel drive, and decision was thought it to be best to lease purchase the vehicle, financed through Lake Sunapee Bank. The old one will go up for auction.

Bridge Design

Preliminary Design Cost for Breezy Hill Bridge- on Rt. 103. No Amount stated

Money will be coming back from the State if we do receive the Grant, as we will have exceeded our 20% per Cheryl Behr. If not, the amount would allow us to complete the design and put aside until 2017 funding slot comes up.


Future sidewalks, another part. Cheryl stated there will not be another Grant around this spring for the TE Grant.

Asphalt Paving $375,011.00

Areas listed: Old Warner Road $209,720.00

Howlett Road                                       $53,000.00

East Main Street                                   $97,000.00

Greenhouse Lane                                  $15,000.00

The amount includes boxing culverts.

Revaluation                                                                                           $10,000.00

Current Balance $602.00

Snow and Fuel Emergency                                                                    $5,000.00

Current Balance $55.39

Community Center Renovations

Bathroom, shower and Retrofit for Town Offices                                   $25,000.00

This will be by Petition.

Radio Replacement                                                                               $37,000.00

Highway $16,000.00

Fire $21,000.00


Grand Total      $830,750.00

If the $106,000.00 is from Fund Balance, the total would be $724,750.00.

The Selectmen authorized Cheryl Behr to forward the Warrant Articles above to the Budget Committee, for their January 19, 2012 meeting.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has heard that there are some petitions that will be coming in as Warrant Articles.

Much discussion ensued.

Harry Wright advised he feels mass purchasing of paving material makes sense, and will get up and explain it at Town Meeting.

Question from the floor, where does the recommendations of the CIP follow along with this package, which is part of the planning for the budget process. Harry Wright, Chair stated it should be used.

Jon Marden suggested for next year the new Road Management program listing and prioritizing road work should be used. They should have a 5 year plan etc.

Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee requested Cheryl Behr, Administrator to forward the Warrant Articles discussed tonight to the Budget Committee Secretary to forward to Budget Committee members if she could. Cheryl replied she would try.

Cross Country Appraisal contract was signed.

Contract for tax lien research used by the Town Clerk was signed. Same as last year at $799.00.

Changes in personnel manual were discussed.

Contract for Health Insurance is in per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Also some wording needs changing as follows:

1. To remove the percentage amount the town would contribute to the health policy instead state: the Selectmen would determine the amount the employee will contribute to the health cost on an annual basis or as conditions require.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the change in #1. Seconded  by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

2. Also remove the reference to wage increases to be on the basis of merit, and replace with the statement: Allowing the Board of Selectmen to award increases based on the cost of living, merit and/or a combination of the two. Cheryl Behr stated  right now it states only merit.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept #2, seconded by Harry Wright, Carried 3-0.

3. It now states that the Board of Selectmen are able to make individual arrangements with employees as conditions may require.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair to approve #3. Motion carried 3-0.

4. To remove the reference to Town Meeting vote from April as the effective date of increases for the town employees. (Town Meeting does not vote on wage issues.)

Motion made by Jack Meaney, seconded by Harry Wright, Chair to approve #4.  Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated the current Personnel Manual states the town will pay 85% health insurance and she understood the Selectmen have voted to move to 20% or an HMO. The Selectmen agreed this is correct.

This was signed by the Selectmen.

Jon Marden suggested removing the paragraph “pending the vote at town meeting”.

Demolition Letter 149 East Main Street:

Cheryl Behr read a letter to the previous people whom gave proposals for the demolition of the burned house at 149 East Main Street. Request for rebid include Two additional Conditions: All parts of the building are to be removed and destroyed, no salvage is permitted. All hazardous material must be removed to a licensed disposal facility. All the materials also must be removed off site. Foundation and slabs must be broken up, crushed and used for fill in the cellar hole. Any additional fill needed to complete the closing of the cellar hole will be provided by the contractor.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will send the letter out tomorrow.

Discussion regarding the Warrant Article changes were held. The Budget Committee asked for last years passed budget as well as the current years. This would be used just as a comparison.

SEA Engineers have been here for sidewalk easements for Main Street and they have a few more to talk with.

Question was asked if the Youth Room could be cleaned out so it could be used more effectively. Cheryl Behr advised she had just been at a meeting with BACC and the room will be cleaned out and available for use.

Cemetery Commission:

Tom Riley provided four bids to the Selectmen for Groundskeeper.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to select the bid for $17,199.00. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Chris Frey questioned a statement by the Selectmen in 1995 that the Selectmen have identified several pieces of property which are no longer an advantage for the town to own, and the selectmen are preparing to dispose of that. Chris Frey advised we have gone through this exercise again this year, with no decisions made by the Selectmen. Chris went on to say he has talked with a realtor who would talk with abutters to help put them back on tax roles again. Any response? There are about six properties. Cheryl Behr will take care of this, this week.

Will Hurley questioned the 3.6% pay raise, as there is a change in the wording in the Personnel Manual now, but that was in conflict to what it said at the time the decision was made.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney for pay raises for the town employees at 3.6% in line with SS increases and consumer price index. Harry Wright, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Question was asked about the review system and it was stated that no, those that turn in reviews are not used towards merit raises. The Highway and BACC have turned them in. The Police do not turn them in to the Selectmen’s office. The consensus of the Selectmen was that they should be doing reviews, it is our money, and it should be comprehensive.

Meeting closed at 7:10pm to go into Non-Public per RSA 91-A:3IIc

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley,
