Select Board Minutes 01.31.12

JANUARY 31, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Dick Keller, Budget Committee:

Dick Keller handed out sheets from the Budget Committee with recommendations on the 2012 Warrant Articles.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the amount in the Highway budget was stated at $350,000 and it should read $375,000.00, the actual amount the Road Agent had requested.

Cheryl Behr questioned if the Selectmen want to go with buying the police cruiser out right or do a lease/purchase.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to purchase the police cruiser out right at thirty five thousand, two hundred forty ($35,240.00). Barry Wheeler seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Dick Keller stated the next item the Budget Committee questioned was the Fire Department Heavy Equipment which they came up with a $20,000.00 figure, reducing it by $5,000.00. It was recommended by the town attorney that the Selectmen put the most important not recommended articles first as DRA will go through the Warrants from the beginning to end, and first past Article will be allowed and the later ones will not. When it comes to recommendation, you can recommend say $20,000, that way, they will toggle that number into the 10%. Dick Keller advised they were recognizing the CIP in their decision.

Dick Keller questioned where they were going with the grader and Jack Meaney stated that he and Barry discussed it at the last meeting, and they decided to file for the Grant with that Warrant Article, along with the off set with the Capital Reserve for the purchase of the new grader. The amount left from last year, which was non lapsing, has to go into fund balance per Cheryl Behr. Cheryl also advised, the cost after trade is $272,705.00.

$68,000.00 from Grant, left from repair on Warrant Article from last year is $16,000.00. Cheryl advised she would have to check some figures as they were done a while ago.

The balance will be calculated by the purchase price, less the trade, less the Grant, then the balance will be in the lease amount of five payments which will come to be about $.16 on the tax rate.

Dick Keller questioned if the $30,000 set aside as Capital Reserve also be used to help defray the cost?

Cheryl Behr reminded the F550 that was in an accident last week is scheduled for next years replacement. At this time, the adjuster has not gotten back to the town. Cheryl explained as of December 31, 2012 there was $12,052 in that Capital Reserve Fund.

Dick Keller stated that the $375,000 for Road Construction has been reduced to $140,000 for East Main Street with the balance left from that to go towards Old Warner Road. Jack Meaney advised the amount to do East Main Street was quoted as $144,000.00, which came from SEA and the Engineering firm under the sidewalk Grant. Cheryl Behr advised the bids for Howlett Road and Greenhouse Lane were also given to the Budget Committee. Jack Meaney stated that the Grant does not pay for the paving down the middle of the street, just pays for the two sides for the bike lanes.

Jack also stated that there should be another Warrant Article just for this, to separate it out, in case the other does not pass.

Asphalt, Shimming and Road Repairs was recommended by the Budget Committee per Dick Keller at $20,000.00 and take $30,000 out of what was left from last year, a non lapsing fund, making the total the $50,000.00.

Dick Keller acknowledged the major issue is the difference in the sum in the Warrant of approximately $265,000.00. The total budget is 24% over last year’s budget. Dick Keller stated that the Budget Committee is trying to separate these out over a period of time.

Jon Marden questioned if they were going to reconsider the wording on the Warrant for the grader? Cheryl Behr advised the amount is not being changed, so it would not make a difference.

Marlene Freyler stated that two meetings ago she had asked about the RFP and how much it was and didn’t get an answer, and it wasn’t in the minutes. Jack asked last week who it was, and it wasn’t in the minutes. I would like it in the minutes and to know how much the RFP was and why they didn’t accept it. Harry Wright, Chair questioned, RFP for? Marlene stated for the Town Hall and it was opened the night before the Forum. Marlene stated with the Right to Know Law, they have a right to know what the price came in as. Harry Wright, Chair advised it would have to be in context. The Secretary advised there were no minutes as the she was not present at the opening. The Selectmen stated the information will be in the minutes. It was stated the bidder was Milestone Construction.

New Hampshire Dept. of Motor Vehicle letter:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter from the Department of Motor Vehicle regarding an Application from Goffstown Truck Center requesting to process a Fleet Inspection Station where the school bus fleet is located.

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief questioned if this was going to increase traffic over the Breezy Hill Bridge? Jim suggested this should be clarified in the paperwork to which the Selectmen agreed.

Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Eileen Kelly, Chair stated the following: “The mission of the Town Hall Restoration Committee is to restore the Town Hall to a functional building for municipal services and community use. The best investment for the town is to modernize the building to provide for the town’s present needs, as cost effectively as possible, so that it can continue to serve Bradford for many years to come, consistent with its historical character.”

Eileen stated that as everyone knows, the committee has been working diligently for months often multiple times during the week. Many committee members have gone to workshops, working on Grants. Eileen continued to state the members are smart, very fast learners, working well together, and very enthusiastic.

Last week the committee met with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief for about two hours and the group listened and learned a lot from him, resulting in not going forward for a Bond at this time.

The committee met for two hours with an Architect, Richard Monahon, Jr. AIA from Peterborough, NH. Mr. Monahon, Jr. has done the Newbury Meeting House, Hillsboro, Fuller. Library project.

Mr. Monahon proposed to provide the following for the Town’s use:

Schematic design for the replacement of the foundation with a full foundation with attention to the water conditions that have been observed.

Schematic design for the full code compliance for occupancy of the upper two levels of the building to meet both the requirements of the International Building Code, NFPA101, and the ADA.

Review of automatic fire suppression systems requirements and coordination with historic building fabric.

Implementation of energy retrofit recommendations from previous studies.

At this time, Eileen Kelly, Chair advised there is a great amount of studies already done that is available for anyone doing the work, and that will save the town a lot of money.

All work will be in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic preservation as outlined in the study by Christopher Closs.

Preliminary square footage cost estimates for the building for use in establishing budget for bond issue for use on or before the March 2013 town meeting.

Mr. Monahon quoted fees for the work described above would be a lump sum not to exceed thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00), which includes all reimbursable fees for printing, postage and mileage.

Jack Meaney advised they would have to put out an RFP for a bid on the project; however this would not affect the Warrant Article.

At this time, Eileen Kelly, Chair presented the following two Warrant Articles for the Selectmen’s consideration.

Eileen Kelly, Chair emphasized the Committee really wants to do this the right way, and get good advice, do it efficiently, make sure the tax payers money is spent sensibly.

In reply to a question, Eileen Kelly stated the architect will put it all together, make recommendations, cost out phases. Eileen also stated this is an architect with a stamp, he would contract out to engineers all areas of concern and the designs would be stamped and approved.

Marlene Freyler questioned if this was going to be put in as a Warrant Article, or will it have to be a Petition Article? She stated she had to have a Petition Article. It was stated that because one group was requested to have a Warrant Article it is not necessary that all groups have to have a Petition.

Eileen Kelly, Chair asked the Selectmen for their continued support as they have supported them the past few months.

Article 39 from the 2011 Town Meeting was read regarding the town’s continuation of restoration of the Town Hall. Motion was passed.

It was stated by Eileen Kelly, Chair that the committee is working diligently on procuring Grants, initiating Fund Raising, as well as investigating a Campaign for Capital Funding.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair for the Selectmen to support the Warrant Article to appropriate thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00) to obtain architectural services to evaluate the Bradford Town Hall. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Eileen Kelly, Chair thanked Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief for meeting with the Town Hall Restoration Committee and all his thoughts and assistance in the decision making of the town hall restoration.

Barry Wheeler brought up the septic system at the town hall and the feasibility of putting in a new system there. It was explained by the THRC that this is also one concern of the overall plan, and when the bids for all the components are in, then a total cost figure will be brought to the committee.

Second Article:

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to support the second Article presented by the THRC to see if the town will vote to support the renovation of its Town Hall. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Hazardous Waste Day papers were reviewed and signed.

Revised lease for KAP at $500.00 was signed, with an effective date of July 1, 2012.

Repurchase deed was signed

Bids Opened for East Main Street burned out property:

N.H. Demolition bid came in by FAX                           $18,800.00

Hopkinton Forestry & Land Clearing                                        $22,900.00

Naughton                                                                                 $15,800.00

Merzi Excavation                                                                      $18,500.00

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the bid of N. H. Demolition for the demolition of the burned out property on East Main Street for an amount of $18,800.00. Motion seconded Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to increase the hours of the part time person in the Selectmen’s office, who will be involved in Human Resources, from four hours a week to twenty hours a week for $14,000.00. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0. Cheryl Behr advised there will be many training sessions at LGC which will not cost the town anything.

Don Jackson questioned the shifting of the Bement Bridge again, and wondered if the person who worked on it should check it to see if it has changed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated that a Grant has been applied for at the Municipal Managed Bridge for just covered bridges, and we probably won’t here until summer sometime. Their plan is to replace the abutments, decking, carrying timbers to bring it up to 6 ton weight load.

Marcia Keller thanked the Highway Department for putting reflectors at the end of the Community Center driveway.

Meeting adjourned 6:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary