Select Board Minutes 02.03.14



FEBRUARY 3, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Awards for Pond Brook Bridge Design:

Categories were for Elementary, MiddleHigh School and College, with cash awards for each level.

Winner Elementary – BenjaminGolubiewsk-WinnerMiddle School – Jacob Dupuis

Honorable Mention – Sarah Golubiewski – Winner-Tie for Best: Owen Dayton & Benjamin Clark. Honorable MentionHigh School – Sarah Clark.

It was stated that hopefully this bridge will be completed by Memorial Day.

The Selectmen signed the Notices to come to Vote.

Erica Gross – re: Location for Town Meeting:

Erica Gross questioned where the actual Town Meeting should be held on March 12th.

The Selectmen advised Town Meeting will be held at the BradfordElementary School and they will work towards making room for everyone. They were adamant that it should be in town.

Lake Massasecum Improvement Association regarding Warrant Article:

Warrant Article:Eighteen To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($5,400) to work with the State of NH and treat the milfoil in LakeMassasecum. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7,VI to continue until the money is used or December 31, 2019. Selectmen recommend. Budget Committee recommends.

Several members of the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association attended and spoke at tonight’s meeting defending leaving the Ten Thousand Eight hundred ($10,800.00) that was originally requested in the Warrant Article. One lake resident advised they would like the voters to decide which amount is voted in. It was also stated that a diver map the whole lake for a survey.

Comment was that the town would pay $5,400 this year and the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association pay the same amount this year and the following year, the town would pay them the other $5,400.00. It was stated that the Lake is the town’s responsibility. Other comments were that the lake residents monitor the lake all the time, and there are paid pullers of milfoil. It was stated that the last herbicide treatment was done five years ago.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to restore the amount of $10,800.00 into Article Eighteen. There was no Second and No Vote. Article stands as written..

Chris Way re: Town Clock Repair:

Chris Way came before the Selectmen regarding the Town Clock problems, where the rachet gear has slipped, so the strike mechanism has been disabled. Chris advised he does not dare to wind it up until it has been resolved. Selectmen concur to contact Phil D’Avanza, Goffstown, who has repaired the clock previously, to give an estimate and take care of the problem. Chris Way requested being advised when he will be available so he can make arrangements to be there as well.

Rescue Squad:

Discussion regarding comparative costs involved for the Rescue Squad in the Town or joining forces with the Henniker Squad. At this time there has been no proposal presented. Harry Wright, Chair advised he had received two telephone calls, one female who identified herself and one male who did not, stating the Selectmen are trying to torpedo the Rescue Squad in favor of the Town Hall Restoration. John Pfeifle also advised he too had received two hate calls with no identification. Harry Wright advised there is absolutely no connection between the two discussions, the Town Hall Restoration and Rescue Squad, to which all Selectmen concurred.

Also reiterated was that many towns in New Hampshire are regionalizing, creating better services and costs, and this may be a good time to make the change. Creative means to accomplish the best methods were discussed with perhaps a five year rolling commitment with a three year backing out clause for each town. Different methods of having a Fast Squad were discussed. Facts will be procured and discussed with the public.

Regular Business:

A Petition Warrant Article will be inserted in the Warrant with initial wording stating:

“To see if the Town will vote to postpone any major repairs or renovations of the Town Hall for the next three years” This will be Article Ten

Statement was made that Bond issues need to be listed first. This petition will be listed after present Article Nine regarding the replacement of the new roofing for $95,000.

Question of Tax Impact showing on the Warrant, and it was decided it would not be that accurate, so will not be done.

Non-lapsing will be added on articles Nine, Eighteen and Sixteen.

The up coming Bond Hearing at 7:00pm Tuesday evening was mentioned. Tax rate will be acknowledged on the $1.3 million being requested.

The rough draft of the Selectmen’s report for the Town Report will be forwarded to Cheryl Behr.

Intent to Cut for Mr. Butler, Map 4, Lot 33 was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen

Intent to Cut for R. Messer, Map 5, Lot 114 was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.

Current Use form was reviewed and signed for Chris Payson, Map 5, Lot 48.

A Petition was received by the Selectmen for TDS Telecom to install and maintain two poles on Route 103 inBradford, needs to be signed by the Town Clerk.

The following letter was read into the minutes by Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board:


Mention was made of the Bond Hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2014.

Question was asked by George Cilley if under Article seven the sewer and water are/are not included. This will be checked out by Cheryl Behr with Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction.

Fireworks and Fourth of July Celebration will be held on July 5, 2014.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of the January 27, 2014 minutes.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the Minutes from January 27, 2014 as presented.

Motion to adjourn 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley,
