Select Board Minutes 02.18.13



FEBRUARY 18, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with John Pfeifle, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

The Secretary advised the Selectmen that Jim Denoncourt, the person who has been winding the Town Clock at the First Baptist Church has had surgery and will be out for a while. Chris Way is filling in at this time.

Harry Wright, Chair acknowledged the Public Hearing on Bond issues will begin at 7:00pm this evening for:

1. Bond for the restoration of the Town Hall.

2. Road Bond


No appearances at this meeting.

Regular Business:

An Intent to Cut on Churchill Heselton property, Map 7, Lot 45 was signed.

Discussion on future town committees – Main Street Revitalization and attracting manufacturing to town:

John Pfeifle suggested forming a committee to work on the feasibility of using some town owned properties and bringing in some industries into town. The Restoration of the Town Hall on Main Street is certainly a commitment in the upgrading of Main Street. It would be beneficial to bring people into town or keep them here as opposed to going out of town to work/shop. Suggested as some examples could be the town leveling some the property they own and providing some roads for some mini industrial parks. The town could provide incentives to encourage companies to town. We need to put a little spunk into the town. Several ideas and much conversation ensued regarding bringing Bradford back to where it used to be. It was suggested this be brought up at Town Meeting.

Marcia Keller spoke about the upcoming Forum for the Presentation of Plans for Restoration of the Bradford Town Hall on Saturday, February 23, 2013 from 10:00am to 12:00 noon.

Another topic of conversation was putting signs around town and one particular one brought up was for the Bement Bridge. It was indicated there is one, but not sure just where. This will be followed up on.

Building Inspector:

It was stated that the Building Inspector has resigned and the position will be posted.

There is a job description for this position.

Scrap Metal:

An inquiry regarding purchasing scrap metal from the Highway Department was received, and the Selectmen agreed this will not be allowed.

Repair Costs for the Community Center:

A Mr. Richard Stevens will rework the list for the top five priorities of repairs needed on the Community Center. The total amount of $41,000.00 was given for the total repairs of which some of them are the doors, windows, roof, making a lower level exit, lighting out in front of the building. It was also suggested there be a timer be put on the lights out back of the building. Marcia Keller suggested the remaining repairs to the building should be on the CIP next year.

Additional information regarding MS-7:

Information regarding Article Five on the Warrant was discussed at length as the Selectmen recommended a dollar amount of $250,000.00, and the Budget Committee did not recommend that amount. The Budget Committee amended it to $300,000.00 in discussion, but did not vote on this. This will be brought up at Town Meeting. It was stated DRA advised showing both amounts.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to explain at Town Meeting that the Selectmen voted to recommend the $250,000.00 amount and the Budget Committee did not recommend it, but desired to amend the Article to $300,000.00. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Harry Wright, Chair voted no. Motion carried 2-1.

Martyn Chivers:

Martyn Chivers came before the Selectmen to see if the town’s new Attorney could see the letter from his Attorney, to see if the Selectmen do have the authority to make the decision for the measurement to be from 660 feet to 450 feet from the center of the road for his vehicle recycling operation. It was suggested this could/should be on a case by case basis.

Marcia Keller interjected the approved Site Plan is for 660 feet.

Article Two on the Warrant for Town Meeting is a Petition Article.

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair advised that when a Petition comes before the Planning Board, they are required by statute to vote to recommend or not recommend. At that meeting, the six member Board voted 3 to 3. Upon checking with the Local Government Center, they advised no re-vote is necessary, but put the (Planning Board made no recommendation) on the Warrant Article.

Marcia Keller also stated at the time when they were looking at the 450 feet or 660 feet, there was an Application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to lower that number from 660 feet to 450 feet and that time, the Attorney stated that in Statute, and if there is nothing in the Zoning Ordinance that counters that, then the Zoning Board cannot act differently nor could the Planning Board act differently.

Marcia Keller also advised that the Planning Board held a Public Hearing, and no one came. It was decided that this should be brought up for explanation at the Meet the Candidates on March 9th 10:00am to 12:00 noon at the Community Center.

Martyn Chivers requested his Attorney’s letter be forwarded to the town Attorney for clarification.

The Selectmen reviewed a letter to them from the Planning Board regarding a Site Plan that has not been completed by Mr. Douglas Jackson, Center Road, for a building that is in non-compliance.

Cheryl Behr was requested to write a letter from the Selectmen to Mr. Jackson.

Review and Consideration of February 11, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the February 11, 2013 minutes as presented.

Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

Much discussion transpired regarding writing down information that will be lost forever if not recorded somewhere, such as during WWII the look-out to identify airplanes on top of Ring Hill, different wells in town, cisterns, train etc., signs for different significant locations in town.

There being no other business in town, meeting adjourned 6:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
