Select Board Minutes 02.15.10

FEBRUARY 15, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll Call and Call to Order:

Charles Meany, Chair opened the meeting at 5:28pm with Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney

Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Minutes of January 5, 2010:

The minutes of January 5 should contain the following edit on Page 6, just above the last paragraph: Dan Peret commented: ” George Cilley approached me on Main Street on Sunday morning prior to services to open up the parking lot and I did and it was sanded. There is a lot of bickering going on in town. Talking about Dave, talking about myself. What happened in this Highway Dept. they’re at each others throat, there’s a lot of tension here. We’re out the other day and fired up the chain saws and their minds are not on the job, very dangerous. I brought this up to the Selectmen before and to come down and talk to individuals in the minutes of (inaudible) and the problem is still there and what they did was fire a couple of guys, problem solved I guess.” Someone from the floor asked is it? Dan replied “it must be, my tensions gone, I’m done in 4 weeks. I ‘m going to retire. I’d like to retire peacefully, not fighting with everyone.”

Kearsarge Regional School District:

Russ Aney, Grant writer for Kearsarge School District, Andrew Pinard and Dan Wolfe, School Board Members of the Kearsarge Regional School District came before the Selectmen regarding school application for energy grant funds.

Andrew Pinard explained that they are applying for a Grant that in part will help fund an Energy Efficiency project that has been entered into in the past, and are in hopes to enter into again with Honeywell.

Mr. Aney advised this encompasses all seven towns within the Kearsarge Regional School District.

The Grants are being distributed directly to the towns, not the school District, as the district cannot actually apply for the Grant. This is funding that comes from the Federal Government to support Energy Efficiency measures, it could only go to a Municipal Entity. This means that one of the seven towns could be the lead town and the others would partner to go after this money to offset the cost of the project, that has been developed over the past couple of years through the collaboration of the School District and Honeywell. Honeywell has been engaged with the Kearsarge Regional School District for about fifteen years now, providing various energy services, and energy efficiency upgrades. This is a project that is designed to take us forward for at least the next fifteen years, and is represented under Warrant Article number one, and passage of this warrant article is contingent upon our winning this Grant. The supporting of this Grant does not necessarily imply that we are for Article No. One. What we are asking is if the Town of Bradford would be willing to demonstrate its’ support for the Grant application so that we have the opportunity to take advantage of these one time Federal Funds that are available. Bradford’s total energy budget, its contribution to the Kearsarge Regional School District energy budget, it is probably the largest energy line item you probably have. This is a significant but time limited offer from the Federal Government to help offset those costs. Mr. Aney suggested there might be concern that the town is also applying for an energy Grant for itself and this might be thought to be competitive, and might reduce the probability of winning its own individual proposal.

Peter Fenton questioned that at a joint Selectmen’s meeting in Warner last month it was stated that there were only going to be two towns on the application, why has that changed? Mr. Aney advised he did not know, not being at that meeting. Andrew Pinard advised the application was being proposed with the communities with the largest infrastructure associated with the School District, being New London and Sutton [AJP: As clarified at the meeting, the actual sponsor applicants were to be New London & Springfield, the latter of which was not applying for one of these grants and would therefore not be competing for the funding.] Andrew also advised there is a maximum amount that towns can receive in terms of grant funds, that being four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). When towns partner together on a project, the overall project limit is one million dollars ($100,000,000.) At a school board meeting last Thursday, they reduced the actual amount to raise the probability of success because of the way they are scoring the grants. Only one town actually has to apply now, yet one of the scoring criteria of the grant is whether there is long term commitment and support from the community.

Russ Aney advised there are two other towns who are requesting Grants on their own, Warner and New London. In response to a question from Charles Meany, Chair, will Bradford’s Grant application have a bearing on the Kearsarge Regional School District application? Mr. Aney advised since it is an Energy Efficiency Grant being applied for in Bradford, it would be in competition. Mr. Aney said the question comes down to, is there a way we can demonstrate support for it as it will help the community, including Bradford significantly to get this Grant, and to have Bradford demonstrate that support in some form or fashion will strengthen the proposal. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it would have been great if this information had been distributed earlier before she had done so much work on Bradford’s Grant. Mr.Aney advised that this has been worked on for quite some time now, and all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, just last week.

Charles Meany, Chair questioned if the actual savings from the energy improvements will be returned to the individual towns in the form of tax relief on school budgets, or will that money be absorbed into the school budget and spent in the next year with no relief to the individual towns? Andrew Pinard advised that part of it will be seen in an immediate return in the fact that some of the infrastructure projects that are going to be tackled by this energy efficiency program that Honeywell does will mean that the school district will not be coming before the town looking for money for those projects.

Dan Wolfe, Chair School Board advised this would reflect in the budget each year. Each line is reflected we’re spending less on energy. If we do save money in electricity or energy, it will reduce any increase.

Mr. Aney advised that with a partnership application such as this, OEP says that it will allocate the Grant Funds to each of the towns on a per capita basis. But, the applicant can also submit its own application. There are several options that can be used.

One way or another, it would be very nice to have some indication of support so we do not have a divided community.

Schedule C will be provided to the town for signatures, which does require notarized signatures. There will be one application from New London and 6 partnership agreements from the other towns that make up the district and one proposal for Kearsarge Regional School District.

Peter Fenton questioned, we built a brand new middle school, because of the condition of the building in New London. Now, we are going to be putting money into that building through this Grant. Dan Wolfe advised they were talking about putting the SAU office there and they were given permission two years ago. Also a learning Center, Culinary Arts and Special Education are being considered to be there, as well as a portion of the Outing Club. Peter Fenton questioned that we would be maintaining that building to hold classes again to which Mr. Wolfe replied, yes. Peter Fenton question if Shelly Hartfield will be overseeing the Grant to which Mr. Wolfe replied yes, because of the special Federal recording of the Grant. It is not a lot of time, a few hours each month, but it does require someone who knows exactly what all the reports are, and the reports are done right. She is a check on the process. Honeywell also provides certified payroll on a weekly basis. We are trying to go a little above and beyond to make sure we are getting every single one of the points regarding getting this done cost effectively. Peter Fenton questioned if this Grant is for the High School, to which Mr. Wolfe allowed it is for six schools. One location only has to be noted on the Grant, as that is where the bulk of the money will be spent. Peter Fenton also questioned if there was a priority for the spending of the money, which there was no answer at this time. However, there is an 18 month timeline.

George Cilley questioned what the estimated payback on this money might be? Dan Wolfe advised the payback would depend upon the energy consumption, but they initially estimated the energy savings at about one hundred thirteen dollars ($113,000) each year.

State Aid is also being hoped for per Dan Wolfe.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to follow the letter received from the School District for the Partnership Agreement. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Bradford’s portion of the School Budget is 10%.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to go with the 10% Partnership Agreement. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Mr. Aney advised he wanted everyone to realize that if Warner goes with 0% Partnership, then the pie will have to be re calculated and Bradford will be bumped up a few percentage points.

This agreement was signed tonight by all Selectmen and Notarized by Trudy Willett.

Non Public Meeting:

Charles Meany, Chair advised the Selectmen will be going into Non-Public session per RSA 91:A-3II at 6:10pm.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to seal the minutes.

Reconvened to regular session at 6:32 pm.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Signed Current Use Application

Final order of Warrant Articles were discussed. Chris Frey had suggested changing the order of the Warrant Articles. Cheryl Behr, Administrator had re-arranged the Articles on a blue sheet that was presented and discussion ensued.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair that the Articles remain in the current sequence as listed. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Mr. Wright was present last week and recommended rewording the statement about the cost per Warrant Article. Cheryl thought this was a good idea but could not find her note and has been trying to reach Mr. Wright for the past week. So have tried with “This represents approximately (.00) of the tax rate.”

Cheryl also explained that petitions are on the Warrant as they were received.

The Selectmen signed the Warrant Articles as complete at this time.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised tomorrow night’s meeting (Feb. 16, 2010) will be short as it is for opening bids only for the West Road Bridge project.

Jon Marden is checking out the audio/visual equipment.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley