Select Board Minutes 03.04.08

Draft Draft
MARCH 4, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call

Peter Fenton, Chair called the March 4th Selectmen’s meeting to order with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, present.

Review and acceptance of the February 19, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the minutes as presented. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Fire Department had responded to some activity at his house/restaurant while he was away, and he thanked them for their quick response.

Discussion of needs assessment committee letter:

Andrew Pinard brought up concerns of a letter that had been sent out town wide from the Needs Assessment Committee regarding “How Your Tax Rate is Really Affected”. (copy attached) It was acknowledged that Tom Riley and Everett Kittredge, members of the Needs Assessment Committee, had approved the contents but Town Attorney had not been contacted. Andrew Pinard advised the letter had been mailed out using Town funds and Town indicia and he was concerned. He advised he had also received some telephone calls from residents who were also concerned that town funds were used for this letter. Andrew advised at this time he contacted The Local Government Center as well as Tim Bates, Town Attorney, who suggested it clearly crossed the line into advocacy. (Letter on file)

Andrew Pinard advised he felt the letter was mailed in error; however the letter was also in good intention to try to inform the town what is coming up. It was advised that the information was already in the Bradford Bridge. Andrew Pinard advised that Tim Bates, Town Atty. recommended that to help placate any individuals that found this as inappropriate action could be to request that the members of the Needs Assessment Committee or someone else reimburse the town for the costs that were associated with the printing and assembly. Dawn Rich, NAC Correspondent, pointed out that a similar mailing went out last year from that Needs Assessment Committee. After considerable heated discussion from several members of the public, several advised they would put money up to cover the cost of the printing and mailing. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Selectmen only approve something they sign. He also advised that he would put a container up by the Selectmen’s office for donations to cover the cost of the printing and mailing. Charles Meany advised when he read the letter for content, from an e-mail forwarded to him, he was greatly in favor of it, and he advised Cheryl Behr, Administrator to ship it. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the total cost for this mailing: At ½ cent a page to use the printer  5.30

Indicia Mailing                          132.35

                        Total Cost $137.65

Cheryl Behr, Administrator pointed out that the mailing did not advocate either of the Articles, but did advise that to raise money to do this project is not going to have horrendous impact on your taxes. Mr. Robert Manchester was thanked for his efforts in creating this letter by Charles Meany, as well as members of the public.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to set up a container at the Selectmen’s office for donations. Any money received in donations over and above the $140.00 could go to a charity. Seconded by Andrew Pinard. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned how would we communicate this to the people who were offended? It was pointed out that anyone could read the minutes of the meeting, as well as being posted on the web site. Cheryl Behr, Administrator also questioned the Selectmen if they need to approve anything before it goes out in the future. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that Cheryl Behr, Administrator has the authority to issue anybody the use of that stamp. It is not the responsibility of Cheryl Behr, Administrator or the Selectmen to go over the content of each thing that comes in. In reply to a question by Marlene Freyler, Peter Fenton, Chair advised any one of the selectmen can call the town attorney.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised that after town meeting, there will be a non public session with the Selectmen and Cheryl Behr, Administrator to get this matter straightened out, to which all selectmen were in agreement.

Highway Budget – 4312:

Steve Lucier, Road Agent was present as Cheryl Behr, Administrator went over the Highway Budget, explaining because of all the storms, the part time budget is completely used up and the overtime budget has been depleted by 7%. It was recommended that the highway budget be amended at town meeting. Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised the trucks are being in need of repair. Charles Meany questioned if Steve Lucier, Road Agent would review and revise his budget prior to town meeting. He advised he will let the Selectmen know when he has accomplished this so they can meet again. Steve Lucier advised the roads will not be posted until they actually need to be.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were presented for signatures:

Regional Solid Waste Association:

The scheduled meeting scheduled on February 27, 2008 with Ken Anderson and Ms. Bedard regarding single stream recycling and the Regional Solid Waste Association was canceled and has been rescheduled for March 6th at 9:30am.

A letter was received concerning Hazardous Waste Day from Robert Pennock, Henniker Dump for $1,000.00, which needs to be signed by Selectmen.

Sign Application for Base Radio from Homeland Security:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the NH Department of Safety is willing to give the Town a base radio for $6,600.00 which includes installation if the application is filled out. This would replace the current one, which is old.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator reminded everyone that the Town Reports are in and available.

Review Contingencies for Bonds:

Discussion ensued regarding the Bond amount of $1,450,000.00 and the additional amount of $100,000.00 for a cistern and any contingency. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had e-mailed Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief for particulars.

Non Public Meeting:

Motion made by Andrew Pinard for the Selectmen to retire to the Selectmen’s office for a non- public meeting at 7:03pm for 91AII(c) regarding personnel. Motion seconded and carried 3-0. Out of the non- public meeting at 7:10pm with no decisions made per Peter Fenton, Chair.

Jonathan Steiner, Moderator:

Jonathan Steiner, Moderator came before the Selectmen to go over Town Meeting plans and procedure. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the check list supervisors had stated there are 6 colors being used for voting.

Motion to adjourn at 7:30pm seconded and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
