Select Board Minutes 04.08.13

APRIL 8, 2013

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the April 8th Selectmen’s meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Jeff Earls, Cross Country Appraisals re: Solitude Ridge properties:

Harry Wright, Chair gave a brief review of a letter that was sent to the Selectmen from Cross Country Appraisal Group dated January 24, 2013 with a 20% property valuation over some other properties in town. Mr. & Mrs. Chet Mitchell and another couple from Solitude Ridge were in to hear what Mr. Earls had to say. It was explained by Mr. Earls that in 2010 a revaluation of the whole town was done and brought values up to market value at that time. Now, the trend has been down for all properties with the exception of waterfront, with some properties dropping more than the average in town. The law states that if you have dropped more than the average in town, then you should be brought down as the same level as the rest of the town. Mr. Earls advised this would be self correcting in 2015.
Discussion took place, and the Selectmen will discuss this further, vote on it, and will respond in writing to the Solitude Ridge residents.

Meg Ames re: house on the corner of Old Warner Road and Route 114:

Meg Ames came before the Selectmen as a representative for Rodd Jones whose home is adjacent to the house that is in disrepair, on the corner of Route 114 and Old Warner Road, and could cause damage to the Jones property.

Ms. Ames questioned what is being done, and questioned if Mr. Jones was living there, would it be handled differently. Ms. Ames showed some pictures of the house to the Selectmen. The Selectmen acknowledged that they have been in contact with the owner of the property. At this time, there is an offer pending per a local broker. The Selectmen suggested this be run by the town Attorney.

Traffic Sign, Police Cruiser- Fire Department Generator Grant:

The Police Traffic Sign has been ordered.

The Police Cruiser has been ordered.

The Fire Department Generator Grant has been forwarded for Historic review.

Finalization of Meeting details:

Finalization of plans and preparations for the upcoming Town Hall Restoration Warrant Article Four scheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2013 were discussed. The placing of the tent will be checked out by John Pfeifle as well as when it can be put up. Andrew Pinard will be checking on audio for the tent. Andrew advised he provides the audio only. The Highway Department will bring extra chairs for use in the tent, which will hold approximately 50.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to support a two hour time frame for voting on April 11, 2013 for Article Four. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0. Discussion ensued regarding getting the word out with the extended time frame.

Discussion ensued regarding the total cost of the project of the Town Hall Restoration and it will be available by the Selectmen who are in favor of a 30 year repayment schedule at this time.

Personnel action for Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.

A personnel action form was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen for the Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.

New Committee Members Listed:

Main Street Revitalization: Economic Development:

Nikki Dubaere              Jim Bibbo

Chris Way  Jim Lalla

Sheila Jackson  Kevin McKenna

Marcia Keller  Mel Pfeifle

Marlene Freyler                        John Pfeifle

Sonny Harris  Erich Caron

Marilyn Gordon  Will Hurley

Cheryl Behr will write a letter to each of the above for a one year appointment.

Forest Fire Appointments:

Forest Fire Appointments were signed by the Selectmen. List includes: Steve Hansen, David Camare, Chris Aiken, Preston Starr and Mark Goldberg. Also a bill was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen for training in Wilmot.

A bill was presented by Harry Wright to be passed on to the Rural Heritage for Site inspection, testing, lab work, recording and review for Hazardous Materials at the Town Hall as requested by North Branch Construction.

An excavation intent was reviewed and signed for Bruce Edwards.

Additional Paragraph:

Cheryl advised the following additional paragraph needed to be added to the original notification of the upcoming Town Hall Restoration voting on Article 4 on April 11, 2013.

“In accordance with NH RSA 33:8-a, the Town Moderator and the Board of Selectmen hereby call for a meeting for a limited purpose, based upon an affirmative vote for reconsideration of Article 4 of the Town’s Warrant at the Town Meeting held on March 12, 2013, to address the following:”

The Selectmen reviewed and signed this.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

John Pfeifle stated he would like to be included in a discussion with the Road Agent for the Highway Budget and specifically fixing the BreezyHillRoadBridge off Route 114 by Massasecum. Would like to invite Denny Hisler to come to a meeting and explore some avenues as soon as possible as to what actually needs to be done and estimated cost of doing it.

John Pfeifle questioned if there is a 4th of July committee to which Marlene Freyler advised there is a committee three, but it is hard to get anyone to actually work. A communication is being put in the Bridge for additional committee members per Marlene.

Mention was made of the sidewalks and Main Street being free of sand, having been cleaned up and swept by the Highway Department. Also a Thank You to Bob Lincoln for providing the Secretary with several packages of new tapes used in recording the minutes.

Review and Consideration of April 1, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the April 1, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to go into Non public per RSA 91A:3IId to discuss two taxpayer’s issues and RSA91A:3II to discuss a personnel issue. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Harry Wright, Chair, Yes – Sonny Harris, Yes – John Pfeifle, Yes.

Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned 6:40pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


Non Public session per RSA 91A:3IId.  April 8, 2013 Time 6:50pm BradfordAreaCommunity Center.

In attendance: Harry Wright, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Cheryl Behr, Town Administrator


Taxpayer (Bosivert) did not keep appointment to discuss tax matter.  Discussion between the Board of Selectmen regarding tax deferrals for elderly residents unable to pay property taxes on their current homes.  Cheryl was instructed to pursue the requirements of the process and prepare a letter to mail to the owner.


This topic was closed at 7:15pm by vote of Wright, yes; Harris, yes; Pfeifle, yes.


Non public Session per RSA 91A3IIa – personnel matter was discussed with no decision made.  Selectmen acknowledged receipt of legal materials on outstanding personnel matter.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.  Vote Wright, yes; Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes.

Non public minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr, Administrator