Select Board Minutes 04.08.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of March 25, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to accept the March 25, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor


Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update

  • There have been 483 incidents since the last report, this is a total of 1000+ for the year. There has been a 37% increase over 2023 of motor vehicle stops.
  • Financials: 78% of the 2024 budget is remaining.
  • Members of the department are participating in training this month.
  • New Cruiser: Durango. Has been ordered delivered 4-5 months. Tahoe needs repair is under warranty.
  • Radar will be calibrated this week. Officers test radar before each shift.

Steve Hall – Highway Department Update

Steve has gathered three bids for the paving of West Road and Fairgrounds. The bids range in price between $378,000 and $386,000 and include the work and materials to prep the road. Some of the prep work will be contracted out, some will be done by the Highway crew. The low bid total for the road projects is $378,000, $53,000 higher than the warrant article passed at Town Meeting. Steve had asked Karen if there were additional funding sources and she explained a couple of ways the overage could be funded.

Motion: Beth Downs moved to fund the $53,000 overage with the additional Highway Block Grant funds received in 2023 in the amount of $25,283.66, and the balance to be funded by the 2019 Roads and Bridges Expendable Trust Fund.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to accept $1,000 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b for the sale of the nine-foot body from the F550 truck.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature. Signed.

Town Hall Update

  • The last few items required by the Code Enforcement Officer and Fire Chief for a Certificate of Occupancy are nearly complete. Karen has begun planning the move back into the building. There are many moving parts that need to be coordinated from computer and phone lines to the actual movers.
  • In July of 2023, the Board approved the replacement of the tin ceiling on the first floor as required by LCHIP and agreed to fund it with funds leftover from a 2020 warrant article for building repair and maintenance. The work was anticipated to cost approximately $11,000, however the final total was $16,213. This, and other incidental expenses required for the CO, such as the magnetic door hold open, will be funded with the 2020 warrant article.

Motion: Beth Downs moved to use $16,656.89 of unexpended funds from the 2020 warrant article #29 to cover the tin ceiling and other final expenses.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Expense/Revenue Review – First Quarter Expenses. The consensus of the Board is that expenses are in line with budget. The Board reviewed the First Quarter Revenue report.

Revisit Select Board Goals for 2024:

  • Overall priority: Determining future use, etc. of the Bradford Area Community Center and upstairs of Town Hall. The Facilities Committee will do legwork for this. The expansion of space allotted to the Community Action Program is under consideration.
  • Beth’s goals include updating the personnel handbook and continuing the update of financial policies including information about trusts.  
  • Chip’s goals include transparency of Select Board; working with Karen to compile a project list with plans to be ready when grant money becomes available; local artist displays at the Town Hall.
  • Marlene’s goal is to get quotes for the printing of the Town Report.

New Business:

Cemetery Maintenance Proposal: One proposal has been received; Marlene will discuss this with the Cemetery Commission at their next meeting.

Sign MS-232 Report of Appropriations Actually Voted: This is a list for the state of the appropriations that were voted for at Town Meeting. Signed.

Accept Unanticipated Revenue:

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved that the Board accept $580.00 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b in private donations for the Bradford Scholarship Fund.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved that the Board accept $9,853.20 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b from the NH Department of Safety Search and Rescue Grant for the Police Department. This is the final payment for the 2021 grant award.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved that the Board accept $1,800.00 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b from Work Invest NH – EMT Training Incentive Program Grant.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Sign Conservation Commission Appointments. Signed.

Appointments: George Beaton, Doug Southard, Ann Eldridge, Brooks McCandlish

Sign Junkyard License. Signed.Lawrence McDonald, 78 Fortune Road

Sign Personnel Action Form. Signed.

Maureen Brandon appeared to ask the Board to consider a matter pertaining to her in non-public session.

Adjourn public session

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:23 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to return to public session at 8:35 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting: Monday, April 22, 2024

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford