Select Board Minutes 04.09.09

APRIL 10, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the Special Selectmen’s meeting to order at 8:00am with Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

It was decided to not review the minutes from the April 7, 2009 Selectmen’s meeting at this time.


Steve Lucier, Road Agent came before the Selectmen to discuss the re-decking of the 2nd West Meadow Road Bridge. Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised he has done a little shopping himself, and would like to discuss the size of the plate for the bridge. A 20 foot plate could be purchased for two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars ($2750.00) rather than the twenty nine hundred ($2900.00) that had been previously discussed. There is also available a 22 foot length which would work better, as the extra foot would give a little bit more on each side, per Steve Lucier, Road Agent, and this would cost thirty two hundred dollars ($3200.00). This would make the bridge a little bit safer, as it would cover the whole abutment. This would be the total charge, as Mike Hansen, Hansen Construction will do the labor at no additional charge. This bridge would continue to be posted at a 6 ton limit. This work will be done Monday if the 20 foot plate is used or by Tuesday or Wednesday if the 22 foot plate is procured.

A letter from Michael A. Croteau, SEA Consultants, Inc was received dated April 9, 2009. (Letter on file)

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to go with the 22 foot plate providing a letter will be forth coming from NHDOT either by e-mail or via a letter advising they are ok with this procedure, and also with the understanding the only charge for this will be for the material, and that Mike Hansen will do the labor on his time. Jack Meaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Andrew Pinard, from the floor, questioned the reason for the delay when it was set up to be done by June 1, 2009, to which he was advised the ice storm had held Public Service up moving the wires.

Charles Meany, Chair requested a letter be forwarded to the Selectmen from Mike Hansen regarding the reason for the delay in completion of the bridge project. Steve Lucier advised Mr. Hansen, Hansen Construction is writing a letter to Mike Croteau, SEA and Steve will request same for the town.

Andrew Pinard advised he had read in the minutes from April 7, 2009 that the town crew will be raking Steve Pierce’s roadside lawn and he is requesting his also gets raked from where snow plowing dug it up, which entails about 55 feet. This will get looked at by Steve Lucier, Road Agent.

Charles Meany, Chair suggested a letter should be written to Mr. Pierce advising him of just where the right of way is, and explain what is lawn and what is not.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator requested the following information regarding the new Highway Garage:

1. What other materials and equipment need to be budgeted for the project.

2. Estimated Dollar Amount of same needs to be listed.

3. The time frame involved for completion.

4. If there are specific things not in current budget, where will the money come from.

James Valiquet, Police Chief advised of some incidences requiring the State Police to be called to Bradford when there was no local coverage available due to cutbacks. Charles Meany, Chair requested a letter to be written by the Police Dept. to NFI advising the Bradford Police Dept. will respond to an emergency if there is someone available, with any investigations being referred to the State Police. Further discussion ensued.

Several letters were signed by the Selectmen.

Upcoming topics for discussion: Highway department summer schedule.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Seconded by Jack Meaney, to adjourn at 8:30AM.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
