Select Board Minutes 05.06.13



MAY 6, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 with Sonny Harris present, John Pffeiffle present, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present. Cheryl Behr, Town Administrator absent.


Barry Wheeler-Road Project & FEMA

Pike was scheduled to start on the 6th of May and has been changed to the 13th of May.

Questions needed to be answered for FEMA and Barry felt that he was unable to answer these questions truthfully and didn’t want to put his signature on them. Barry made mentioned that records were never kept by previous road agents and when the next big storm is predicted he will start doing so. John Pfeiffle asked what is excessive. Does it go above and beyond a normal storm. Sonny Harris made mention that the storm wasn’t excessive. Harry Wright mention that the guidelines are that we are paying money into FEMA by our taxe and we are qualified to get some back. The funds that are being questions is $10,000. Barry mentioned log books are kept in the trucks of what they did that day, but wasn’t sure of how much sand and salt mix was use or how many times a street was plowed. John Pfeiffle stated that we shouldn’t put numbers out there if they are not correct and that Harry is trying to get money for the Town for we are all paying taxes to FEMA and FEMA pays back to the Town. Cheryl Behr has been talking with FEMA and for continuity purposes she should talk with FEMA.

Chris Frey: Town land for sale

2 parcels of land—one at .4 and the other at .6. The abutters have made a bid of $250 on each of the properties. Discussion entailed on merging these parcels together or not. John Pfeiffle made a motion to sell the parcel at $250. Sonny Harris second the motion if he is willing to merge that piece with his property and we will give him a quit claim deed. Motion carried 3-0

Discussion ensued on the second parcel of property. Purchaser does not want to merge with his current property by advise of his counsel. Motion by John Pfeiffle to sell this parcel at $350 seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0

At the end of the meeting much discussion ensued and was unclear just what the purchasers were to do. Harry Wright made a motion to reject the previous motion and the new motion was to allow the property to be purchased not to merge with the stipulation that if they are going to build on it they have to merge these parcels with their property. Sonny Harris seconds the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Lois Kilnapp

Fuel grant money there is some left over. If either her or Barry needs it, it is available.

Lois also requested if some of the plants on the Sanborn property be removed and replanted over at the Historical Building and Smithy Shop. Much talk on the property and John Pfeiffle made mention that the Main Street Revitalization Committee should look into this property. Much Discussion entailed. Lois and Bindy have the selectmen’s permission to remove plants and replant them at the Historical Society.


Timber Tax for signature.

Appointment for Robert Toppi to Library Alternate

Town hall ready for cleanup. Cleaning has started. There are rolls of maps upstairs that need to be sorted. Much discussion ensued. Need guidance on how we need to store these items. Suggested that things can be boxed and stored in the Selectmen and Town Clerks office for they can be closed off and locked.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

Intent to cut was signed by the board for Sonny Harris