Select Board Minutes 05.08.12

MAY 8, 2012


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of May 1, 2012 minutes:

Harry Wright stated that at the bottom of page 2, under job description for Transfer Station Manager, description was provided for the Selectmen for review, not signatures.

Mention was made that there was a note from the Police regarding Mr. Camarie, Jr. and Officer Valiquet removed Mr. Camarie at Chairman Harold Wright’s request.

Also, in the text, the comment “and you are a puppet, Indicated to Harry Wright.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve the minutes with edits. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Marcia Keller questioned the Job Description regarding the Transfer Station and Harry Wright advised it was no change of consequence, but money received now goes to town administrator. This is a change in the job description, not in the solid waste ordinance, questioned by Marcia Keller to which Harry Wright said true.


Harriet Douglas-Re Bicentennial Quilt:

Harriet Douglas advised that 28 years ago the History Committee asked six people to create a commemorative quilt for Bradford’s Bicentennial. 36 subjects were chosen to represent the 200 years of the town. Thirty citizens put in a lot of love and stitches. At this time the Historical Society would like the care of the quilt turned over to them. Right now, the quilt is hanging in the Center Meeting House where it looks beautiful. It is wanted to be put back in the town hall when it is ready for it.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair for the Historical Society to be custodian of the quilt. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Marlene Freyler re: Ju7ly 7th:

Marlene Freyler advised they have a Fife and Drum for the parade, a re-enactment from three to six pm at the ball field with a cannon to shoot off.

Marlene Freyler requested listening to minutes of the Selectmen’s Minutes for the last four or five months and she would bring in equipment to record onto for copies. The Secretary questioned if this was approved by the Selectmen to which they agreed. Harry Wright, Chair advised this will be done during regular business hours. It was stated that now the minutes are available on the Web Site as recorded.

George Cilley re: Cutting Trees:

George Cilley advised he would like to cut some pines on the back of his property, however it is contingent upon being able to take it out through the Naughton property. Between wetlands, sewer and drains on the front of his property does not allow him to do it. Mr. Cilley assured there would be no mess left on the property.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to allow hauling some pine out of the Cilley property via the Naughton property. Harry Wright, Chair seconded. 1 abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

Marge Cilley – Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Marge Cilley, representing the Town Hall Restoration Committee requested permission from the Selectmen to have the water tested at the town hall in preparation of all the other activities in restoration. This is just checking the quality of the water.

Marcia Keller questioned if the contract has been signed by the Selectmen for the Town Hall Restoration and Harry Wright advised the Town Attorney was going to talk with Rick Monahon, Architect today or tomorrow and that was the only hold up.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to have the town hall water quality tested. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

In response to a question, Harry Wright, Chair advised this will come out of the Town Hall Maintenance budget.


Accounts payable manifest and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Cheryl Behr requested each committee handle their own calls and requests due to being understaffed.

Intent to cut noted for Map 3, Lot 15 on Wayland property.

A barn on Forest Street is falling into the road. The Highway Dept. will be notified.

Timber tax forms were signed. Harry Wright, Chair advised there was nearly $11,000.00 received which does stay in the town.

Sam Fortune will mow the Center Meeting House grounds prior to an upcoming concert.

Harry Wright, Chair advised the Highway Dept. was an interim groundskeeper at the Center Meeting House with a request for a cost estimate provided. A $1,200 estimate was given to do just the Meeting House grounds, which was thought to be high by the Selectmen.

Question was asked by Dave Pickman if the Selectmen have advertised for some part time highway help. Cheryl Behr advised it was talked about, but she has not had time to sit down with the Road Agent to discuss it.

Harry Wright, Chair explained that resulting from Mr. Chiver’s application to put a junk yard in, it was discovered that the location of the yard is too close to the highway (103), not even worrying about the river, but to the highway to meet the setback requirements. The ZBA has stated that the state requirement trumps any latitude that they have, and Town Council has agreed. Mr. Chiver’s council stated they thought it was appropriate, that within our Zoning Ordinance as he read it, that it would be appropriate for the ZBA to vote on it. Question arose last week at the ZBA meeting if it would be expedient to have their council talk to Town council? Harry Wright, Chair advised he received a message that the Town Council advised they stand by their position and doesn’t feel the need for any further consultation, negotiation or discussion.

At this time, the decision by the Selectmen is to put the request on hold.

Cheryl Behr handed out Tax Abatements to the Selectmen to sign whether for or not.

Mention was made that Tax bills will be printed on Friday, May 11, 2012.

Perry Teele questioned if the town has a contract with Cartographic to which he was answered in the affirmative. Perry suggested that it should go out for bid when the contract is due. Cheryl Behr advised the contracted price is $3,000.00 per year with the first year costing $300.00 more to put it on line, for a three year contract, renewal annually. Cheryl also advised there is an escape clause in the contract if voted down.

Cheryl Behr returned the maps from Cartographics to the Planning Board secretary with the request she get back what does not belong to the Planning Board to put into the property file.

Personnel change forms will be signed at the Non-public session later this evening.

Cheryl Behr advised she had comments from Laura Spector-Morgan (Letter on file) regarding lists of requests from the Budget Committee, and had sent copies to each Selectman. Cheryl stated that in the past she has attempted to provide the Budget Committee with a variety of pretty much of what ever they wanted. It is getting a little excessive. In response to Cheryl’s statement that the Budget Committee has no authority to who is used for a vendor, Jon Marden, Budget Committee member stated that this years expenditures are taken into consideration for setting next years budget. Discussion ensued.

Tom Riley, Cemetery Commission, questioned what the Selectmen have decided about the equipment consisting of two riding loan mowers, 1 good, 1 no good, five push mowers, all old, mostly junk? An offer of $150.00 was offered to the town for the push mowers. This was put on hold for now, and a decision will be made at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler for the Administrator, Cheryl Behr to attend all the upcoming Budget Committee meetings, and gets paid accordingly. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

The Personnel Manual meeting for single groups will be held off until after they have been handed out and been reviewed. It was pointed out that signing them only means they have received the manual.

Meeting adjourned to non public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 6:40pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary

For an audio file (mp3) of the recording to this meeting, please visit where they are named according to the date and the organization. Please note that, due to space issues, any recordings may be purged from the website without notice. Files can be saved to your hard drive, by right-clicking the link to the file (from the index list) and using “Save Link As” or “Save File As”.