Select Board Minutes 05.04.10

MAY 4, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Peter Fenton, Chair announced the upcoming presentation by the New England College Planning Class on May 5th at the Town Hall at 7:00pm This is in reference to the improvement of the down town area. Meet and Greet and refreshments will be at 6:30pm.

Also, Bradford will host a Joint Board of Selectmen’s Meeting on May 6th at the Community Center, at 6:30pm.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised they do need to get caught up on approving the minutes: These would be from- March 2, March 16, March 30, April 6 and April 20th.


Ken Anderson came before the Selectmen to discuss changing his hours to 25 hours a week. He was advised that would take his benefits away. He advised he would be there the 3 days a week that the land fill is open. Lois Kilnapp would increase her hours to 30 hours. Vacation time due Mr. Anderson was discussed.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair that Ken could maintain 25 hours a week; get paid 10 hours vacation time until used up, with the exception of a week Ken advised he would like to save until the fall. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0. Ken will discuss this with Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Ken advised people do not like to pay for leaving TV’s at the dump area. They drop them anywhere and just leave. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Selectmen need to be advised when this happens.

Discussion ensued regarding the crushing of glass. The Town could use it when it is ground up per Jeff Remillard, Road Agent. It could be stored where the culverts were stored. Ken will check on this and let the office know if the town could have it crushed here at $20.00 per ton rather than paying $200.00 for hauling, then $20.00 a ton for tipping fee.

Marcia Keller advised at this time the only persons listed on the Recycled Committee is Bruss and Glennie.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard advised the Hazard Mitigation deadline for letter of intent is now May 28, 2010.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised that anyone in the Town of Bradford interested in renting equipment to the town highway department needs to contact Jeff Remillard, Road Agent. It was stated that Laura Hallahan and Matt Ordway were working on setting up a list of equipment owners, with names and telephone numbers.

Peter Fenton, Chair brought up the Highway budget and advised Jeff Remillard that he does not want the Highway to go over budget this year.

Dick Keller advised there appears to be a sign missing on Breezy Hill Road at the #103 entrance stating “no thru trucking” Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will take care of this.

Jeff also brought up the culvert on the Old Warner Road which was originally a cattle crossing. It has collapsed about 6 inches, and will need to be taken care of. It is a 6 foot culvert, and will be a big hole when it does fail. When it is taken care of, by taking the culvert out and filling in the hole, the road will have to be closed for at least a day.

Mention was made that the old 1985 Chevy pick-up truck needs to go to auction and needs the title or Vin #. Also there is an old Crack Sealer that will be sent to auction.

Jeff Remillard questioned if he could use his dump truck and trailer to move Town equipment at no charge to the town, but keep it garaged during the night. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Town does need to pay a rental fee for it.

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk handed out Department of Safety Rules to the Selectmen regarding permits stating: “No municipal agent shall accept permit fees from a person who does not reside in the municipal agent’s city or town”. Each town has to do their own registrations; however, any town could do the State portion. Peter Fenton, Chair reiterated that Bradford residents cannot register their vehicles in another town.

Discussion ensued regarding leaving the highway gate open during activities at the ball park, as requested by the Community Center. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised there is hanging equipment which could pose a hazard.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to keep the gate locked when the Highway Garage is closed. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 2-1. Harry Wright opposed.

It was suggested that a sign stating “Official Use Only” could be put up.

Jeff Remillard advised a written complaint has been received regarding the problem with the fence at the Fire Pond on West Main Street. The materials have been ordered and should be here soon, then it will be taken care of. Also brought up is the pot hole by the Pizza Chef. It was considered to be a town problem and it will be taken care of by the Road Crew.

Chris Frey questioned if the Selectmen would consider changing their policy to not replace bridges on Class V and seasonal roads. There are three Class V – Seasonal Roads in town now that have bridges on them: Jewett, Johnson, and two on Blaisdell. Currently on the other roads in town, that are seasonal, there are 4 bridges to be replaced on the schedule. These roads are closed most of the year, and it costs $800,000 plus for each bridge to replace them. If a policy were to be in place at this time, it might prevent people from subdividing, and when these bridges become obsolete, they will not be replaced. It was stated this would have to be a decision made at Town Meeting. The Selectmen will check this out with the Town Attorney.

Planning Board – Marcia Keller:

Marcia Keller discussed the need to up-date the CIP, (Capital Improvement Program). A proposed Adjunct Group to the Planning Board includes, Bill Glennie, Planning board Representative, Dick Keller volunteered to organize the first meeting. Gary Wall will check with the Budget Committee for a member, Jon Marden, and Harry Wright. Marcia advised a letter to all departments to explain what is asked and time line for return. The last CIP completed was 2002 with an update done in 2007. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the CIP and Master Plan are very important information in Grant requests. Marcia advised that a deadline is hoped for by the end of the summer.

Marcia Keller questioned the outcome of information in the March 16, 2010 minutes regarding the Mosiac Artiques sign. Jack Meaney will request Jeff Remillard, Road Agent to help Trudy Willett in measuring the sign.

New Sign Ordinance:

Marcia Keller, resulting in the new Sign Ordinance adopted at Town Meeting, handed out the Sign Application and Permit forms to the Selectmen. The responsibility of this fall to the Building Inspector or whomever the Selectmen designate.

The Historic District Commission was brought up by Marcia Keller and a Selectmen’s representative is needed. Peter Fenton volunteered. The other committee members are:

Perry Teele, Carey Rodd, Dick Whall, George Cilley.

Work Force Housing was also brought up by Jack Meaney. This was defeated at Town Meeting, and Marcia Keller suggested on checking to see if a piece of the Ordinance seems to be the problem and explaining more clearly to the voters prior to the next Town Meeting.

Jon Marden requested a little leniency in policy regarding employee benefits. Perhaps make an exception to the rule and put it on a computer program rather than having copies made on the copier. Jon did request a copy of the employee manual. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will look into a program. Cheryl Behr, Administrator did advise Jon Marden that she did not have time to answer many questions frequently. They will get together on the timing of asking questions etc.

Question arose regarding the Sanborn property on East Main Street that burned over a year ago. It is not secured, and could pose a danger to anyone walking by. It was stated that the Town Attorney has been contacted by Mrs. Sanborn’s attorney that they are in process of a sale and have requested some leniency. The town has requested from their Attorney that they assure whatever agreement is developed between the new owner and Mrs. Sanborn that it includes the removal of the problem, and she assured the town that would be in the agreement. Cheryl will check further with the Town Attorney tomorrow.

Harry Wright advised the Sidewalk Grant was approved for Bradford and he thanked everyone who worked on it, especially Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Accounts Payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Treasurer to transfer $50,000 form signed from deposit pool to operating account.

Reinstate Town of Bradford’s Line of Credit signed. (TAN note).

CDFA mortgage has been discharged.

Refund regarding registration from Town Clerks office discussed. Confirmation from the State has been received, and when a check is received by the person involved, then the town can also refund their portion.

Sidewalk Grant discussed as to what is to be done next. Perhaps a community group and Selectmen could get together regarding what will happen next, with the Engineering Group.

Town Attorney, Laura Spector would like to resolve the question regarding NFI Pilot program as far as being a charitable exemption for town property taxes. The alternative to giving them a tax exempt status is to accept a payment in lieu of taxes. Thus they would be contributing to some other formula to the town. The straight line of their taxes are $25,000 per year, and they are suggesting $10,000 taxes per year. The closing, if it happens only applies to the Midway Shelter, not to the Bradford School.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to deny the application. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried unanimously.

The Furnace room repair estimate was for $2900. Dick Schoch & Son Plumbing and Heating did the previous work. This does not need to be done all at once. The Selectmen find no problem with having the same concern do the work.

Topics for the Joint board of Selectmen’s meeting agenda have been received, and Sutton suggested Kearsarge Regional School District be on the Agenda.

SEA will be contacted about a meeting by Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

There has been no word from the people on the tax deeded property at this time. Certified mail has gone out and acknowledgement they received it has come back. It was stated that the next step should be taken, and the Selectmen were all in agreement with this.

LGC forwarded an e-mail regarding the State Government getting a response to: “Protect Your Health Reserves”

Copies of the Budget were handed out to the Selectmen.

Dan Kraft has been in the Selectmen’s Office regarding the “Garage Apron” for the new Highway Garage, which he advised there is no way it could cost $2,700. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it reflects other charges in the heading in the Town Report, and the actual Garage Apron cost was $1100.

Town Insurance coverage will take care of a child on the Community Center play ground, however if the child is injured on the play equipment in the play ground, the town insurance will not cover it. The pre-school insurance writers stated that they will cover the children on the pre-school equipment when the school is open.

The Revolving Loan Account was discussed at length.

Decision by the board is to forward another letter to Bill Starr regarding the town removing the tar from his previously used driveway.

Meeting adjourned to Non Public meeting per RSA 91:A-3:II a, c


Out of Non-Public Session at 8:10pm.

Decision is that Jeff Remillard, Road Agent spend only the $40,000 for road repairs as voted in Article twenty one at Town Meeting..

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley