Select Board Minutes 05.19.10

MAY 18, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

All the unapproved minutes will be reviewed at a later time in the meeting.

Update on the Sanborn House:

Peter Fenton, Chair asked for an update on the Sanborn House on Main Street.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised a gentleman has come forward stating that a deed is in the process of being recorded. His intentions are to demolish at least the second floor. It was also stated that an arrangement has been made by Mrs. Sanborn to trade a trailer that is in the back of the building for a roll-off.

Bruce Edwards, regarding Emergency Management:

Bruce Edwards came before the Selectmen regarding a letter from Capital Area Public Health Network, (CAP). Bruce stated that he has been doing this for five years or so, meeting once a month. Recently it has revolved to the county, and that is basically where all the Grant money goes, not to the towns any more. Right now, the thinking is that the whole populous of the town can be bussed to Hopkinton for inoculations. Bruce indicated that from all the storms that we’ve had, Bradford is pretty well set. If you go to help people in town, they will say they are all set, but will call if needed. The Day Care’s in town also feel that it is the parent’s concern to get things done for their children, not theirs. Bruce advised the Selectmen that if they do want to stay with this program, then they should find someone else who can attend the meetings. Many other organizations are participating from outside areas, where it used to be just Bradford. Bruce stated that as far as Emergency Management, he would like to stay in town and stay involved in that. Right now, if there were a problem, he would be expected to attend a meeting in Concord, where everyone would be involved in a rotating shift. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is where the Grant’s comes from, and they started to regionalize the whole state. Bruce suggested he would be the person here in town, and another person could attend the monthly meetings in Concord. The Selectmen will discuss the situation and get back to Bruce regarding this.

Rob Messer-West Meadow Stables, re: Independence Day Carriage Rides:

Rob Messer came before the Selectmen regarding using his draft horse on the July 3, 2010 festivities to move people from the Church to the ball park, Naughton property or wherever. Fred Hubley advised they are looking to bring more people in. The Church is not funding the endeavor. Rob advised he did this for the Warner Art weekend, and it was very well received. The hours would probably be from 8:15am to 1:15pm prior to the parade starting. Rob Messer advised he would have his insurance company fax proof of his insurance to the Town Office. The Selectmen were all in agreement this sounds like a great idea. Rob will let the Selectmen know the amount he will need to charge. There would be no transportation fee.

Marlene Freyler – flags:

Marlene advised the flags are all here, and discussion ensued regarding larger banner size flags which can be changed for different activities. Two will be purchased for now, and the highway crew will put them up. Also brought up is the Bradford 5K Race, and since Bob Wright does not want to do it this year, the 4th of July Committee will take it over per Marlene. In the past, contributions have netted around $1,000 and the total cost was about $3,000. Peter Fenton, Chair suggested Parks and Rec may be the ones to take it over. The number of runners varies each year between 100 and 200. Previously, about 12 volunteers were involved in the race. After much discussion, it was suggested that Marlene talk with the Parks and Rec Dept. Committee and Kate Dobrowski and let the Selectmen know the results by their June 1, 2010 scheduled meeting. Also the BNSYS group was mentioned as perhaps being interested in becoming involved.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard advised the Selectmen there is a hole in the deck, the middle deck is rotted, and the asphalt broken on the Breezy Hill Road Bridge off Route 114. It can be fixed temporarily, but when the state inspected it yesterday, they found the footing on the Rt.114 side of the bridge is undermined 6 feet. The State suggested the weight limit be limited which Jeff did immediately, however, how can that be enforced and keep larger pick-up trucks off it. The liability is strictly on the town, and it is the town’s decision if they want to close it. The hole in the deck could be patched for under $1500.00. Jack Meaney suggested closing the bridge. A Bailey Bridge was discussed. . Dick Keller advised the signs on both ends of the Breezy Hill Road says “No trucks”, not “No through trucks”.

The next scheduled bridge which is Red Listed for 2017, is for the Breezy Hill Road Bridge off Rt. 103, which has a terminal crack, per Cheryl Behr, Administrator, who had talked with Nathan from the State.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had called DOT and spoke with Nancy Nadeau who is the Administrator of the Bureau of Municipal Highways and questioned what would the town do if both the bridges on Breezy Hill Road go out from a flood, there are many people who could not get onto their properties. The advise was to send in an application for a preliminary estimate. One of the suggestions was to request a temporary bridge, which the state does have, but there is a fee payable out of the town budget. This availability is for an emergency only. Also, if we have the design done, then wait a year to actually build it, however, if the design is in, and the bridge is taken out by a flood, it can be put in immediately, then FEMA would take care of it. If the hydrology work is done for both bridges at once in advance, like now, then that information could be used as leverage for hazard mitigation.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator also called the Dept. of Revenue advising we have an emergency bridge repair fund that was established in 2007 and has twenty six thousand five hundred ($26,500) which is not enough to do the study, but could probably do the hydrology work this year.

The Selectmen unanimously agreed the bridge will be closed.

Put some Jersey Barriers down there.

Put signs out away from the bridge advising: Bridge Closed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she did notify the fire department that the bridge has issues.

Peter Fenton, Chair suggested checking on a temporary bridge by checking availability with the state. The fee could be between $1200 and $2000 from the state; however it could be $20,000 if needed to be procured from another source. The only way one could be gotten from the State is if the town is in the process of designing another bridge.

The selectmen requested Cheryl Behr, Administrator to contact the state regarding procuring a Bailey Bridge.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to contact SEA who is working on a bridge here right now, and have them start doing some of the hydrology on the Breezy Hill Bridge off Route 114, towards pre-planning. If we put out bid requests, it could take months before they are gotten back. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Selectmen unanimously agreed. At this time, Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter to Nancy Mayville, regarding the two bridges on Breezy Hill Road, No. 170-129, off Route 114 and 161-145 which is the Route 103 Bridge. This letter in essence is requesting doing the hydrology study on both bridges at the same time to save money.

Jeff Remillard was asked if the uniform situation was all set now to which Jeff replied the company manager has not contacted him at this time. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has received several calls from the company and she has referred them to the Road Agent. Peter Fenton, Chair advised this issue arose as the former Road Agent was not authorized to sign the contract.

Mention was made of a 9:00am Highway Non-Public meeting tomorrow morning with the Selectmen per RSA 91:A-3:IIc, a personnel issue, to be held at the Town Hall.

Marcia Keller questioned the RSA’s used for topics that have not always been designated correctly. The Selectmen advised closer attention will be taken regarding the RSA’s.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent questioned if he could bring some waste blocks up that he has rather than buying Jersey Barriers for closing Breezy Hill Road. The Selectmen advised that would be ok and compensation for them will be determined.

Susan Pehrson, Town Clerk wrote a letter to the Town Clerk Association for a scholarship for the Deputy Town Clerk to attend the Town Clerk’s annual conference. This resulted from the budget restraints at town meeting. The Selectmen signed the letter.

Several letters were read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator including to the Children’s Center and to Bill Starr, and were signed by the Selectmen.

A letter from Michelle Duffy thanking the Road Agent and Highway Dept for the work done on Howlett Road was received and read.

The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Intents to cut, Brooks McCandlish and intent to excavate, Peter Isham were signed.

The town audit will begin on Monday, May 24, 2010.

Question arose regarding the BIA landscaping plan.

Abatements and supplemental warrants were signed.

Bartering Group, Bartering for space at the Community Center needs to be brought up with the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to go into Non-Public at 7:00pm per RSA 91:A-3:IIc regarding evictions. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion and results of the Non Public meeting were regarding evictions and the signing of a letter.

Out of Non-Public meeting at 7:30pm and back into regular session.

Review and Acceptance of previous minutes.

March 16, 2010 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney, Seconded by Harry Wright to approve the minutes as written with the edit of changing the Atlas Flags name to Atlas Fire Works on page 2.

Motion carried 3-0.

March 30, 2010 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney, Seconded by Harry Wright to approve the minutes as written with the edit of changing the spelling of the name White. Motion carried 3-0.

April 6, 2010 Minutes:

Motion was made to approve the minutes as written was made by Jack Meaney, Seconded by Harry Wright with the edit of in Non-Public should say “No Decision was made.”

April 20, 2010 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney, to approve the minutes as written, Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair with the edit of changing the word if to “it” on page 2, eleven lines up from the bottom of the page. Motion carried 3-0.

May 4, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to continue this meeting until tomorrow (May 19, 2010) at 9:00am. Seconded and carried unanimously by the board

Meeting adjourned 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary


The Budget Committee will meet on May 25th at 6:30pm

The Bradford Historical Society is sponsoring the Kearsarge Regional High School Music Department’s Program of Musical Entertainment on May 27, 2010 at 7:30 pm at the First Baptist Church in Bradford. Refreshments will be served.