Select Board Minutes 06.03.12

JUNE 3, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Harry Wright, Chair explained the last meeting, scheduled for May 29, 2012 was canceled due to potential storms. Harry also stated that hereon all Selectmen’s Meetings will be held on Monday’s at the 5:30pm starting time.

Review and Consideration of May 22, 2012 Minutes:

Harry Wright, Chair questioned if anything had been said about the 5KRace for the July 7th being discussed, which it hadn’t been. Harry advised they do want to use the Main Route to which they all agreed upon as being approved.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the minutes of May 22, 2012 as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Marlene Freyler – Flags:

Marlene thanked Perry Teele as well as others who put the flags out on Main Street for Memorial Day. Perry Teele advised he had found two flags in perfect condition and had no reason to replace them, and he gave the new flags back to Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Perry also stated one hanger was missing as the pole has been pulled in front of Dodges Store. New hangers will be purchased per Marlene as well as a couple of flags. It was stated that protocol states the POW flag can be left up all the time. Discussion ensued regarding taking the flags down and putting them back up for the 4th of July Holiday.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to leave the flags up on Main Street between now and the 4th celebration. Motion was seconded and carried 3-0.

Marlene suggested the Selectmen be in the parade on July 7, 2012 as this is Bradford’s 225th anniversary.


Accounts Payable were reviewed and signed

Three Intents to Cut are:

Jim V. Bibbo III, Map 8, Lot 12

Jesse Griffin, & Carla Stephens, Map 3, Lot 15

Martyn Chivers, Map 3, Lots 74-1, 74a and 74b.

Checks made out to individuals are for abatements processed last week were signed.

Cheryl also advised the Assessor is due in on June 14th when the remainder of the abatements should be done and they are all due by July 1.

Cheryl Behr, stated the generator at the town hall can be moved to the police station and an estimate is coming for the move.

Discussion ensued regarding putting a mail box out in front of the Community Center or a lock box either inside the building or outside. A lock box would enable people to pay taxes for the Town Clerk at their discretion.

Cheryl Behr advised Mark Goldberg has been helping with the radio license for the Highway Garage. A quote has been given of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), and the process has been started.

Elm Tree Dedication:

Cheryl Behr advised she had received a communication from Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission regarding the dedication of an Elm Tree, by the DAR, at the Blacksmith Shop area to be held on June 10, 2012 at 3:00pm, requesting the Selectmen attend.

Town Hall Fire Alarm:

The town hall fire alarm has been re-connected; however it is not connected to Concord, but will just make a noise.

Marcia Keller e-mail re: Billing:

The concern is for Citizens requesting information and access to Planning Board files although it is not Planning Board business. If copies are made for individuals there is a twenty five cents per page charge. Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair stated that the particular situation has taken over 5 hours of the secretary’s time being available while a citizen has photographed files. The files contain public information.

Mr. Chet Mitchell, 14 South Ridge Road, Solitude Ridge advised he is on the board of the Home Owners Association there and came down to obtain the history of Solitude Ridge, how it was created, how the private road was created and how the easement to West Road was created and how it is affecting us as tax payers in town. Mr. Mitchell advised the State Law states they can look at the records in the town hall during regular business hours. The Secretary was there during their time of perusing and photographing the records, doing other work, but had to be there as the cabinets with the records are locked. Harry Wright, Chair advised there is no issue with them looking through the records. Question arose regarding the “regular business hours” as the Planning Board only meets every two weeks for about two hours each meeting.

Sonny Harris questioned what Mr. Mitchell found out about the road? Is there an association for the road for maintenance agreement etc? Mr. Mitchell advised there are a lot of records to be considered, and he has taken over 100 photos of the records, and he wants to come back to research some more. The upcoming auction is what triggered the concerns regarding the property per Mr. Mitchell.

Marcia Keller questioned how this can be handled? One suggestion was for the concerned individuals to do their research during normal Planning Board meeting hours, or given enough advance notice, a Planning Board member could sit for an hour two.

Cheryl Behr will check with the Town Attorney regarding availability of time, and method of payment.

Marlene Freyler advised she had asked the secretary about three weeks ago if she could have access to some tapes. The last six months of tapes were mentioned tonight, and she advised in the last three weeks she hasn’t gotten anything. The Secretary responded that she was not advised when or just what was wanted, and when she is told, she will gladly get them out, they are all right there.

George Cilley suggested that files are public records, but the public cannot come in at random and have access to the files without someone responsible overseeing. This applies as well to tapes of meetings. Marlene advised she just wants to sit down in the Selectmen’s office and listen to them.

Highway Department:

York rake tines were discussed. Also, a sheet containing Highway Department Work Calendar for June 4th, 2012 which was done by Barry Wheeler and Cheryl Behr was handed out and included:

Projects planned – Ongoing rainy day projects – Work Completed

See attached at end of minutes.

Harry Wright, Chair acknowledged that the ongoing schedule as well as past progress over the past week or so is an excellent idea. Comments were very favorable from the floor, a great step forward was stated.

Barry Wheeler advised the grader has a new tire to replace a bald one. Tines and brooms were also replaced. Barry also stated that the grader oil was full and worked 4 ½ days and used very little oil. Also some shimming discussion was discussed. Thought is to grind from Cressy Road up Sunset Hill Road to the “raspberry house” and fix the culverts. Fairgrounds Road was thought to be number one that needs attention, followed by Center Road as number two. Grinding and culverts were discussed as needed. Barry Wheeler also advised the Highway Dept. is doing a lot of ditching to divert water from the roads in town. Question was asked if when they talk of grinding the roads, are they going to be repaved. Barry advised no, not for a while, they will be graded frequently and then be able to dig any rocks out that surface prior to paving in a year or so when it will be ready.

Barry Wheeler also advised the grader repair will be taken care of the second week of July, when the operator will be on vacation.

Discussion ensued regarding a part time former employee who does not want any money, and will not work if payment is mandatory. Cheryl Behr advised they must be paid by law. A question of how this can be handled will be checked out by Cheryl Behr through the Town Attorney.

Cheryl Behr advised the Highway Department is understaffed and is not capable of doing the lawns they were going to do. Perry Teele volunteered to do the Center Meeting House lawn. The Cemetery there is questionable as to who does it. George Cilley has been and will continue to do Bicentennial Square as well as Lafayette Square. Barry Wheeler advised the Highway Dept. will do the Center Meeting House lawn prior to the June 9th activity. Perry and George were thanked by Barry Wheeler for their volunteering.

Cheryl Behr advised Barry Wheeler had received a call from Fred Hubley, First Baptist Church regarding the sign on the East Main Street/#103 for the upcoming celebration, as someone had called him. Clarification was requested of the Planning Board, and Marcia Keller, Chair advised it is very clear, however, it does give the Selectmen the discretion to change it. Marcia stated that commercial sandwich boards are not allowed, they allow only temporary signs and temporary informational signs or signs advertising a local event including political signs are allowed to be displayed without a permit for a time period of no longer than 30 days. The Board of Selectmen may at their discretion waive any of the requirements if they deem it to be in the best interest of the town.

Consensus is that if it is for the benefit of the town, it is fine.

Suggestion was made that there were a couple of small signs of local businesses on that lawn that were there all last summer and perhaps should be checked on. Harry Wright, Chair advised these should be checked on.

Perry Teele advised he does not want to be Health Inspector.

Cheryl Behr, Non-Public Meetings:

Cheryl Behr read an outline as to the procedures to go into non-public session. (On file at the Selectmen’s Office)

Mary Keegan Dayton re: Port-a-Potties:

Mary Keegan-Dayton, Lake Massasecum Improvement Association, came before the Selectmen requesting the Port-a-Potties be removed from their current location, (1 in parking spot, and 1, the large handicapped accessible one is near the water), to where they have been placed previous years. There is some need for work to be done to be placed where they have been. Barry Wheeler suggested perhaps they can go down and prepare the spots for them. Mary also thanked whoever moved the pile of slash.

Cheryl Behr handed out updated Financial Reports through today to the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:311(a) and RSA 91-A:311(d) personnel and tax matters. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler.

Harry Wright, Yes, Barry Wheeler, Yes, Sonny Harris Yes: Motion carried 3-0.

Public portion of meeting Adjourned at 6:43pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


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