Select Board Minutes 07.15.08

JULY 15, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call and Call to Order:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the July 15, 2008 meeting to order at 6:00pm with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and consideration of July 1, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the minutes of July 1, 2008. Seconded by Charles Meany. Andrew Pinard wanted to add the following sentence on page 2, under Edwin Fowler, Building Inspector: Following the sentence starting with Consensus: In order to build on any undeveloped lot along the footpath, applicants need to submit to the Zoning Board for appropriate variance to the property. Also on page 4, Peter Fenton, Chair advised on the top of page 4 should read: Discussion for, the Highway crew to dig up the pavement in front of the Town Hall.

Motion carried to accept as amended 3-0.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the July 10, 2008 minutes, Seconded by Charles Meany. On page 2, First paragraph, first line, the word perk should be perc, also, the RFP for the septic design was for the Community Center, not Highway Garage as indicated in the minutes. Motion carried to approve the minutes as amended, 3-0.


George Cilley came before the Selectmen and advised he was somewhat surprised when several weeks ago; the town crew dug test holes in the front of the Community Center to determine where to install a septic system. When he spoke to Robert Stewart, Jr, RCS Design as to why it couldn’t be put out back where it has been for 70 years, he was told because of the wetlands. George advised that at least 4 months of the year it is wetlands beside the fence on his property where they are proposing to put the system and it drains into his basement which he has to pump back out. Also, the reason given for re-designing a new septic system was given that the old one failed and leached on top of the ground onto the Cilley property. George advised that if it were put back where it has been for 70 years it would do no harm, but put in the front of the Community Center, beside his lawn, it would be 3 feet above grade of his property which is already wet. George also advised the Selectmen, that when the town paved the property in the back of the Community Center, it created an extreme run off , causing wetlands on his property. A retention area should have been built to accommodate the water. In a question to Cheryl Behr, Administrator, the reason for considering the front yard for the septic system is because they would have to remove some of the pavement in the back. Barry Wheeler advised they could build it right where it has been. The existing tree on the front of the Community Center lawn was also brought up, as being a problem if anything is done there. Andrew Pinard stated moving the septic system to the front of the building was partly associated with the cost of removing the pavement. Barry Wheeler advised it would be more cost effective to go out back. Peter Fenton, Chair advised they will check with Robert Stewart, Jr, RCS Design.

Audrey Sylvester regarding Henry Backdrop:

Audrey Sylvester reported to the Selectmen that they are reaching the end of the project with the Henry Backdrop. They had a wonderful Open House with about 200 people coming to view the Backdrop and great refreshments were provided down stairs by Carol Walker and Appleseed. Robert St. Hilaire donated picture taking of anyone wanting them in front of the Backdrop. Audrey also advised they are working on a grant which they are finishing up. Audrey requested and received an extension of 90 days from July 15th when a report was due. The Fire Department was thanked for enabling the efforts of the Open House. Audrey advised she had forwarded a written text to Cheryl Behr, Administrator for the Selectmen to read and make any comments on. There was also a video on the first floor showing the restoration as it progressed allowing those who could not go up stairs to view it. Audrey thanked everyone, including the town crew and Andrew Pinard for cleaning up the upstairs and all their help and advised there was about $11,000 in kind for services donated.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the telephone system is still not repaired, and will cost between $1500.00 and $1,800.00 to be done. Parts are being ordered at this time.

Highway Garage:

At this time, the survey has not been received. Discussion ensued regarding the placement of the building, with several suggestions concerning who was doing it. Charles Meany advised the Siting of the Building needs to show on the Certified plot plan prior to July 29, 2008, showing the dimensions of every one of the buildings and every set back. Peter Fenton, Chair questioned the number of doors and placement of them. It was suggested that there be four doors on the front and one on the side or three doors in the front with two on the sides. Once the surveyor provides the plans for the existing Site, he should also provide a proposed plan with the Siting of the new building on the plan. Steve Lucier, Road Agent has given the plans to Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief. After much discussion, Andrew Pinard advised he would like to see the town do all the contract work for the 60 x 100 foot building through Sailer Excavation and then focus all the volunteer efforts, including Site Prep and construction and erection of the new Salt Shed facility on that lot. This would maximize the value to the town and does not negate any of the warranty factors of the construction. Charles Meany suggested a letter go out to all the volunteers who signed up inviting them to the Selectmen’s Coffee on Saturday, July 26, 2008 to follow up on how many of each job requirement is still available. Charles Meany also pointed out that even though there will be volunteers, there will be some money expended for equipment/gas etc. that needs to be used.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair that Sailer Excavation, will do the construction, excavation and erection of the 60 x 100 foot building. Seconded by Andrew Pinard. Charles Meany abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

Charles Meany advised he has more confidence in the volunteers than has been expressed.

Charles Meany advised he is rescinding his volunteering to be clerk of the works.

Planning Board:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair of the Planning Board took roll call with Bill Glennie, Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Charles Meany, Selectmen Representative, Jeff Aarons, Alternate. Barbara Vannata and Sonny Harris were absent. Jeff Aarons was seated for Barbara Vannata.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair of Planning Board advised a letter had been received from Mary Pinkham-Langer as a follow up on the site visits of Gravel Pits that were conducted on July 2, 2008 with the Code Enforcement Officer, Ed Fowler. An example was used as being in non-compliance and could be considered as a code violation by the Code Enforcement Officer. Marcia Keller explained that the only time the Planning Board is aware that there is a gravel pit in operation is when someone comes in for a permit. They are requesting that anytime the Code Enforcement sees one, the Planning Board would appreciate knowing about it, whether in operation, or abandoned for their records.

The Selectmen acknowledged that any questions or actions the Planning Board has should be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer with cc’s to the Selectmen. Other enforcement concerns from the Planning Board are Illumination procedures, Signs, violations of ZBA. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair said that Ed Fowler, Code Enforcement Officer did attend the last Planning Board meeting which was very helpful. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair of Planning Board suggested they meet with the Selectmen periodically.

Bradford Bridge request for printing services – Marcia Keller:

Marcia Keller came before the Selectmen to see if they could print 1000 sheets with the results of the Special Town Meeting as an insert for the Bradford Bridge as time is of the essence as the paper itself will be at the printers. It was estimated that it would cost about $50.00. There was no motion, however the Selectmen did not agree to do this.

Ken Anderson came before the Selectmen advising they are running out of space for plastic at the landfill. He is looking to purchase another baler for $5,000 from Special Revenue Fund. It was questioned if another baler could pay for itself in the next two years when there is a possibility the town will go with the Single Stream recycling. It was also stated that there is a demand for balers, and they could be sold when not needed. The Selectmen advised Mr. Anderson to get a written quote for the baler. Marcia Keller suggested that recycling should be done as efficiently as possible, and both ways should be weighed thoroughly.

Barry Wheeler stated that he has complained numerous times that down by Cobblepond, over the side, there is a lot of trash, tires, propane jugs, oil jugs, and every time it floods, it goes on his land.

Accounts Payable manifests and payroll manifests for review were gone over.

Intent to Cut for Meadowsend was discussed.

Pad for Oil Tank out back was mentioned.

Drive in front of Town Hall, not surveyed as yet.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed the audit that is now being done and should be finished this week. They were advised that all town accounts should go through the general ledger, all checks should be written through the town, and approved by the Selectmen before the checks are written. Municipal accounting and software is the requirement, which means there is a different level of accounting, and we need to pull in all the people on the outside that haven’t been playing by the general accounting board rules.

Executive Budget was handed out and gone over by the Selectmen.

It was mentioned that the town Forest needs to be harvested and who gets the money questioned.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Selectmen to go to weekly meetings. No second, No vote.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to go into non-public meeting for 91A 3II at 8:15pm. Motion seconded and carried 3-0.

Non-Public Meeting was over at 8:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
