Select Board Minutes 07.20.10

JULY 20, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present. Marge Cilley, Secretary was absent.

Peter Fenton, Chair mentioned that Tillie Wheeler passed away last week, and she was a long time resident of Bradford and did a lot for and in the town, which was greatly appreciated.

Also mentioned was the oil issue on Main Street which Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised that when they were laying the drainage up through and when they got to where the gas station used to be at 122 Main St., a gas odor developed up through the ground. It got so bad that DES was called in who considered the air rating to be dangerous at that time, so the ditch was backfilled with instructions to not do anything until a decision was made of what to do. DES met with the Jeff Remillard and within a couple of weeks they will come and put the pipe in the drainage project to get out of the contamination area.

One of the highway crew, Justin did go to Concord Hospital and was advised he should take a few days off because of the contamination. Actually, all of the Road Crew did go to the hospital to be checked out but were released.

Trudy Willett, Health Officer advised all of the tenants at the Plottner apartment building have been placed or are on their way. The building may not be inhabited again until it has been declared safe. Trudy also advised that someone will be at the Plottner Apartment Building on August 2 at 8:00am to test it.

Because of the storm on Monday night, the East Washington Road was closed, but is nearly ready to re-open tonight. Fairgrounds Road up near Messer’s lost a couple of telephone poles.

A question was asked by Dan Kraft concerning being over budget for the highway department to which the reply from Peter Fenton, Chair was, not over at this time, but extremely close. Dan Kraft also questioned having a loader working with plowing last winter, and questioned the reasoning. Are their any parameters on who decides overtime, who is in charge, the Selectmen collectively or who? Peter Fenton allowed Jeff Remillard, Road Agent is in charge of the road crew, and the three Selectmen over see all. Jack Meaney was asked to be intermediary between the Road Agent and Selectmen about a year ago.

The Selectmen as well as the Budget Committee have an eye on the Highway Budget. All the equipment has been inspected and is now up to par. The backhoe still has an issue.

A rental agreement has been entered into with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent for the use of his excavator, and a truck to move it around on.

Peter Fenton, Chair suggested if anyone has any concerns to let the Selectmen know, and they will get back to them.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised a letter has been received from UNH in reference to Sam Fortune who has achieved the status of senior road scholar. Mr. Fortune was thanked and congratulated.

Police Dept. -Radio Frequency:

Police Chief, Jim Valiquet advised Bradford does not own a radio frequency, and are operating constantly on other peoples frequencies. It would be nice to have our own frequency in house so they could do channel, and not share. A municipal frequency could be used by all departments, police, fire, parks and recreation department as well as at the 4th of July celebration. There would have to be a base station as well as a satellite station. It was thought the base could be at the Town Hall with the satellite at the fire house. Expense would be around three to six hundred dollars for the license through the FCC and their regional director per Jim Valiquet. The expense would be up front.

Highway Dept. Input:

Dick Keller questioned the highway department as to an estimate of when Breezy Hill Road will be taken care of. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised probably in a couple of weeks. Dick Keller also questioned the storm drains which are individually owned rather than town owned on Main Street. Peter Fenton, Chair advised DES could be contacted to see if something written could come from them pertaining to the problem.

Harry Wright advised the CIP committee will help prioritize which roads need to be worked on as defined by the Road Agent and plan the budget to handle it. Jack Meaney advised there is a Road Management computer program put on by the State of NH at UNH and he, Jeff Remillard and one of the highway crew has been to school for it.

Corsair Realty Update:

Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board advised that the Soil Scientist working for Corsair Realty, Managed by Harriet Hobbs provided an Application for the Gravel Pit on Pleasant Valley Road five minutes before the deadline was up at 4:55pm on July 19, 2010, with only one check with it, however they did drop off two other checks earlier in the day, making the Public Hearing to be scheduled for August 10, 2010.

Mosaic Artiques, Route 103:

It was reported that the sign over the door at Mosaic Artiques has been removed as requested. Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair acknowledged it shows the effectiveness of the Selectmen and Planning Board working together.

Conservation Commission Update:

Ann Eldredge, Conservation Commission updated the Selectmen on the coalition of the Aubrey Sergeant Land Trust Conservation Commission and the Rural Heritage Connection and they are going to apply for another LCHIP Grant which is due on the 20th of August.

Accounts Payable and Payroll were reviewed and signed.

Fysh Electrical Contractors, LLC were the low bidders for the Generator for the Town Hall of the four bids that were received.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve Fysh Electrical Contractors, LLC bid for the Generator for the Town Hall. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Mention was made of the painting to be done by the prisoners, and it was suggested some training be done in advance of the actual work being done.

A NH Dept. of Revenue Administration application for reimbursement for Town’s and Cities in which State Forest Land is situated. This is received every year, and the State pays us in lieu of property taxes, and the amount of $1,400.00 was for Lowe State Forest. this year.

August 3, 2010 the Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing to accept unanticipated revenues from FEMA which is number 1892 as well as money from culverts which will go back into the highway budget.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to hold a Public Hearing on August 3, 2010 in reference to FEMA and other salvage money. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

July 27, 2010, New London is hosting a meeting to put out to bid for the supply of electricity, not the transmission. This should net a savings of around a thousand dollars a year.

A series of Grant proposals are out per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

1. A transportation Grant

2. Cultural Resources

Cheryl has contacted Audrey Sylvester to help make a determination on how to phase this project. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised that it could be a possibility to install a sprinkler system on the second floor of the town hall. Mark Goldberg also stated an outside fire escape will not be required.

Trudy Willett advised she has spoken with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief regarding an exercise group requesting the use of the upstairs of the town hall who stated as long as it was under the 49 people maximum it could be used. It does need to be approved by the Selectmen. They will be asked to come to the next Selectmen’s meeting for more information.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to go into non-public meeting under RSA91:A-3:IIa,c to evaluate probationary employees, legal matter and an employee matter. Jack Meaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted from tape.

Marjorie R. Cilley