Select Board Minutes 08.06.12

AUGUST 6, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator present. Sonny Harris and Marge Cilley, Secretary were absent.

Review and Consideration of July 30, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 2-0.


George and Marge Cilley were not present.

Harry Wright, Chair advised their subject was the sidewalk project, and their concern is to make the section of Main Street no through trucking, which has been brought up before and he wanted to make everyone aware of it for discussion. Much truck traffic uses Main Street as a go between Route 103 and Route 114. Discussion ensued.

A crosswalk has been painted on Oakdale Road unapproved by the town was brought up and discussion resulted.

It was reported that two cruisers were sitting at Tall Pines at 8:00am for an hour and twenty minutes Sunday morning which seemed to be a bit much. Cheryl Behr advised one was probably there for the State for Directive Patrol such as DWI which the state reimburses the town for directly.

Comment was made that there was a lot of traffic due to the Craftsman Fair in Sunapee.

It was further commented that they could see one cruiser being there, but no justification for two cruisers being there.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Results of the Sidewalks Bids opened last Tuesday:

Sidewalk Bid Results:

A message was read by Harry Wright, Chair from Mike Croteau, Senior Project Engineer, Kleinfelder: (Letter on file) Mike’s letter advised the Construction Bids of July 31, 2012 for the East Main Street Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements project have been checked and tabulated and the lowest responsive bidder is J. Parker and Daughters, Construction, Inc. for a total corrected bid of $485,205.00. The Engineers estimate for participating and not participating funds respectively is $427,291.25 and $137,800.00. J. Parker and Daughters total bid amount breaks down to $386,085.00 participating funds, and $99,120.00 for non-participating funds. It is understood the town has the appropriate funds to move forward. KIeinfelder, SEA recommendation is to award the project to J. Parker and Daughter’s, Construction, Inc. A copy of this letter is being sent on behalf of the town to the NHDOT for the Departments approval. A point of interest, per Harry Wright, Chair, the $99,120.00 for non participating funds, the towns share, and we appropriated $140,000 last town meeting, being $40,000 ahead on the appropriation.

Question was asked if the $485,205.00 bid included the paving of East Main Street to which the answer was in the affirmative, and Cheryl Behr advised the $99,120.00 is what they are estimating for the paving.

Barry Wheeler advised every road in town will have the trees trimmed back. It is taking time as some of the brush has grown quite large.

Permitting for Fairgrounds Road culverts is complete per Harry Wright, Chair. State does the approval.

Audit windup – paperwork is still being sent in per Cheryl Behr. There are no problems, but some suggestions were made, including for Department Heads to encode their own invoices in the future.

Highway Department accomplishments for the past week and plans for the up-coming week are now being included on the Agenda.

Covered Bridge Grant – Last December, DOT offered the opportunity to apply for a Grant for Bement Bridge, the final round of several rounds of Federal spending. There were twenty two bridges granted funds in this round, two in New Hampshire and Bement Bridge in Bradford was one of them. This is for a total of Seven hundred seventy two thousand dollars ($772.000) with 20% from other sources to be completed by 2014. Harry Wright, Chair stated some money is in the Bridge Capital Reserve to help cover the 20% and there will be two town meetings to raise the balance. Cheryl Behr was thanked for her efforts in this endeavor.


Two Intents to Cut were received for Map 9, Lot 38 and Map 5, Lot 60 and were signed.

Cheryl Behr brought up the tape access storage of non-planning board materials in the selectmen’s office. Cheryl advised the Assessor is in every second Thursday of every month and she frequently needs to have access to the Planning Board files. Marlene Freyler went on to state eight weeks ago she had asked for stuff from the Secretary and mentioned 91-A4, and she just won’t give them to me, they are not hers, she is the secretary but they belong to the town. Never have we had a problem getting tapes or anything else. I should not have to call her personally, wait for her and have her have me sign them out. Harry Wright, Chair advised they will not discuss this tonight Marlene went on to state the secretary has no right to lock the tapes up in the Planning Board files. Harry Wright, Chair also went on to say the Planning Board will discuss this at their next meeting.

An e-mail from the Conservation Commission was read by Harry Wright, Chair, which has not been discussed by the Board at this time, regarding the repair of gravel roads in town. (Letter on file)

Cheryl Behr brought up the Warner – mower.

Warner contracted to clean Bradford roads in the spring and for a trade we were supposed to send our mower to them to use.

Cheryl brought up a picture of Lois Kilnap receiving a paper/cardboard check for $2,200. This is money was applied for by a transfer station employee to go towards a baler last year. This was from America the Beautiful.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully submitted from tape.

Marjorie R. Cilley


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