Select Board Minutes 08.20.11

AUGUST 30, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Conservation Commission – Battles Easement:

No one appeared before the Selectmen from the Conservation Commission.

Gary Remillard – Abatement question:

Mr. and Mrs. Remillard came before the Selectmen regarding a reduction in their abatement. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had contacted the Assessors, and does not know why the letter hasn’t been received before now, however there has been a reduction in your assessment. Cheryl Behr, Administrator took the Remillards into the inner Selectmen’s office to discuss the matter with them.

Andy Spiegel re: West Main Street Drainage issues:

Andy Spiegel came before the Selectmen to discuss the water drainage issues on his property on West Main Street. There is a drainage issue and an old pipe that was in the road has been crushed and was patched with some asphalt. The Wescotts, Neighbors at 28 West Main Street had to get a new well as the PH balance was too high from the salt in the winter time. Mr. Spiegel advised he is unable to mow his property in the back until July at the earliest, and cannot even walk on it with the water. Much discussion ensued and Mr. Spiegel advised he had spoken to the Road Agent about three weeks ago. Harry Wright, Chair advised he will talk with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent again to see what the cause is and what the outcome should be. It was also suggested that the Spiegle’s check their deed to see if there is any information regarding the drains etc.

Davis Road – culvert issue:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the culvert on Davis Road will be taken care of tomorrow am, August 31, 2011. Nate Kimball will do the work and an estimated time frame is 5 hours of work. All permits have been filed and application approved.


Accounts payable manifest and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

The Road crew and all departments were thanked for their jobs resulting from Hurricane Irene. It was stated that the Highway crew was out more than 24 hours straight. It was mentioned that 13 roads in Bradford were flooded and four of them were very badly affected.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised communication was received from Duclos Curtiss from the State of NH with a notice of a Public Hearing on September 19, 2011 at 10:00am here at the Town Hall (Notice on file) regarding No wake zone on Lake Massasecum. List of issues were read.

Barry Wheeler advised the Selectmen need to write a letter to Corsair Realty regarding fixing the driveway on Pleasant Valley Road which is eroding onto the Town Road. It was the consensus of the Board to write a letter.

There is a Baler update, but was not available this evening.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a memo from the Selectmen to all Department Heads regarding delivery of mail into the Selectmen’s office which the Selectmen signed this evening.

An intent to cut on property owned by Gary Herman on Johnson Hill road was signed. Map 5, Lot 106.

Culvert replacements and road closures were discussed as were notices for private bridge inspections.

MS-1 and MS-4 were signed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator thanked Fritz Von Beren for cleaning up and putting bark around the plants at the Town Hall.

A concerned citizen asked what is being done about the burned out property on East Main Street. It was stated that paper work can be started on September 1 for the Town.

George Cilley advised the electrical boxes at Brown –Shattuck Field had been pried open to be used at the 4th of July celebration and have not been repaired. He did close it back up again, but suggested someone should be responsible for the key to them and not pry them open again. Leaving them in an unlocked position could be a liability to the town.

Also mentioned was the need for an Ordinance in town for dog owners to clean up after their dogs, as the sidewalks are a mess.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the preliminary plan for the sidewalks is available. The Plan and Bid will go out around Christmas time. The next series of Grants will be in February 2012.

CNHRPC is still working on the Safe Routes to School with the town.

Bement Bridge Roof and Sink Hole were discussed at length with several suggestions of what and how it could and should be taken care of. Harry Wright, Chair advised he will talk with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent.

Regular public Selectmen’s meeting closed at 6:45pm to go into non public session per RSA 91:A3II (a) and RSA 91 A:3II (a) (b).

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
