Select Board Minutes 09.07.10


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Peter Fenton, Chair mentioned that Addy Stewart passed away this weekend, and she had been a volunteer in town, attending rescue calls, blood pressure clinics, giving shots. She and her husband Bob worked with the Church for people who needed assistance. The two of them and Millie Kittredge shows what Bradford is all about, and she will be missed.

Also mentioned was when the highway department did the shimming on Breezy Hill Road, the Town of Washington lent us two ten wheelers to help with the paving at no cost to the town, as it was done on mutual aide, and they are thanked by the Selectmen.


Jane Johnsen – landscaping:

Jane advised there have been a couple of complaints regarding removing the two lilac bushes by the front door of the town hall. It was stated that the lilac is the state flower, and they can be cut back and kept trimmed. It was also pointed out that the Mountain Laurel is the Conn. State flower. The road crew would pull them out if that is what is determined should be done with them. Everett Kittredge said that one of the songs he learned right in this very building while studying New Hampshire was: “I want to wake up in the morning where the purple lilacs grow.” He stated that lilacs can be cut back or if they are in the wrong place can be moved, but I do vote on the side of lilacs.”

Discussion included the proposed renovation of the town hall which may include a handicapped access in the front of the building.

Much conversation ensued after which Peter Fenton, Chair suggested leaving the lilacs where they are and trim below the windows and move around them. Jack Meaney stated he agrees with Everett, being a state flower and advised they can adapt and make other changes. Harry Wright suggested the current plants can be trimmed and survive and perhaps the landscaping committee can start elsewhere and get to this phase at a later date.

Peter Fenton, Chair inquired what the budget for the landscaping is, to which he was answered $500.00.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised the landscaping committee does not need to come before the Selectmen for every detail, however they will need to when they run out of money. The plans are available in the Library as well as in the Town Hall, and if anyone has any questions or concerns to contact the Selectmen. Whoever volunteers to do the trimming of the lilac trees will need to talk to the landscaping committee. Fritz VonBuren is having a meeting on Friday evening with the landscaping committee and anyone can attend at 5:00pm.

Harry Wright questioned if anyone has any issues with any other part of the plan or phases?

Peter Fenton, Chair wanted people to understand that it is not the Selectmen’s intention to close the Community Center, just want the building to be more efficient. He advised Robert Manchester came before the Selectmen presenting some possible changes.

Phyllis Wilcox, re: speed on Marshall Hill:

Phyllis Wilcox advised the traffic and increased speed on Marshall Hill Road needs to be addressed before there is an accident. Suggested was a sign stating “Blind Driveway” both up and down the hill. The Selectmen advised the signs have already been ordered and should be here in a couple of weeks or so. Mrs. Wilcox advised the worst times are between 6:30 and 8:00am and again between 4:00 and 5:30pm. Dick Paul also spoke to the Water Street speeding which has increased with commercial trucks as well as cars. The Selectmen will talk with the Police Department. Speeding was also brought up by residents on West Main Street. It was stated that on unposted streets the state statutory speed is 35 MPH. It was also brought up that in this state, the statute states what’s reasonable and prudent for the conditions then and there existing. An article in the Bridge was suggested. Also it was thought that a sign which shows your actual speed may be available for use by the town for a certain period of time.

It was stated that the town Attorney will be contacted regarding the burned out property on East Main Street.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Letter to CAP for lease renewal was discussed and it was suggested they be requested to come before the Selectmen and provide them with statistics.

A letter will be written to the three Day Care facilities in town advising them the Selectmen will be doing a bid process this year on the use of the Community Center facility.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter she had written to Mr. Hunton, CDFA regarding exploring the possibility of locating the Bradford Police Department in the lower level of the Bradford Community Center.

Information from CDFA regarding space at the community center has been received, (Letter dated September 7, 2010 on file) and it appears that relocating the police station into the lower level of the Community Center will not have a negative effect on the services provided to the beneficiaries of the CDBG grant.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator presented a graph of days that activities are taking place at the Community Center which was taken from the Bradford Bridge.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised they are looking at the Community Center for the use of the building, the rents that are being collected and the feasibility of converting the downstairs into something else. As he stated previously, the Selectmen want to keep the Community Center and there is absolutely no intention to closing the Community Center.

It appears there may be considerable empty space there that could be put to use, and we are looking for Kate to forward a complete list of what is going on at the Community Center. Richard Marquis has been added to the BACC committee.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator reported on the Brownfields meeting which was held on September 2, 2010 at 10:00am, with Keith Dubois, P.G. and advised public input is important to direct future work on the back side of the Marshall property. One of the questions was what can the area be used for? Also, the Community Center property is adjacent to the Marshall property, consequently, it could all tie in together and the overall picture needs to be considered.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator reported that the inside of the Town Hall is being painted this week.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised The Town Hall Restoration Committee met with Michael Bruss, Bruss Construction on September 1, 2010, who broke down five different areas of concern:

1. Life Safety
2. ADA Handicapped
3. Interior
4. Parking
5. Water System

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley