Select Board Minutes 10.01.12

OCTOBER 1, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of the September 17, 2012 minutes:

Harry Wright advised his statement on page two, 5th paragraph down, the second sentence should be struck “and Bradford will have a similar form format.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve the minutes with the edit. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0. Sonny Harris abstained, he was not at that meeting.

Last Monday Selectmen’s meeting was canceled, however Harry Wright, Chair met with the Cub Scouts along with Cheryl Behr and Marilyn Gordon, and six 4th grade boys who questioned them about town government. They were very interested in how much money the Chair made. Their Scout Master sent a letter of Thank You to them, and also stated that if they could work it out, they would take over the raising and lowering of the flags.

Phil LaMoreaux and Don Jackson, Planning Board re: Procedure Changes:

Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair Planning Board presented the Selectmen with the updated Rules of Procedure in the handling of records. Phil advised there has been multiple Public Hearings, and to this date, no one has shown up at any of them. In response to a question, Phil LaMoreaux advised this is regarding access to written records, and all the updates are in compliance with the Right to Know Laws.

Chet Mitchell requested Harry Wright, Chair read both, number 3 and number 4 under Records, which he did as follows:

  1. Someone requesting access under the Right-to-Know statute shall be asked to put the request in writing. If s/he declines, a written record shall be created that includes the date of the request and a description of the specific records being requested. When immediately available records are requested, the written record shall document what planning board records were provided for inspection and/or which were copied
  2. Requests for planning board documents shall be submitted to the planning board secretary or chair. Whenever possible, the planning board secretary or a planning board member shall be present during town office hours for file review. The planning board secretary, a planning board member, or a member of the town office staff must be present during the file review to prepare the required written record.

Questions arose regarding number 3 and 4 and Phil LaMoreaux, Planning Board, Vice Chair advised if there are concerns, they will be brought up to the planning board.

Conversations ensued.

Town Hall Restoration Committee – Eileen Kelly, Chair:

Eileen Kelly, Chair of the Town Hall Restoration Committee stated that a couple of weeks ago, the Selectmen were presented a letter from the THRC requesting their feed-back regarding several topics. Eileen handed out a revised plan for the lower floor for their perusal.

Heating System:

Renewable Heating system. The architect and committee are suggesting a wood pellet burning boiler rather than oil. This is reportedly much more efficient, local resources would be used. There are possibilities of obtaining Grants to help defray the cost of the energy renewable system. It was stated that there would be more BTU’s for the dollar spent with wood rather than oil.

Eileen Kelly advised a request has been made for a cost comparison between what has been spent on oil previously with what would be saved with all the energy efficiency that would be done with the new system. The payback would be pretty quick.

In reply to a question, it was stated that this would be in the basement with automatic feed. Question was also asked of the frequency of maintenance to which Eileen Kelly advised she will check this out. Another question was Air Exchange, and if it is considered for the building? This will be checked into further. Harry Wright, Chair advised any one who may be interested, there will be a tour of the Peterborough town hall where they are using the wood pellet burning boiler and their Town Hall is twice the size of Bradford’s, and the method is very successful. A date will be forthcoming for the tour, and suggestion was to post it on the Website for anyone interested.

Air Conditioning:

The committee is suggesting to not providing air conditioning for the second floor in either phases of the restoration. It is being suggested that the office areas in the first floor and the meeting room have air conditioning. A split system is being considered rather than central air.

Police Station:

The Police station, currently located elsewhere is not being including in the current Town Hall Restoration plans. Harry Wright, Chair advised his thoughts are to leave it in the current space for now, while other alternatives are reviewed in depth. Sonny Harris questioned if that was acceptable to Dave Pitman for long term to which he agreed.

Sonny Harris brought up the name of Clay Mitchell which was forwarded on to Rick Monahon, Architect. Mr. Mitchell has been a Town Planner for Epping as well as part of a new energy Alternatives Company.

Question was asked why the front of the building is not being considered as basement, so a full basement would be available. Harry Wright, Chair advised from any analysis he has seen is underneath of the front portion of the building is quite dry. It was stated that it is still dirt. Eileen Kelly, Chair THRC advised the original foundation is in great shape, there is no moisture, and they do not feel there is much to be done with that. There are problems in the back portion, but not in the front half which was determined by the architect, after photographs were taken. Harry Wright, Chair advised there will be a Forum with Rick Monahon, Architect, tentatively set for November, which will include all these topics.

Selectmen concurred that air condition should be installed for the office space, including the Selectmen’s office space in back of the meeting room. The larger meeting room in the front will be discussed at the Forum.

A question was asked if any testing has been done regarding the septic system? This is being looked at at this time per Eileen Kelly, Chair.

David Camarie, Sr, regarding East Main Street and Jeff Remillard:

Dave Camarie, Sr. questioned if there is enough proof of what Jeff Remillard has done, if we have proof, why isn’t he just fired? If this is out of our hands, and is in the Sheriff’s Department, he should be off our bookwork. Where are we going with this? Harry Wright, Chair advised if we have a little more patience, we’ll see some results. Jon Marden advised he does not know what the full circumstances are here, but sooner or later, you need to fish or cut bait. Whether the Sheriff Department’s choice or the town’s choice, you need to make a decision one way or another. Whether you are going to wait for the county to solve all your problems, or if they ever will, I do not know, but at some point you three need to make a decision one way or another.

Mr. Camarie also stated that there are great chunks of pavement where people can trip resulting from the Construction going on on Main Street, and we do not need any more law suits around here. The street light was also hit on corner of 103 and East Main Street and it is now facing Newbury. It was questioned who is the watch dog of the project to which Cheryl Behr replied Kleinfelder, who has a representative on the job every day.

Further discussion and comments ensued.

Question was asked about winter preparation and Barry Wheeler advised they have several people lined up who will be plowing snow for the town.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Cheryl Behr advised the budget worksheets will be distributed this week. Cheryl also advised the FEMA money, the $102,000.00 shows up in Fund Balance.

NHRS letter was reviewed to be signed.

Tax warrants were presented for signatures, one for Gravel Tax and one for Timber Tax.

Intent to cut for LaPorte, Map 3, Lot 46 was signed as was Gravel Tax for Hill & Dale.

Question was asked by Cheryl Behr if they wanted to pursue the Safe Routes to School next step? This is for a $14,500.00 Grant for travel plan for the school side walk issue.

If signed to accept, the dates should not be filled in. Cheryl Behr was authorized to sign it by the Selectmen.

Question was asked if there is a need for LPA sub, which is Local Project Administrator?

Chris Frey would be willing to do this and it was explained this is a formality in towns that are hiring engineering firms to do their oversight. This is a three year certification.

Decision is that this should be done. It was also stated that the person attending would be paid, and there is available money in the budget.

Employee reviews are coming up and will be scheduled with the Selectmen. A private Health Insurance company is preparing estimates to compare with LGC and will be coming in. Most companies do not set the rates until mid October.

The technology committee has met, and Andrew Pinard has come up with a couple of recording units that will replace what the secretary is now using and will record directly to an MP3. That way, it can be put right onto the Website. The two units, boundary mikes, cards, flash card memory reader is $816.00. Consensus of the Selectmen is to be to purchase these. Jon Marden suggested that this equipment be used first with the Selectmen and Planning Board meetings as test cases until comfortable with the technology.

Cheryl advised Maureen’s computer did not want to start today. This computer is the town’s computer with all the pertinent records on it. Before year end, the committee needs to look at an alternative.

There will be a joint board of selectmen meeting for the towns within the Kearsarge School District on October 22, 2012 or October 29, 2012, both Monday nights. New London is willing to host this meeting, at 6:00pm.

October 8, 2012 being a Holiday, there will be no Selectmen’s meeting.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into non public session per RSA91A3:IIa at 7:15pm.

Harry Wright yes Barry Wheeler yes

Sonny Harris was not present at this time.

The Weekly Highway report is found at the end of these minutes. [AJP: It appears that the report is actually being posted with the agenda.]

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley,


No audio recording for this meeting will be posted as the volunteer was unable to attend.