Select Board Minutes 10.05.10

OCTOBER 5, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Interested public numbered 22.

Peter Fenton, Chair stated that the Town of Bradford has received the Cops Grant in the amount of $208,684.00 over a three year period which is a grant for a full time police officer. The commitment the town had to make is to pay for the 4th year for that officer which was voted in at the special town meeting that was held last year. Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated that the town has received eight hundred sixty five thousand ($865,000) dollars in Grant money this year, for which a round of applause was received.


Community Center:

Peter Fenton, Chair also advised that it is not the intention of the Selectmen to close the Community Center. There are two programs that are working very well. The Senior luncheons are doing very well. Peter Fenton, Chair explained that Bob Manchester had come before the Selectmen about the use of the Community Center, and he felt the down stairs is not being used enough. A committee has been set up and is checking out the usage, and it has been established that the Community Center is only used for about 30% of the time. The down stairs is not being considered at this time for the Police Station to be moved into. Last Thursday, the Selectmen met with Pam Jolivette, CAP Representative and the Lease on the Community Center with CAP has automatically rolled over for this year, however, the proposal of a new lease price of between $8.00 and $8.50 per square foot was discussed for next year.

A non-public meeting was held with the discussion whether to make the Director’s position at the Community Center a part time position. The decision was to make Parks and Rec a separate entity of themselves and be a volunteer group, however, Peter Fenton, Chair advised they have not gotten to that point as yet. There was supposed to be a non-public meeting with the Director, Kate Dobrowski tonight, however, she notified them she could not attend. Harry Wright talked with Kate Dobrowski and outlined what was planned by the Selectmen, reducing that position’s hours to twenty per week. At the Budget Committee last evening, which was held to talk with Department Heads and getting their input on how a 5% overall reduction in their department budget would affect them, Kate Dobrowski did appear. Kate did mention at that meeting that the Selectmen had cut her hours to 20 hours per week commencing January 2011.

Peter advised that the Community Center Director was a part time position originally, but was made full time when they combined with the Parks and Rec.

Peter Fenton, Chair re-emphasized the Community Center is not closing, the Selectmen do want it to work.

Marcia Keller questioned if the Non Public meeting which was held on September 30, 2010 was posted to which Peter Fenton, Chair advised yes, it was posted for September 30, 2010 following the CAP meeting at 1:00pm. Marcia also suggested the reducing of the Director’s hours to twenty hours a week beginning in January 2011 is premature, and the use of volunteers does not seem like an appropriate way to make use of the Community Center. The Community Center needs someone to promote and come up with creative ideas.

Bindy Glennie commented that Bradford always seems to shoot itself in the foot. The Selectmen make life most miserable for people they don’t care for. Why couldn’t everybody just take one less bite, everyone take one half sandwich rather than a whole. When you reduce hours devoted to your community that it only adds to the degradation to the down town? We do not have any center, the Community Center, now you’ve cut her. It feels like it is not very good leadership on your part. Peter Fenton, Chair stated that to make a remark that we did that because we do not like an individual is uncalled for. Bindy advised she could produce a list of people who have not been favored, to which Peter Fenton, Chair advised we should be staying with the Community Center which is the discussion at hand. Peter also advised that the Selectmen or office has been there anytime Kate wanted to discuss anything with them, and has requested that she come in and meet with them numerous times and she has not. She was asked to attend this evenings meeting which she did not. Peter also reiterated that what is happening is no reflection on Kate’s job, but a reflection on how they feel the Community Center could be run. It ran on a part time basis before it was made into a full time position.

Bindy questioned if everyone could back off 8 to 10 hours and everyone share the pain?

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned how many have seen her in the office on a Saturday or Sunday? She is a salaried employee, and does not get overtime, and if her hours are cut, who is going to do the work?

Peter Fenton, Chair advised they did give Kate Dobrowski, Director a 2 ½ month notice that the position hours would be cut to twenty hours a week in January 2011.

Peter also stated that rather than say on December 14th oh, by the way, your job is going to part time in January, Harry Wright went down and talked with Kate. Harry stated that the easy thing to do would be to prepare a letter, call her in for a closed session, give her the letter, and that would be it. She was asked to come in, and he wanted to give her some sense of what was going on. This was a unanimous decision of the Selectmen, after a lot of discussion per Jack Meaney.

Jane Lucas questioned if the Selectmen shouldn’t have discussed this with the Parks and Rec Board before any decisions were made? Peter Fenton, Chair advised they would like to talk with them.

Dawn Rich advised of a meeting next Tuesday.

Fred Hubley advised he concurs with Marcia Keller’s comment about Selectmen’s decision being premature, and the Community Center is one of the Shining Lights on Main Street. It is understood that the Selectmen are trying to be financially responsible fiscally.

The second point is the Kearsarge Area Pre School (KAP) has also been talked about, and a letter was received by the pre school. Apparently other private entities have been discussed to submit to the town pertaining to the space. Peter Fenton, Chair advised yes, this has been discussed, however no other letters have gone out other than to KAP.

Jack Meaney advised they are looking for proposals, to which Fred Hubley questioned what proposals are they looking for. Jack Meaney stated options, as they had been approached last year by another pre-school about renting space there. They are looking at what rentals are for that space. They are looking for ways to make the Center be self sufficient which it is not. Rents have never been increased.

Fred Hubley advised it looks like the Selectmen are looking for some different ways to raise money or cut back. It appears that they are looking to go to the highest bidder.

As a parent if I’m going to enroll my child in a program, and I look at Bradford and it has a Community Center program, with a Senior program in the same building, it is advantageous as a parent to go there. Now, if I hear they may not be there, because they are looking at other Day Care’s to take that space being there. I would not even think of enrolling my child there, as it may not be an established place, and I would not enroll my child there and maybe have to make a change in the middle of the year. It raises awareness of a parent, where as if you go to the current day care, it is stable because they are not having that situation of the space being questioned. Jack Meaney advised the Day Care that has approached the Selectmen are well established.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that in the contract agreement, with KAP, as much notice as possible and by a certain date for a change is required. Also, some of the people that have approached the Selectmen for the space advised they do not need to restrict the use of the room for the entire year as KAP does. They are the sole users of that room.

Harry Wright advised duration of contracts would have an interest to people. Different aspects of proposals, what would serve a given school and their philosophy and their program, to give them the opportunity to present what works for them and for us.

Fred Hubley stated that a non profit pre-school being in the community is an advantage in our town versus someone that might be a private day care that is coming in. Fred advised he would be upset if we lost it because of it being totally based on financial payment by private sector. Harry Wright advised that would certainly be one of the considerations.

Dick Keller questioned if item #10 on the agenda (RFP for preschool space rental) was pertinent to the Community Center and did it explain this whole situation? Peter Fenton suggested that they have not gotten to the point of advertising, this is open for discussion.

Peter Fenton, Chair reiterated that there are no other changes other than the Director’s hours being cut to part time at the Community Center in response to Beth Rodd’s comment about no one knowing what is happening there.

Jane Lucas commented that with all the volunteers working many hours at the Community Center, it was disrespectful to not have come to them and advise them there is a problem at the Community Center, and asking for suggestions in how to rectify it.

Eileen Kelly commented that originally the Community Center was supposed to be self sustained through Grants and other money. Have you considered directing that position to pursue Grants and other money in order to pay for this? Peter Fenton, Chair advised this is part of that positions duties listed in the job description. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there has been some money available, such as money from a Grant for the Farmer’s Market, and Archery Grant. Eileen Kelly stated if that position instead of being made part time were to be directed to pursue more Grants, that would not only pay for the position in the long run, but bring in more programs. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that was already a part of the job description for that position. Beth Rodd suggested it may be feasible to hire a Grant writer who would get paid through the writing of the Grant.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that some Grants can be used for programs only and not salaries.

Jon Marden interjected regardless of all other information, this is the first of October, the situation doesn’t change until January which gives more use of the Center to justify the full time position. Regardless of the efforts put in in the past, there are three months to be put in for the future. If the volunteers already associated with it can help, then fine, but if it cannot be accomplished then I would be in favor of cutting the position in half.

In reply to Bindy Glennie’s question to the Selectmen, Peter Fenton, Chair stated he takes pride of the whole town. Every town has their own problems, and unfortunately, the Selectmen have to deal with some of the problems, and sometimes they have to make decisions that people are not happy with. We are trying to save the town some money. We are losing some State Aid and Federal Aid.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that the Director’s job is primarily to oversee the operation of the building and to rent out two rooms, the youth room and the Community room downstairs.

George Cilley commented that the Director’s position is not worth $33,000 annually, and the town is not getting enough bang for the buck, and the two areas should not have been combined into one full time position to begin with. Harry Wright commented that the Parks and Rec Department has a finite number of great functions per year, Fun Day, Beef Roast and a few others, but these are not continuous events. The Community Center proper with CAP and KAP are occupying the bulk of the space and on a routine basis meeting the lease negotiations once a year. The remaining tasks in managing the building is not a full time job. Jane Lucas interjected that it has been let go too long, and this meeting should have been held two or three years ago.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised that at this time there are no offices planned to go down stairs. Phil Stockwell’s downstairs office will not be removed from downstairs. If his room is needed, he will be found another room within the Community Center per Peter Fenton, Chair. Peter also advised that if there were to be any changes there, it would be discussed at a public meeting.

Dawn Rich suggested a full time Director is important because a person in the building brings a lot of PR. PR is a very important part in keeping a building going.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked the public for attending the meeting.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Energy Audit being done at 12:30pm tomorrow from Emergency Management Performance Grant for the installation of the generator which has been installed and paid for.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter from the Planning Board regarding three temporary signs that need Selectmen attention: Appleseed Restaurant, Geoffrey Hirsch and O E Trucking Air Conditioning sign. Jack Meaney read the Ordinance regarding temporary signs.

Timber Tax Bill warrant was signed.

Thursday, Cheryl Behr, Administrator will be at a meeting with Homeland Security over Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, for the Breezy Hill Road Bridge.

Several people met with Jeff Taylor on October 5, 2010 regarding the town forum to be held November 6, 2010 at the Highway Garage, with topics of three main issues: 1 The Town Hall. 2. Community Center 3. Former Marshall Property.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator requested to purchase a new hot water heater to replace the burned out one, and was granted permission.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there is more money available with Brownfields, however they need to know what is wanted to be done with the Marshall property.

Ledgewood Pines on Old Warner Road has filed an intent to cut.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read into the minutes information from Mitchell Municipal Group, PA dated September 30, 2010 regarding a filing for a Petition for Permanent Mandatory Injunction regarding Michael and Stephanie Griggs on property formerly owned by Robin Sanborn located at 149 East Main Street.

At the DOT training session, the issue of a shower and eye wash station should be available in the building for the police.

It was reported that Fritz was questioned as to what was put around the Community Center, and it was all biodegradable and he will bring in the labels.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check on Flu shots here in town. Ken Anderson needs to receive a message to trim the lilacs again.

Emilio Cancio-Bello, a School Board representative from Sutton, who is also on the CNHRPC as a 10 year transportation group is trying to get the Route #114 road improved from Bradford through to New London and has asked the Bradford Selectmen to write a letter in favor of this by October 19, 2010.

Discussion also ensued regarding limiting the speed limit to 40MPH from the Main Street and Route 114 intersection to the Lumber Barn, and this should be a separate letter.

Eileen Kelly brought up the culvert and water coming from Route #114 which comes down through the Marshall property.

Review and Consideration of the September 21, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the September 21, 2010 minutes as presented. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into Non-Public meeting per RSA 91A3II, seconded and carried at 6:45pm.

A letter was received and read by an anonymous concerned resident.

No decisions were made.

Motion made, seconded and carried to go out of Non-Public session at 7:00pm.

Motion was made seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley