Select Board Minutes 10.26.10

OCTOBER 26, 2010
5:30 PM

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:06pm.with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary.
Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Selectmen have just come out of a Non-Public meeting per RSA 91A:3IIc and no decisions were made.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised there was a meeting held at the Community Center last week with the BACC in reference to the Director’s position being full time and they have checked with the Town Attorney and the job structure change comes under the Selectmen’s decision. Peter Fenton, Chair also advised he has spoken to John Bruss, BACC Chair and invited him to speak with the Selectmen as a Committee, he is more than welcome to, and he will be setting up an appointment with Cheryl Behr, Administrator for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Marcia Keller raised a concern about the Non-Public session, Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the RSA 91A:3IIc ” Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the public body itself, unless such person requests an open meeting”. Marcia Keller asked if this person was given the chance to be at an open meeting to which the reply was: yes.


Margaret Raymond and Debbie Flinkstrom, Parks and Rec Committee were questioned by Peter Fenton, Chair if they as a committee felt they could function without a director to which they replied at this time, yes.

Peter Fenton, Chair stated that Kate, Parks and Rec Director has a list of nine activities and Debbie Flinkstrom presented a copy of the reports to the Selectmen at this time.

The activities listed include:

Archery, Swim lessons, Fun Day, Baton Twirling, French’s Park, Beef Roast and Street Dance, Bloodmobile, Halloween, Weight Watchers.

The VNA does most of the Bloodmobile work, Halloween is done by volunteers, Baton, Weight Watchers-Only one session, not enough enrollment, French’s Park is now taken care of by the Highway Dept.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to ask the Community Center Director for the Bloodmobile to become part of the BACC functions. Harry Wright seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

The Parks and Rec Committee should be made up of five members, and an effort will be made to get more members. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Parks and Rec Committee if there is anything on the existing list they would like to change to which they stated they would like to wait awhile for that decision. Debbie Flinkstrom is the Chair. There is still a Director until December 31, 2010, and if any questions arise, they should see the Selectmen.

Harry Wright suggested that perhaps if there is a hired director, then some of the volunteer spirit is lost, so rejuvenating the committee will be enhanced by being truly a volunteer committee. Debbie Flinkstrom questioned how long they have until they can get their 5 member committee together, and Peter Fenton, Chair advised it is the Selectmen’s decision.

Debbie Flinkstrom advised there is a storage closet at the Community Center for supplies and the Director is storing larger items off premise but will check it out this week. An inventory is needed by the Town Office.

Marcia Keller questioned after December 31, 2010 how many hours a week will the Community Center have someone there? Peter Fenton, Chair advised it is not manned all the time right now, and the Selectmen will have to work on this. The BACC will come back and talk with the Selectmen prior to the December 31, 2010 date.

Marlene Freyler:

Marlene Freyler requested putting out the flags for Veterans Day. Suggestion was for Election Day as well. This will be done.

Accounts Payable Manifest and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the need to sign for advance of line of credit. We do not have our tax rate, and a date was not given. The explanation that was given was because of the Lake Todd District procedural deficiency in posting their meeting for the budget they voted on. The Department of Revenue requested them to hold another meeting on October 18, 2010 to revote their budget. Bradford re-certification papers are all in, and it could be two weeks or more before we get our tax rate. We are going to have to extend our line of credit over the $200,000 that we have. The bank has been contacted and the paperwork could ready for November 9, 2010 for another $100,000. If not needed, papers will not be signed. The Nov. 1, 2010 School payment of $250,000 will not be met at that time.

All the paperwork for the Safe Route to School Grant has been signed, and $4975.00 has been authorized. An agreement with CNHRPC to manage and organize this for the town has been received. Volunteers and Committee Members will need to be provided. Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the explanation into the minutes. (On file). The consensus of the Selectmen was to authorize Cheryl Behr, Administrator to sign the paperwork.

Mention was made of a call received from 1 Rowe Mountain Road regarding sand in road and culvert issues. Cheryl Behr, Administrator has spoken with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent who will check into it.

William Rose, DOT advised the contract should be received by Friday, and the RFQ can be posted for engineer help for the new Sidewalks.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there will be a meeting on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 10:00am with Lake Massasecum residents and FEMA to continue talking about the water shed, ways of addressing the flooding at Lake Massasecum. Because of several circumstances, Cheryl Behr, Administrator thought it would be advisable to wait until next year, primarily as there is a three year window to complete the bridge. The survey was done this year. Lance Harbour, HSEM is looking at Lake Massasecum, Warner River area as part of a regional study.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent spoke with Jay Burpee, DOT about excavating some sand on Route 114 and the State is apparently ok with that as it would open the area along Route 114, but also feel a letter should go to Alan Hanscom, DOT District Engineer out of Enfield. Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the letter. (Letter on File) The operation is anticipated to commence in the next two weeks. If approval has been granted for this, the sand will be used for this winter, and screening will be started.

Lake Massasecum Campground abatement is being held off for further information.

It appears something has not been recorded at the registry and the paper work has been received with the return of the deed to a Tax Payer.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator has spoken with Mike Croteau today regarding the Emergency Expenditure for the Breezy Hill Bridge. It was not feasible that it could be processed through the Budget Committee and DRA in time to make DRA willing to grant the spending from the fund balance, the added appropriation. The cost of this study is $74,000. The new stream crossing rule has moved some of the work that is normally done in the design phase into the study phase. And of course because of where it is, this particular situation, on top of the water shed etc. the requirement appears to be much greater. Specialist that have not been needed in the past are required now, but the feeling is if these people are put on in the beginning of the project, it will eliminate any duplication later. Right now, there is twenty six thousand five hundred ($26,500) dollars in the Emergency Fund, Capital Reserve. If the Surveying and Geo. done this winter we can be prepared in the spring, before spring flooding, with a place to locate the temporary bridge. The study is seventy four thousand ($74,000) dollars, but if we could break off the two items, then a mini contract could be written just for that portion. It is anticipated that that amount of work will be done by February 12, 2011.

November 17, 2010, at 4:00pm there is an informational meeting set up with Concord Area Trust for Community Housing (CATCH). This is the person who will come in and discuss the potential for the Marshall property for Elderly/Affordable Housing.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there were 35 dancers using the upstairs of the Town Hall last Thursday.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they have begun the advertising in the Concord Monitor to notice the property currently owned by Griggs which is frequently referred to as the Sanborn property, on Main Street. This will run for three weeks at $702.00 for filing. An update on an e-mail received from Robin Sanborn dated October 20, 2010, advised the person she had sold the property to was taking steps to return the property to her. It was also stated that Ms. Sanborn is interested in selling the real estate to the town at a reduced amount, unspecified amount. This would have to go before the town at Town Meeting. It was noted that the Highway Department crew had seen tracks coming across the ball field, and the chain gate had been taken down. They ended up stopping some people who had been contracted by Ms. Sanborn to remove items from the backyard of her building. At that time they were told to cease and desist, and a rock has been placed in the gateway.

On Saturday, November 6, 2010, Jeffrey Taylor, President Jeffrey Taylor & Associates, Inc. and Irene Garby will be facilitators for the Town Forum beginning at 8:30 am until 11:30 Am., to be held at the Highway Garage.

Marcia Keller advised she thought the Selectmen will run the meeting, however she will do whatever she could do to help.

It was determined that the oldest citizen is Louise Hall who will be receiving the Boston Post Cane.

Discussion ensued regarding the Rescue Squad and the per diem hiring of workers, and the ramifications pertaining to payroll. Regionalization possibility was also discussed. It was stated that there are approximately 200 calls annually in Bradford. It was stated that the Rescue Squad generates about $50,000 annually.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised that Mark Goldberg and Rich Branch told the Selectmen that the manpower on the Rescue Squad is short again, and is having a definite problem on weekdays. They have talked to both, Henniker and New London to see if they could be our primary ambulance and they each said no as they are suffering similar problems. This is where the per diem came in for a couple of medics to work a set number of hours from 6:00am to 6:00pm during the week.

Chris Frey questioned if a policy has been checked out if bridges on Class V seasonal Roads become obsolete that we not repair/replace them. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has not had a chance to do that, but will if she gets a chance.

A concerned resident, Natalie Nunnally, on Breezy Hill Road off Route #114 questioned the maintenance of the road in the winter. She did report a wash out of the road in the summer, but no one seemed to do anything about it, so assumes it is still on their list. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will be advised of this.

Harry Wright mentioned the pot hole on the dump road which does need to be repaired.

The transfer station has had a breakdown with their tractor and require a new hydrolic pump in the amount of $700 plus, and the highway department will do the repair. There are enough funds in their repair funds to pay for this.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn this meeting and go into Non-Public per RSA 91A:3IIa at 6:55pm. Motion carried 3-0.

Decisions made at the Non Public Meeting were:

A letter to an employee. Salaries discussed.

A letter was received regarding the Land Fill

LCG has been contacted regarding information being discussed with the Committee’s involved between the Community Center and Parks and Rec, they advised it is


Out of Non-public at 7:40pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:40pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley