Select Board Minutes 11.11.13



NOVEMBER 11, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. John Pfeifle was absent.

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief with recommendation of full time and part time officer:

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief recommended a full time Police Officer and a part time officer, contingent upon background checks, to replace those that left. Neil Flannigan from Hopkinton was introduced as a candidate for the full time officer position, and he spoke briefly. Neil is not certified but has a degree in Criminal Justice. The part time officer is certified and works in Hooksett. A review committee interviewed both candidates are qualified for the positions. The January academy is a possibility. The Grant would pay for the academy, which is for three months.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to accept Jim Valiquet’s recommendation to hire Neil Flannigan as a full time Police Officer, as well as another part time officer. Harry Wright seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Marlene Freyler – Town Hall:

Marlene Freyler handed out a paper showing Town Hall repairs and asked questions concerning dollar amounts. Cheryl Behr advised the money in question, for Alarm system, asbestos and Building plans has been paid out of the Town Hall repair fund. The $1750.00 has not been paid as yet. Marlene also questioned the Monihan Association fee of $1820.00 on 2/12/13 has been paid, and has the Rural Heritage paid the town back. Cheryl advised she would have to look that up. Harry Wright, Chair advised Rural Heritage has paid previously, but would also have to check on this. Conversation ensued. Harry Wright, Chair advised it is the Selectmen’s prerogative to rearrange funds to take care of areas that need attention.

Mel Pfeifle – Town Hall:

Mel Pfeifle came before the Selectmen regarding authorization for the use of the Town Hall on Sunday, December 8 from 11:00am to 6:30pm and Saturday, December 14th,

From 1:00 to 4:00pm to sell Christmas decorations, plants, greens etc. This is not to sell wreaths as the Eastern Star does, nor Christmas trees as the Parks and Rec does or the Boy Scouts. Permission was also asked to use the down stairs and up stairs. It was stated by Cheryl Behr that the Selectmen do have to accept the donation prior to making the Town Hall Trust Fund account deposit.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Holly Greens Plant Sale on December 8 and December 14 as Fund Raiser for the Town Hall Restoration. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 2-0.

Dawn Rich advised the Friends of the BradfordAreaCommunity Center will hold their tree sale on December 7 in from of the Community Center. Dawn also stated that she would like authorization for the Eastern Star to provide decorations for the Community Center.

Cheryl Behr advised there is a Winter Watchman (light) in the Town Hall. She also advised the toilet facilities are functionable.

The Selectmen did approve putting decoration on the outside of the town hall only.

Chris Frey – Fire Department Warrant Article:

Chris Frey handed out a proposal from the Fire Department for a lease/purchase agreement for the purchasing of a tanker truck. The total cost would be $238,200 with a 3.75 estimated interest rate for a three year time frame. Initial payment would be $150,000. This would have to go out for bid.

Discussion included to raise the amount of $10,000 for the Ambulance Capital Reserve and to raise the sum of $25,000 for the Fire Dept Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve.

Jim Valiquet-Fire Arms Class:

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief would like to continue the Fire Arms instruction class at the Valley property where they have been practicing. There would be two firearm instructors on sight for a maximum of twelve in class. The Selectmen did support continuation.

The Selectmen signed a letter to Joe Wilcox, Auto Craft as well as a letter regarding the barn (garage) at French’s Park.

Cheryl Behr read a letter into the minutes (letter on file) regarding an application for surveying for the geotechnical studies on West Main Street sidewalk bike lane project. This was signed by the Selectmen and needs to be forwarded to the Planning Commission by November 15, 2013. Decision is due in December per Cheryl Behr. Support letters have been received from Bob O’Dell, Barbara French and Geoffrey Hirsch. The Selectmen signed this support approval letter.

Budgets to be reviewed. Decision was to give the Budget Committee the Budgets that have come in, even though the Selectmen have not made any decisions on them as yet.

Cheryl Behr handed out expense sheets to the board with shaded areas showing changes.

Cheryl advised she had received a copy of the Concord Regional Solid Waste Contract and has forwarded it to the Town Attorney, Bernie Waugh, along with Mr. Naughton’s proposal.

Payroll Manifest:

Payroll Manifest was reviewed and signed. Cheryl Behr advised there will be two weeks of payables done next week.

Review and Consideration of November 5, 2013 Minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the November 5th minutes. Cheryl Behr advised on page two under Equalization the percentage amounts should read:

102.8 and 103.3 respectively.

Harry Wright seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.

There being no other business to come before the board. Meeting adjourned 6:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
