Select Board Minutes 11.15.11

NOVEMBER 15, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Jack Meaney was absent.


BACC was not at the meeting this evening.

Marlene Freyler reported that the 4th of July town celebration will be held on July 7, 2012.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

The Budget Committee has requested the Selectmen meet with them on Thursday, November 17, 2011 to which they agreed.

It was decided that the Budgets will not be discussed tonight until there is a full board present.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that they need to respond to LGC by December 2, 2011 regarding health insurance coverage for town employees. Also a representative from LGC regarding the health insurance would like to come out and talk with the Selectmen to explain possible changes, and the next Selectmen’s meeting, November 22, 2011 was agreed upon. This representative advised she would also be available to meet with employees at a later date if the town chooses to go with LGC.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator reminded everyone that the town offices will be close next Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Update from Weathercheck and the Bement Bridge roof will be postponed until January 30, 2012 due to scheduling.

A notice from Public Service was received advising of a 7% increase in electric rates.

The intent for the Grant application to Artplace has been forwarded.

Tom Riley has presented the job description which he wants to post. Actually there are two portions. Dick Moore not only was custodian of the cemetery, but took care of the paperwork that was involved. The vicinity of $15,000 has been allowed for the position, but only half of that is for landscaping part. It was also discussed that a contractor who would furnish their own equipment would be advisable. An inventory of what the town owns and could be sold was given to Cheryl Behr.

A pay and classification study proposal from LGC was quoted as $175.00 per position. There are ten full time positions in the town.

CNHRPC dues have increased between $64.00/$100.00 per Cheryl Behr. This is calculated by population.

The asbestos report has been received on the Sanborn property, now the public notice to bid to take down the house can be posted. The town attorney wrote up with the addition of saying, not only successful bidders, but they are subcontractors with all their permits and licenses.

Bruce Edwards advised Wednesday nights are free upstairs in the senior room.

Question was asked that since the Highway Department rented equipment has not used up the estimated hours, why can’t the town tear down the Sanborn house using said equipment and save some money? Harry Wright, Chair advised they had discussed the hazardous materials which would probably make it prohibitive.

Meeting to adjourn to Non Public Session at 5:45pm per RSA 91A:3IIa personnel and RSA91A3IIe legal matters.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R.Cilley
