Select Board Minutes 11.04.08

NOVEMBER 4, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the November 4, 2008, Election Day, meeting to order at 6:00pm at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley Secretary present.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to accept the October 21, 2008 minutes as presented. Seconded by Andrew Pinard. Andrew Pinard abstained, motion carried 2-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there were also minutes from a meeting she and Andrew Pinard attended with the BACC, Friends of the BACC and Parks and Recreation on October 30, 2008. Andrew Pinard advised they did not need to be approved tonight, and he would catch everyone up to date later.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised people had commented to him that they did like the paper that was enclosed with the tax bill, with rate breakdown. Cheryl Behr, Administrator said she had spoken with DRA, who advised stuffers can be done, other than any political information.


Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised he had put a roof cap on the covered bridge. Steve also reported that he had been to a State Bridge meeting, and was told that basically there is not going to be any bridge work done on municipal projects for at least a year. While the cap was put on the covered bridge, Steve found the bridge to be in terrible disrepair which will need to be done in a year or two. At this time, he is procuring quotes for wood shingles as well as metal roof. [Andrew Pinard recommended that the Road Agent contact Chris Mock.] One quote has been received for re-paving Sunset Hill. Charles Meany suggested they look into cement based shake roofing that looks just like wood shingles which is impervious to fire. At this time, Steve discussed wages for the road crew.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent requested the Selectmen to consider purchasing a sicklebar mower to go behind the tractor, rather than hiring the mowing done each year. Steve will get information on this.

Conversation ensued regarding the progress of the new Highway Garage. Charles Meany advised there was remedial repair to the footings due to the elevations being off, and they had actually set the footings a foot too low in the ground. Now there is a footing on top of a footing with a lot of steel in it, making it very strong. The building is supposed to be arriving on Friday, 11/7/08. The concrete is back in the approved stage by both the building inspector and the engineer that designed it.

Dave Currier, Lake Massasecum Improvement Association presented the Selectmen with a packet for a Budget Request for next year which is the same as last year for the milfoil mitigation. He advised the State has been talking to them regarding a suction treatment which literally sucks the milfoil right up and separates it. Other treatments previously used that were not successful were discussed. Strategies are now going to be changed, and there is a pellet form chemical that falls on the leaves of the milfoil but does not harm other vegetation, fish, or wells. Permitting progress begins in January, but they would like the option of doing the work up through fall, depending upon the rains and water level. The Association is requesting the same amount as last year which was Five thousand nine hundred and seventy ($5,970.00) and the Lake Association will be matching that. The estimated permitting process and the actual application would be in excess of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars. This would be administered by the State and Applicator who does the permitting. It is the Department of Agriculture that controls the pesticides, not DES. This has the potential of getting it all out of the lake at one time. Dave Currier reported that information they received at a meeting was there has been no leeching of the chemical into any wells, however, they do still require testing and monitoring.

Notification would go out to all abutters, both up stream and down stream and the brook would probably be the area where treatment begins.

Charles Meany questioned who the DOT person might be to contact regarding the dangerous intersection from Mountain Lake Inn and Massasecum Avenue. Discussion ensued, and there will be follow-up done.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that the money the town votes for Lake Massasecum Improvement Association is not a blanket appropriation, and when the bills come in, they should be broken down as to what it was used for.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked Mr. Currier for coming in.

Matt Ordway questioned the Highway progress and Charles Meany filled him in with the previous conversation of the evening. Matt questioned if the town has frost barriers (which are like blankets) for protection of the forms if there is a freeze.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised they are waiting for light pole to be moved at the Highway Garage.

Charles Meany stated that the only way legally you can be required to have a bed bottom inspection is if the town has a written regulation, done at a public hearing through the board of selectmen.


Accounts payable and payroll manifest for review and signing done.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter of commendation for Police Officer Ed Shaunessy.

Conversation ensued regarding writing letters to all departments reiterating “No Smoking” in town buildings, with department heads to enforce this. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will write the letters, for the Selectmen to sign. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the town policy is that there is to be no smoking in town buildings or in town vehicles.

Accountant’s management letter will be signed…

Marlene Freyler stated there is a new Fireworks company for next 4th of July celebration and Barry Wheeler has met them.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to go into non-public meeting under RSA 91A3IIA at 7:05pm. Seconded and carried.

Out of non-public meeting at 8:13pm with motion to adjourn, seconded and carried.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked all the election people including Dave Camire, Fire Dept. for lighting.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
