Select Board Minutes 01.15.08

JANUARY 15, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the January 15, 2008 meeting to order at 6:03pm with Charles Meany and Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

Review and acceptance of the December 4, 2007 and December 18, 2007 minutes:

Motion made by Charles Meany to table the minutes until later in the meeting. Andrew Pinard seconded. Motion carried 3-0

Needs Assessment Recommendations:

Tom Riley, Chair NAC Steering committee advised that the proposals that had been received were being revised as all the references had not been contacted, as well as the compatibility of the bids that are still in progress.

The first motion that the NAC Steering Committee made was to recommend to the Selectmen the following Warrant Articles:

1. The Bond Article for the Road Bond.

2. Highway Garage, Salt Shed and Police Station Design & Built (Including Site Work and buildings for the Highway and Police station that would connect to that road).

3. Highway Garage, Salt Shed and Site Work, and Site Work for Police Station.

A cost summary was presented on these three to the Selectmen. Additional items not in scope were added in at $50,000.00 to cover well, generator, bullet proof glass etc. No contingency has been added in for the buildings. Everett Kittredge advised there would be some additional costs elements to the project, depending upon who they want to manage the program, and it is a cost the Selectmen need to consider. Charles Meany questioned if what they would be needing funds for is a Clerk of the Works to which Everett advised yes, something like that.

The second motion that the NAC Steering Committee made was to advise the Selectmen that the committee believes there are two qualified construction companies but do not wish to finalize one at this time, as the reference analysis is in process.

The third motion was to advise the Selectmen that the recommended dollar amount of $201,244.00 for the road, and if the Site Work is also done, that would be reduced by $5,000.00.

The fourth motion was to suggest to the Selectmen a separate Warrant Article be prepared for Contract Services.

Everett Kittredge advised the Selectmen the purpose of this meeting is, if the Selectmen choose to recommend anything to the Budget Committee, this will enable them to do so. It was hoped by the NAC Steering Committee to finalize the references by the 24th of January.

Needs Assessment comments:

Richard Keller read his letter into the minutes dated January 15, 2008. (Letter attached)

Andrew Pinard advised he talked with Harry Hadaway who is head appraiser for the State, and the Route 103 access road project came before them a week ago, and in their conversation today, he suggested he would try to put it through in the next three or four weeks so we would have an idea of how much that road access would cost.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to pass on to the Budget Committee the proposal put forth by the NAC Committee and not accept Mr. Keller’s request as a Warrant Article. Peter Fenton Seconded. Andrew Pinard Nay, Motion carried 2-1.

Addy Camire-Jones Road:

Addy Camire advised Jones Road has been changed, and they are supposed to be coming back in the spring to work on their driveway. Traffic there has been going faster than before. They cannot back out of their driveway into the traffic. The stop sign is gone now. The Camire’s advised the town will be responsible if someone gets injured because of this problem. Peter Fenton advised the police and highway department would be made aware of the problem, and also have a counter put over there. Comments concerning re-installing a stop sign were made. Peter Fenton, Chair asked the Camire’s to please advise the Selectmen how it is working.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to request the Police Dept. to step up detail on that corner and add their tracking equipment to track speeds and for the Road Agent to look at that corner and consider a direction of a blind drive sign, coming down Center Road. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried. 3-0.

Robert Stewart represented:

1. KAP – Kearsarge Area Preschool is having a decrease in enrollment and Bob Stewart advised they would like to lower their rent this year, until they can increase their enrollment and/or put a new program in. The request is to drop their rent to two hundred fifty ($250.00) a month for this year. At this time, they are considering starting a day care that could help as it would be open both morning and afternoon.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that they accept the reduction in rent at two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) from KAP for next year and sign the contract. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Robert Stewart advised he has a communication from J.P. Chemical Company for pest services at the Bradford Area Community Center. The State has advised that material must be used that will not affect children or animals in the building. A new contract has been presented which will cost one hundred thirty five dollars ($135.00) a month.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to sign the new agreement for J. P. Chemical. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Robert Stewart advised they would like to purchase programmable room thermostats for the BAAC. An energy consultant came into the building and this was one of the recommendations he had. It was advised that 30% savings could be realized from the heating, which would be approximately twenty four hundred dollars ($2400.00) a year. The individual units would cost about forty dollars ($40.00) a piece and six would be needed, plus installation.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that they be allowed to purchase 6 programmable thermostats for BAAC, in the five hundred fifty ($550.00) to seven hundred dollars ($700.00) range. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Rescue Squad:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief presented a “Proposed Rescue Squad Personnel Payment Plan” Mark Goldberg advised the numbers are down. He advised also that they have been to Henniker and to New London to see if they would come up with a deal to cover Bradford to which the reply was, no. Consequently, Bradford is on its own. Two alternatives are to keep up a low cost of services or go full time. Discussion ensued.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned who would be doing the administrative work, and is the cost calculated in the sixty six thousand one hundred five dollars ($66,105.00) being suggested for an annual budget. Conversation ensued including billing for services.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to address this in a Warrant Article, explaining to the town that this is a first time, and in hopes of getting a Rescue Squad established. Charles Meany seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Andrew Pinard advised he would be opposed that once the town has made an investment into a vehicle, whether accepted as a gift or whatever, establishing a refund of money to an outside organization. Much conversation ensued.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests:

The accounts payable and payroll manifests were signed.

The Britton Deed was presented for signature and discussion regarding replacing the well cover which was approved by the Selectmen.

Intent to cut presented for signature by Lonnie White, Alder Plains Road, Map 9, Lot 33.

Avitar Contract was presented for signature.

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk has requested that the Selectmen’s office be authorized to issue checks outside the Board of Selectmen’s duties for Fish and Game. Selectmen were in agreement to approve this request.

It was suggested that a Recycling Committee should be addressed again after town meeting.

Electioneering, which involves any public employee trying to espouse any particular political viewpoint during their work time was discussed. At this time it was recommended that a letter for all employees should be presented to all employees to sign.

No decision was made by the board.

Note that the East Washington Road stone wall will be postponed until another meeting.

Andrew made a proposal that the Selectmen meet on January 29, 2008 at 6:00pm., to make up for the meeting that was missed. No Vote however Selectmen were in agreement.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that on Warrant Articles if each vote by the Selectmen is recorded, whether unanimously or 2-1, on an Article, it would have to be done with all Articles and this would also include the Budget Committee’s votes. This is to go on the Warrant. Charles Meany seconded. Peter Fenton Nay, Motion carried 2-1.

The board unanimously decided to not put the Warrant Article on this year regarding Sprinkler Systems.

Charles Meany questioned if the Budget Committee wished to present a united front on articles presented at town meeting. At this time, Charles Meany requested to un-second his vote to the above motion to record all votes on an Article. He prefers to see things represented as a united front. Consequently, the above motion is defeated 2-1 with Peter Fenton, Nay, Charles Meany Nay and Andrew Pinard Yea.

Warrant Articles were discussed at length concerning wording and dollar amounts including:

Fireworks. Landfill Road, in budget, but not in bond. Authorizing Combination Fire and Rescue. Repairing of Highway Garage-non lapsing funds. Road Sealant. Jones Road paving. Highway Capital Reserve. Bridge Repair Capital Reserve. Ambulance Capital Reserve. Town Facilities Captial Reserve. Town Hall Restoration. Emergency Repair. Fire Dept. Heavy Equipment. Fire Dept. Building repair. Police Building Capital Reserve. West Road Bridge replacement. Road Signs for 911. Main Street Sidewalk Capital Reserve. Grave Stone repair. BNSYS. Boat Launch. Capital Reserve Fund for Re-evaluation.

Discussion regarding the boat launch on Route 114 and where cars are parked, being a very dangerous situation It was suggested that if some trees were cut, it would alleviate some of the problem as well as request the police department to check out the situation.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent, has requested one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) to repave Sunset Hill Road. The Board agreed to let it sit for a year.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Everett Kittredge had inquired about putting Design money into the warrant if the bonds don’t pass. Discussion ensued.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to raise and appropriate twenty thousand ($20,000.00) to continue the process if the bonds do not pass. No second, no vote taken.

Peter Fenton suggested that during storms, perhaps one driver should be spared, and sit out the storm. There are seven members of the Road Crew now.

It was reported that one Policeman has broken his leg, and could be out from six to eight weeks. More hours will be filled in by the part time people.

Andrew Pinard advised that Cheryl Behr, Administrator recommended and he has established the as an official town website and minutes of meetings have been posted on if from December 20, 2008.

Motion made, seconded and passed to Adjourn at 9:00PM

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley