Select Board Minutes Revised 09.15.09

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Peter Fenton, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Stephen Heavener, CRDC and Jayne Rayno, Lake Sunapee Bank came before the Selectmen with proposed changes in the Revolving Loan rules.

Mr. Heavener expressed his appreciation in all of Cheryl Behr’s help.

Mr. Heavener stated that the Loan Committee consists of seven of which four are bankers, with Jayne Rayno being the Chair.

The changes consist of the following:

1. Refinancing – If a borrower can refinance. Every loan from the Revolving Loan Fund has a bank sitting at the table and they can come up with 50%.

2. Eligibility – Used to be 1/3.

3. Job Cost

4. Low level (Micro lending in NH) TIF does not do this. Their minimum is $25,000 and the maximum is $150,000.

5. Existing or previous loans as long as the net is up to $50,000, has to have been in their portfolio.

6. CRDC Administration- Will inform within 48 hours of loan approval. Will also provide a monthly loan status.

Conversation continued regarding the Revolving Loan Fund.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to appoint Cheryl Behr to the Revolving Loan Committee. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to accept the new information from CRDC. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Mark Goldberg and Richard Branch came before the Selectmen regarding Americorp.

This is a full time emergency medical technician position which is an 11 month position funded by the Americorp program and begins in October. This is a program that has been around for two years or more. The person would receive a $12,000.00 stipend and Health coverage. At the end of the term served, they would receive $5,000 for continuing education. The annual grant runs from October to October. This would be for a 40 hour work week with duties being: making calls, recruitment, clerical. This would be paid for by the town paying $7900.00, State paying $1,000.00 and Americorp paying $8,000.00.

Jack Meaney questioned the requirement of a full time supervisor. Mark advised it requires a daily supervisor, which would be Richard Branch. And in answer to Cheryl Behr, Administrator’s question if they would be a town employee, Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised they would be employed and paid for from Americorp.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the proposed temporary position of EMT, funded by Americorp Program providing the paper work to review is received and it meets the requirements. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent will get a written quote from Gary Wall and AGS Services regarding the exhaust intake on the Highway Garage.

Bill Starr came before the Selectmen to talk about his driveway which he is preparing to install on the side of his house away from the Town Hall. The Selectmen advised him the town will cut the curb and will pave the apron only when the sidewalks are done. Also the Selectmen advised they would not cut them off prior to getting his driveway done. Mr. Starr was also advised if he wants the screen house he may have it or what ever he wishes to do with it.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to allow Mr. Starr’s wood pile, screen house and light continue to be on town property until May 1, 2010. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Marlene Freyler presented pictures of flags and quoted a price of between $65 and $95 for each one. New brackets to go on the PSNH poles run around $85 each. PSNH has allowed these to be put up; however, they need to be called each year for renewal. Marlene advised there is $1,000 in the patriotic funds for the brackets. Charles Meany suggested traditional flags be used. Charles Meany also requested prices on flags and this will be taken under advisement.

Dick Dumais, 25 Sunset Hill Road came in to talk with the Selectmen regarding water issues on his property, coming from the street into his yard and basement. He is requesting the stone wall be mended and the area ditched. Steve Lucier, Road Agent and Dick Dumais will go to the property on Friday morning, September 18, 2009 at 10:00am., to see what can be done to rectify the problem.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were signed.

SEA Easements were signed.

Update on FEMA bridge reconciliation reviewed and discussed with Steve Lucier, Road Agent.

Update on TE Grant application reviewed.

Revised MS-1 not completed as yet.

TIF letters will be drafted by Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

A written update on French’s Park Erosion Control Project was received from Andrea LaMoreaux. A group of volunteers worked for about 5 hours on Saturday and on Sunday, September 12th and 13th cleaning out the infiltration trenches and constructing terraced vegetated buffers on the wooded slope in between the swimming beach and the rock slope leading into the water. The terraced beds are still a work in progress and Bindy Glennie will be overseeing the planting and final stabilization of the slope.

Three requests were also made:

1. Requesting the State Correctional work program to send out a crew to finish cleaning out the sediment that the infiltration trenches have collected at French’s Park.

2. Asking if the Road Crew would be able to delineate the handicap access walkway by constructing a stone wall between walkway and parking area. Also level the handicap parking spot so storm water flows into rain garden and not over the handicap pathway. Also to add a triangular patch of 3-inch stone at corner of parking lot that leads to entrance to culvert.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised that the sidewalks that are being torn up by the State Correctional Workers is working out well, and they will probably be done with that project by Friday.

The consensus of the Selectmen is to finish up completely with the sidewalks and the town hall parking area with the Correctional Workers prior to going to French’s Park to work.

Charles Meany, Chair questioned Steve Lucier, Road Agent as to what the road crew was taking for time for their lunch break. Steve advised that forty five minutes is being taken as they use their 15 minutes from their morning break adding it to their 30 minutes scheduled lunch break. Jack Meaney advised that this is not permitted by law, to which Steve Lucier, Road Agent stated that he’d like to go on record as saying this is a stupid law, that this is not a metropolitan area we are talking about, but a 5 member road crew. It was once again reiterated that this is not allowed by law and cannot be done by all three selectmen.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent also advised Danny’s town highway truck is having problems and keeps shutting off. It is now at Reed’s in Claremont and Steve was requested to get an estimate of the cost of repairs before being worked on and to call Cheryl Behr, Administrator with the amount.

Also discussed were different companies providing salt and their delivered prices.

7:12pm meeting adjourned to go into Non-Public meeting per RSA 91:A-3:11c.

No decisions were made regarding Welfare.

7:35 out of Non-Public meeting.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley