Select Board Minutes Town Sheds 04.19.08

APRIL 19, 2008

In Attendance:

Peter Fenton, Chair, Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary were present:

Peter Fenton, Chair welcomed everyone to this mornings meeting at the Town Sheds to analyze what needs and should be done.

35 interested townspeople attended the morning meeting. There were maps available for the public to have as well as a large map on an easel for conversation regarding placement of buildings.

Bill Cote, Local Government Center was introduced by Peter Fenton, Chair and he gave the following overview of the buildings at the town shed.

Mr. Cote noted the Local Government Center represents town and liability. He gives factual and non emotional input, and has been doing this for fifteen years. Some of the concerns he listed:

1. In ground septic

2. Bays open in the ground which is very serious environmentally.

3. Furnace

4. Fire separation regarding rooms

5. Room to maneuver around inside.

6. Lift needed – creepers used now, workers lay on backs under vehicles

7. Environmental sound salt shed

8. Structure/leaning some

Much discussion ensued regarding replacing the existing building with a steel building, or rehabilitate the existing building. Charles Meany, Selectman advised bringing the existing sheds up to code and standards could cost more than purchasing a new building.

It was stated that a structural person needs to walk through, and then make a decision between rehabilitation costs or new building.

Mention was also made that with the ball field, there is a concern for safety and parking.

Another suggestion, made by Perry Teele was could the salt shed be located elsewhere, such as at the gravel pit on Jones Road.

Conversation ensued regarding the use of the ball field. Andrew Pinard advised it is a center of community, and unless there is another available site within the center of town, that should remain as such.

The question was asked if there was a difference of fifty thousand ($50,000.00) between a new facility, and rehabilitating the existing building, which way would you go. It was a definite majority by a show of hands to build a new facility.

Another concern was the cost of paving at today’s prices.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked everyone for coming and sharing their great ideas.

Meeting adjourned 10:00am

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
