Selectman’s Minutes 05.21.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Members of the Bradford Area Community Center appeared to discuss a request made to relocate the standing Select Board meetings to the Senior Room in the BACC. Jim Valiquet, Dawn Rich and Devin Pendleton appeared to discuss what was driving the request. Jim stated that the Town already consumed a large portion of the footprint at the Community Center and a move to the upstairs Senior Room would increase cleaning costs.

John Pfeifle outlined safety concerns and Jim Valiquet suggested several hardening options to explore rather than moving any of the meetings, or Town employees, which had previously been suggested, to different rooms. Quotes are being complied to outline the costs of the various hardening opportunities and Jim Valiquet (Bradford Police Chief) will work on providing the Board with costs for securing the facility and providing additional egress options.

  1. Ann Eldridge and Seth Benowitz from the Bradford Conservation Commission appeared to discussed installing Beaver Deceivers, designed by Beaver Deceivers International, which would be funded by donations and potential grants. The solution proposed has been very successful in the towns of Warner and Andover and provides a long term, 12-13 year, solution. The Commission requested the Board provide direction on communicating the project and collecting donations. The Board will review the solution proposed, talk with the Road Agent and readdress the Commission’s request on June 4th.

Regular Business:

  1. John Pfeifle asked that, going forward, when a Town employee addresses the Select Board, the Board ask that speaker to clarify whether they are speaking as a department member or as a Bradford citizen.
  2. An update was provided by Michael James on the Town Hall bids that were being collected for Fire Alarm activity. Mark Goldberg provided Michael an estimate of $2500. Jim Bibbo urged the Board to have multiple bids done based upon a specific scope of work. Michael James is fine with the bid process but does not want Trumbull Nelson determining the scope of work as the Town already has their thoughts and cost. John Pfeifle believes that providing a specific scope of work eliminates the creativity that might be received if requesting a solution rather than bids on a specific scope of work.
  3. As long as the specifications meet code and building requirements the Board is fine with the design proposed by Mark Goldberg for the Fire Alarm system and this will be sent to others for bid.
  4. The heating system would follow a similar process, in that, a design will be presented to multiple vendors to bid upon, although not the design proposed by Trumbull Nelson, and bidders will be encouraged to express opinions on the design as part of their response to the Town.
  5. The Board revisited the ATV Woodlands request to adopt Day Pond Road, Carter Hill Road and Rowe Mountain Road to the point where it turns to Class V as part of their trail system. The ATV group would monitor, maintain and provide signage on these Class VI along and work with private property owners on any off road, permitted trails. The Police Chief spoke in favor of approving as no one monitor these roads today and some monitoring would be an improvement. Jim Bibbo echoed those sentiments. John Pfeifle was supportive with the condition that some type of reoccurring maintenance conditions be reported. Michael James agreed in theory but wants to understand more about the club and their responsibilities. The Board will provide Karen a list of items to consider so reporting requirement can be established. Ann Eldridge mentioned that the Town of Warner had outlined dissatisfaction with a large ATV Club in Henniker.
  6. Lois Kilnapp was in attendance to let the Board know they would need to pursue a surveillance system for the Transfer Station as the theft activity, which had subsided, has now started back up. The Chief will put together an estimate of cost for the next meeting.
  7. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed

The Board entered a Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3IIa, c, d at 6:25pm

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to move to a Non-Public Session

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Public Session at 8:15pm

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to leave a Non-Public Session

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Minutes of the May 14th meeting were accepted.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. John Pfeifle outlined a draft write-up for the paper outlining progress on the Town Hall, the Town’s financial outlook and areas that the Board will be focusing on in the future, along with championing the 4th of July Celebration event planned for June 30th. Michael and Jim provided commentary and John will edit and submit the article.
  2. An Intent to Cut was signed.
  3. The fireworks permit was signed.
  4. Karen raised a concern that the Board has been taking agenda items up until the last minute for the weekly Select Board agenda and Jim Bibbo is looking for the agenda to be available on the Friday before the meeting. Going forward the deadline for submission of an agenda item is close of business on Thursday. If there is a pressing need to speak with the Board it will be address on an individual basis.

The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

There will be no Selectmen’s meeting next week.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday June 4, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn