Selectmen’s Minutes 08.21.17

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2017

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30PM

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Request to Rent Space in Community Center: George Freyler would like to operate Freyler Driving School out of the Community Center. He would like to use the space formerly occupied by the Preschool on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 4-6 pm. He is requesting a 1 year lease to begin October 1, 2017. Motion to support the request, vote 3-0 in favor. The Selectmen recommend rent be set at $300 a month for the space. Karen is working on the items within the building that require attention based on the fire chief’s inspection.
  2. Dave Gaudes: Dave thanked the Board for their support in the battle against milfoil in the lake. Dave mentioned that in July they certified 5 more divers and now have a total of 22 weed certified divers. This year 12 gallons of milfoil were removed -a significant improvement from previous years. He also informed the Board the DES is very impressed with their work. The new Lake Association president, Michael Davidson, is very enthusiastic and will be a great addition to the Lake Association.
  3. Town Hall update: The structural engineers have visited and taken measurements. Their report should be available in the next couple of weeks. John expressed his concerns about the Town Hall and is worried about cost overruns. He is anxious to see a detailed plan. He reiterated that the reason the building was lifted early in the project was to take advantage of Rick Geddes’ spring availability as opposed to waiting until fall to lift the building. Karen added that the staff has been reviewing the 1st floor layout.
  4. Cell tower Update: Sue McKevitt sent a letter to Verizon and also has been in touch with the owner of the tower. John informed the Board that he is not in favor of the tower being there if it is not providing cell service. Sue will continue to work with Verizon.

Regular Business:

  1. Autocraft update: The Court ordered over $30,000 in legal fees and expenses to the Town of Bradford. The Town’s attorney looking into the status of the Intent to Lien that he filed. The property will be on the 2018 deed list as the 2015 taxes have not been paid. The code enforcement officer will be visiting the property next week.
  2. Unanticipated Revenue – Highway Block Grant: The Town has been awarded over $76,000 in additional Highway Block Grant revenue this year. There will need to be a public hearing regarding the use of the funds. The Board would like to use this funding for Bement Bridge, thus eliminating the need to raise it at Town Meeting in 2018. The State has already transferred the funds to the Town’s checking account.
  3. The Board signed Hazard Mitigation Update agreement. This Hazard Mitigation Plan needs to be updated every 5 years. Our current plan expires in December 2017.
  4. The Board signed Abatement of Interest request for Map 6/Lot 62.
  5. The Board signed the Intent to Cut for Map 4/Lots 8&9.
  6. The Board was unable to sign the Intent to Cut for Map 4/Lots 8 because the form was not complete.

Pending issues:

  1. Fireworks Fundraising: This is an ongoing discussion item.
  2. Shooting Range Ordinance: Jim drafted an Indoor Shooting Range Ordinance for Bradford. The Board will review the draft and discuss at another meeting.
  3. Tyler Lawn Care: The Board acknowledged and thanked Tyler Lawn Care for volunteering to mow Brown Shattuck Field for the Independence Day Celebration.
  4. Karen mentioned that the resident on South Brook Circle extended their appreciation to the Road Crew for fixing the washed out areas. Unfortunately, the rain on Friday washed it out again.
  5. The Chair mentioned attendance concerns were raised and discussed at the last Budget Committee meeting. The Budget Committee regular meeting schedule has been adjusted as a result.

Minutes of August 7, 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

The payroll and payable manifests were signed.

The non-Public meeting was not necessary.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 5:30 the Bradford Area Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:16PM.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins/Karen Hambleton