Selectmen’s Agenda 9.30.13

Selectmen’s Meeting


Sept 30, 2013


Pledge of Allegiance


1. Town hall restoration?

2. Erica, town clerk/tax collector for credit card signatures and CIP additions.


Regular Business:

1. Bridge information red listed bridges. Map and reports

2. Purchase sander? FEMA money received $8,898

3. Floor damage in Senior room – damaged sub flooring fixed

4. CRSW contract – 3 weeks to decide

5. Accept sidewalk project – forms for signature

6. Confusing sign on Water Street/Marshall Hill

7. Heat and water at town hall?? Water was turned on for 7/6/13 events

8. Report on the Joint Board of Selectmen/School rep meeting

9. Lake Massasecum Bridge contest – flyer/contest form/handouts at Halloween, Library etc.

10. Non-public session for personnel issue – per RSA 91-A:3IIa –

Pending issues:

1. Employee wage schedules

2. Town Hall boundary problems and response to Starr’s letter for signature

3. Independence Day future plans


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Review and accept Minutes