Selectmen’s Meeting March 17, 2009

Selectmen’s Minutes
March 17, 2009Roll Call: Peter Fenton, Chairman; Chip Meany, Selectman; Jack Meaney Selectman-elect

The recount resulting in a tie between Hal Liberty and Jack Meaney was resolved by a random draw by Susan Pehrson, Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Jack Meaney was named the new selectman.

1. The Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Susan Pehrson, and the Bradford Police Chief, James Valiquet, met with the Selectmen to discuss budget cuts. The Town Clerk’s budget was reduced by $8,000 and the Police was reduced by $20,000. The possibility of personnel cutbacks and other service reductions were reviewed. The Board requested the two department heads restrict spending where possible while the Board investigates cost cutting measures in all departments. Peter Fenton and Chip Meany both indicated layoffs were the last resort in handling the budget cuts voted at town meeting.

Regular Business:
1. Jack Meaney will not be sworn in until Monday March 23rd. The Board of Selectmen canceled their regularly scheduled evening meeting and postponed any new decisions until a full board was named.
2. Correspondence was signed to notify the Department of Transportation of our interest in applying for ARRA (stimulus) grant money for the West Road Bridge.
3. Selectmen voted to regularly (weekly if possible) submit information to area newspapers to keep residents aware of the challenges being faced with the budget and successes accomplished in using funds sparingly. Cheryl Behr will draft the press releases and forward on to the selectmen for comment and contributions before emailing these updates.
4. Marge Cilley will not be available to prepare the minutes through April 10th.