Selectmen’s Minutes 01.23.17

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2016

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


            Tom French- Henniker Rescue: Tom indicated he had reviewed the contract and agreed that the Town of Henniker had accidentally miss-billed Bradford. Tom mentioned that in 2015 they had 629 calls into their 911 system and 68 of those were Bradford residents, this was about 11%. In 2016 there were 565 calls and 74 of them were for Bradford, making that about 13%. He will rework the figures and send a new invoice for 2016.

Perry Teele- Town Line Signs: Perry presented the Board with samples of signs he created to indicate the town lines. He recommends starting with 25 boundary line markers.  There was a motion to approve $250.00 for the purchase of 25 town line signs, vote 3-0

Marilyn Gordon: Marilyn informed the Board that her deputy is resigning, though she has not officially received the resignation letter. She indicated Cheryl Behr has agreed to take on the role. Once the resignation has been received, Cheryl will be appointed.

Regular Business

  1. Autocraft Update: A letter was sent to the owner asking him to please attend the Select Board meeting on January 30. The Chief of Police said that he has been to the site and there does not appear to be much, if any, progress. Karen noted the Feb. 1st deadline is quickly approaching.
  2. Budget: The Selectmen continue to work with the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee meets next this Thursday and expects to finish with their department interviews. After finalizing their numbers, the Selectmen will meet with the Budget Committee to review their suggestions and come up with a number to present at Town Meeting.
  3. The Selectmen voted 3-0 to accept $500.00 donated by the Friends of the BACC. This will support the Bradford skating rink and a small shed at the location.
  4. Resignation letter: Meg Fearnley submitted a letter of resignation as Conservation Commission Representative to the Historical Society. She recommended that Seth Benowitz be appointed to fill the representative post. The Select Board agreed and signed his appointment form. Meg will continue to serve on the Conservation Commission.
  5. The Board signed the Intents to Cut for Map8/Lot29, Map3/Lot74-1, Map3/Lot71-A

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of Jan. 9, 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no change.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, January 30, 2016 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3IIc  at 6:02PM.

Meeting rejoined public session at 6:52.

Meeting adjourned at 6:53.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins