Selectmen’s Minutes 05.14.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


There were no appearances.

Regular Business:

  1. Marlene Freyler was appointed Cemetery Trustee for a one year period and sworn in before the Board.
  2. Town Hall Renovations:
    1. The Board discussed a preliminary estimate received for a partial heating solution for the Town Hall which came in at $15,000. The Board is soliciting quotes, outside of the activity that Jay Barrett, Town Hall Architect, and Trumbull Nelson, Town Hall General Contractor, have gathered, to be able to compare pricing and solutions to what was previously proposed. The Board decided to have a professional engineering opinion written up, with specifications that will be put out for bid once received.
    2. The Board is also going to evaluate alternative Fire Alarm options. The Fire Chief is looking into this and no update was available.
    3. John Pfeifle inquired as to whether anyone was going to be doing routine checks on the building once Trumbull Nelson pulled out. A general walk though should be conducted and John will follow up on this.
    4. John also noted that the Rural Heritage Connection will not be taking the excess boulders as they have no means to transport them so they will need to be left onsite.
    5. Although only single phase power will be installed at the Town Hall, conduit to accommodate Three Phase power will be placed. The entrance location needs to be identified for the Electrical Contractor and the Board requested the contractor provide a couple options for review.
    6. A question had also come up about what would happen to the shrubs that had been relocated while construction was underway. These are going to be replanted at the Town Hall as part of the site work after the granite is installed.
  3. John motioned to move the standing Select Board meeting location from the downstairs room at the BACC to the upstairs Senior Room beginning with the meeting after Memorial Day. Jim Bibbo asked Karen to follow up and ensure the room is open.
  4. The Board discussed a letter from Odds Bodkin regarding cleanup of the sand off the roads from the winter plowing and sanding activity. John felt that work was off to a slow start and attributed that to having snow into April. That was followed by a large amount of tree work from the tornado that hit in early May. The Board discussed why Bradford used so much sand and a few reasons were mentioned. These include the bridges and hilly conditions, the impact on the budget and sand being more environmentally friendly than salt around yards, streams and rivers. The Board will investigate ways to get the clean up done quicker along with exploring options to reuse sand. They will also review how other towns manage their salt versus sand usage.
  5. The Board discussed some of their high level goals for the year:
    1. Michael James mentioned getting the Business Incentive Program rolling along with becoming a more business friendly environment.
    2. John Pfeifle would like to work on attracting more business to Town along with enhancing the 4th of July celebration to attract more people.
    3. Jim Bibbo would like to work on revitalization efforts such as the Town Hall initiative as well as establishing an Economic Development Committee.
    4. Karen thought the Town should work on an all encompassing plan that ties all the components together so an end vision was available and goals would be geared towards attaining that overall plan.
    5. The Board will continue this discussion at their next meeting.
  6. The Board acknowledged a $7,500 donation from the donors of the Rural Heritage Connection for structural steel reinforcement at the Town Hall.
  7. All members signed applications for Veterans Tax Credits as recommended by the Assessor.
  8. The 4th of July Parade Permit was approved.
  9. The Board signed the Tax Warrant and all tax bills will be mailed this week.
  10. John Pfeifle noted that the Select Board Chair had been served notice of a Lawsuit on behalf of the Town; there will be a discussion held May 21st in a Non-Public session with the Town’s Legal representation.
  11. The Road Agent and crew were complemented on their cleanup work done on Breezy Hill.
  12. The Board was asked about a lot line adjustment or variance option for property located at 71 West Main Street next to the Town Hall. The building appears to encroach upon Town land. If pursued further, this issue would need follow up with Town Lawyers to see what options there are to support a potential buyer.
  13. A thank you was issued to the Town for flying the Donate for Life flag through the month of April.
  14. The Warner River designation to the New Hampshire’s Rivers Management and Protection Program passed the State House of Representatives and Senate and is pending signature by the Governor.
  15. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed
  16. Minutes of the May 7th meeting were accepted.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3IIe

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to move to a Non-Public Session at 6:53pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Public Session at 7:20 pm

The Board adjourned the meeting.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:21pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday May 21, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn