Selectmen’s Minutes 03.24.14

Selectmen’s Minutes

March 24, 2014


Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Meeting was called to order at 5:35pm.  Harry Wright, Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle were in attendance.



  1. Marcia Keller requested the selectmen sign the contract with Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) to produce a Capital Improvement Plan for the town of Bradford.  Town Meeting approved $3000 for the preparation of this report.  The process consists of 7 Monthly meetings with the Town’s Department Heads beginning in April.  The timeline projects the report will be presented to the Planning Board for approval the end of October and complete by December 31, 2014.

The project will need a town coordinator and the selectmen requested Cheryl Behr act on the town’s behalf.

  1. Dick Keller requested the selectmen keep the budget committee informed of any budget transfers that would be required because of the extreme weather experienced this year.  Other shortfalls were mentioned as well and will also be addressed as the year progresses.  Harold Wright asked what budget transfers were discussed at the last meeting as he was not present.  John Pfeifle replied that discussion and decisions were put off until a full board was present, but possible solutions to the shortages were mention.  Some possibilities mentioned were curtaining of services for a few days during the upcoming year but that all were only suggestions.  Close watch of the budget as the year progresses will determine what changes will need to be made.


Mr. Keller also asked who would be the representative of the Board of Selectmen to the committee this year.  John Pfeifle will be the Selectmen’s representative to the Budget Committee.  Sonny Harris will remain the Selectmen’s Representative to the Planning Board.


Regular Business:

  1. The Board of Selectmen voted 2-1 to allow employees and their families to bid on Town equipment to be disposed of prior to offering it to the public or auction.  In the current case of the disposal of one of the town trucks, the amount of trade offered was $4500+/-.  An offer has been made by a family member for $7,000.  John Pfeifle and Sonny Harris vote in favor of offering surplus equipment to town employees first.  Harry Wright voted against – instead in favor of general public offering.
  2. Fire Dept Generator quote signed and accepted by the Board of Selectmen.  The generator cost will be shared (50%) with Dept of Homeland Security via grant money applied for last year.
  3. The Selectmen elected John Pfeifle as Chairman for 2014.
  4. Selectmen voted to send a letter to the Town of Henniker to continue to explore ambulance coverage.  Mark Goldberg reported to the Board of Selectmen the current status.  The possibilities of forming a Fast Squad were discussed.
  5. Selectmen will review a list of all committees needing to be re appointed and address next week.  This will include the Town Hall Restoration Committee and the activation of a Highway/Road Committee.  Cheryl will provide the Board with a list.
  6. Selectmen signed the MS-2 Appropriations Actually Voted by the Town (DRA form).
  7. Parade inquiries have been received.  Selectmen have been in touch with Perry Teele and are looking for other volunteers.  Marlene Freyler was asked if she would return to the committee, but she declined.
  8. Mr. Phil DaVanza has been contacted by Chris Way to repair the chimes on the Town Clock.  A date will be set for the repairs and there has been an estimate of $500 – $700.00
  9. The Selectmen voted to move the meeting to a non-public session per RSA 91A:3IIa and d.   The Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes. Time out 6:50pm.