Select Board Minutes 02.01.11

Minutes of the February 1, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting

Public Session

The meeting was opened at 9:00 am. In attendance were Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney and Harold Wright, Selectmen, Sandra Wright, Cheryl Behr and Jessica Selby. The motion was made to move to non-public session per RSA 91A3II (d) to interview a prospective occupant and a rental proposal for the Bradford Area Community Center. Vote was unanimous to move to non public.

Selectmen closed the non-public session at 10:30am.

In lieu of the bad weather, a motion was made and seconded and unanimous vote to continue the meeting in public session rather than meet again in the evening in order to complete the recommendations on Warrant Articles for the Budget Committee. The Selectmen reviewed and recorded their recommendations on the following warrant articles:

Bond for weatherization of the town hall. This bond was withdrawn and replaced with a warrant article for the insulation and repairs of the town hall. Confusion over the bonding and the actual work allowed under the CDFA weatherization loan program, as well as the non recommendation by the budget committee, caused the board to rethink the bond and vote unanimously to remove it from consideration.

January 31, 2011 an email was received from the Kearsarge Health coalition requesting money for a drug education program for teenagers in our school district. The lateness of the request and the lack of time to research the matter resulted in the board unanimously voting to not approve the request.

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to remove the warrant article regarding the establishment of a Department of Public Works because of issues raised by the town attorney regarding the wording of the warrant. Further investigation is needed on the matter and a warrant will be suggested at a future time.

The Bement Bridge Warrant Article was unanimously removed by the board because of uncertainty of the cost and type of roof required.

An additional warrant article for culvert relining on Davis road was unanimously approved for $24,000.

An article for 4,200 feet of full depth reclamation and resurfacing was not added to the warrant because of the late submittal.

The Board discussed the amount of to request on a Tax Anticipation Note Line of Credit. They voted unanimously to increase the amount to $400,000. Cheryl will contact Lake Sunapee Savings bank with that information.

The Board signed the final amendment for the West Road Bridge engineering contract ($7,800).

Two petition warrant articles were with the Town Clerk for signature verification and have not yet been considered by the Board.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 11:30 am. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.

The meeting was opened at 9:00 am. In attendance were Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney and Harold Wright, Selectmen, Sandra Wright, Cheryl Behr and Jessica Selby. The motion was made to move to non-public session per RSA 91A3II(d) to interview a prospective occupant and a rental proposal for the Bradford Area Community Center. Vote was unanimous to move to non public. Jessica Selby met with the board and presented her proposal and answered questions placed by the Board.

The Board thanked Ms. Selby and indicated they would make their decision within two weeks.

Non Public meeting continued with a motion to move to non public per RSA 91A3II(a) to discuss a progressive disciplinary action of suspension without pay of one employee. The Board will prepare a letter implementing a two day suspension without pay time to be determined by the supervisor.

Additional personnel issues were discussed for two departments and the possible actions to take concerning unauthorized purchases in one department and unauthorized personnel in the workplace for another. No decision was made at this time to pursue action on either issue.

Selectmen closed the non-public session at 10:30am.