Selectmen’s minutes 02.07.11

Selectmen’s meeting February 7th 2011

The meeting was opened at 9:00 am. The Board of Selectmen will interview the three highest scoring proposals for the Bradford Sidewalk Project.

Dubois and King-

Fay, Spofford & Thorndike


All three firms presented interesting and different proposals on approaching the East Main Street Project. The presentations lasted 15-30 minutes with the Board spending the next 15 minutes of each interview in specific questions for the presenters. The Board thanked each group for their interest in the Town and will make a formal decision at a later date

The Board then moved and voted unanimously to meet in non public session per RSA 91A3II (d) with Day Care firms on their proposals for the rental space at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Sue Rayno of Live Wire Daycare explained her plans for the space and made some suggestions to the Board regarding the type of Lease arrangement she was interested in. The Board questioned her on the age and number of children as well as number of staff and qualifications.

Karen Hambleton representing Kearsarge Area Preschool (KAP) and Will Hurley (parent) met with the Board and reviewed the same topics, explaining their approach to issues and problems. KAP is a non-profit preschool.

The Board will meet at a later date to consider the three proposals.

The Board came out of non public session at 1:10 pm.

The Selectmen then met with Kate Dobrowski, part time director of the Bradford Area Community Center. Kate had questions regarding room rates and space rental to a Zumba instructor. The selectmen answered her questions and agreed to review the rental information and make a decision on the rates by February 16th. Meanwhile, the rates for a two hour period would be $25.00. The Board did not wish to enter into a night time competition between competing Zumba Instructors so instructed Kate to offer the space to the Zumba instructor days at the $25.00 rate. If the Evening Instructor cancels her program, the evening rental could be offered to the daytime person. The Board will get back to Kate after their decision on February 16th.

Kate also had questions concerning her work hours on snow days, sick days and holidays. She requested the Board agree to let her “make up” missed hours to allow her to have a steady 20 hours work week. Selectmen Meaney questioned setting a precedent for all part time employees to rearrange hours and the importance of maintaining the posted schedule of 1-5pm. The decision was made to deal with the situation on each individual case and that the Board of Selectmen would make the decision.

Peter Fenton requested the Board move to non public session per RSA91A3II a to discuss personnel issues with Kate. The motion was seconded and vote unanimous at 2:00pm.

The board returned from non public session at 3:30 and returned to the rating of the engineering interviews. The recording of the interview grades created the following ranking:

1. Highest SEA/Kleinfelder

2. Dubois & King

3. Fay, Stoddard & Thorndike

Cheryl will prepare the necessary letters of notice and contact the highest ranked firm.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:00pm